Department of Physics Research

Research publications


        1. A. K. Mishra, Sarang Medhekar, J. Parashar, Mukesh Kumar, “Investigation of plasma cladded optical fiber for dynamic manipulations of its propagation properties”, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics (accepted)
        2. Satchi Kumari, Alok Kumar and  Sarang  Medhekar, 2021, Slow light in rod type 2D photonic crystal waveguide comprising of cavity :optimization and analysis, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Vol-231,166438, ISSN-00304026,
        3. Rahbar Ali, D Singh, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, Asif Khan, M Afzal Ansari, RP Singh, S Muralithar, 2021, "Projectile Break-up Effect on Fusion in 16O+ 156Gd Reaction at Energy Range 4.3-6.3 MeV/A", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, 59: 103, ISSN: 0975-1041,



        1. Alok Kumar and Sarang Medhekar, 2020, All optical NOR and NAND gates using four circular cavities created in 2D nonlinear photonic crystal, Optics & Laser Technology,(2020) vol 123, p-105910,ISSN-0030-3992,
        2. Amritraj Mahato, D Singh, Pankaj K Giri, Sneha B Linda, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, M Afzal Ansari, R Kumar, S Muralithar, RP Singh, 2020, "Probing of incomplete fusion dynamics in  14N+124Sn system and its correlation with various entrance channel effects", European Physical Journal A 56: 131, ISSN: 1434-601X,
        3. Pankaj K Giri, Amritraj Mahato, D Singh, Sneha B Linda, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, M Afzal Ansari, R Kumar, S Muralithar, RP Singh, 2020, "Disentangling of incomplete fusion dynamics at low energies≈ 4-6 MeV/A", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 58: 371, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        4. Amritraj Mahato, Pankaj K Giri, D Singh, Nitin Sharma, Sneha B Linda, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, Nabendu K Deb, M Afzal Ansari, R Kumar, S Muralithar, RP Singh, 2020, " Effect of projectile breakup in the system 19F+ 154Sm", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 58: 386, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        5. T. Patri, J. P. Kumar, A. Ghosh, and P. D. Babu, (2020), Tunable Polarization and Enhanced Multiferroic Response of W/Co co-doped Bi4LaFeTi3O15 Aurivillius Ceramics, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 128 (15), pp.154102 (1-17).
        6. D. S. Saini, A. Ghosh, S. Tripathy, A. Kumar, S. K. Sharma, N. Kumar, S. Majumdar, and D. Bhattacharya, (2020), A Promising Proton Conducting Electrolyte BaZr1-xHoxO3-d (0.05 £ x £ 0.2) Ceramics for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Scientific Reports, Vol.10, pp. 3461 (1-12).
        7. B. Singh, S. Prajapati, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2020. Impact energy- and angular dependence of L X-ray emission from thick W (Z=74) element induced by 15-25keV electrons, atoms, 8(4): 82. ISSN:2218-2004, DOI: 10.3390/atoms8040082.
        8. S. Prajapati, B. Singh, S. Kumar, B.K. Singh, C.A. Quarles and R. Shanker, 2020. Absolute double differential cross sections of bremsstrahlung produced from 4.0keV electrons incident on free Ar atoms. atoms, 8(4): 72. ISSN:2218-2004, DOI: 10.3390/atoms8040072.


        1. Alok Kumar and  Sarang  Medhekar, 2019, “All optical NOT and NOR gates using interference in the structures based on 2D linear photonic crystal ring resonator”, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 179 (2019) 237–243, ISSN-0030-4026,
        2. Alok Kumar and  Sarang  Medhekar, 2019, “Wavelength Filter Based on Photonic Crystal Resonant Cavity”, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, (2019) p. 1-13, ISSN-1944-8325
        3. Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, D. Singh, Sneha B. Linda, Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, M. Afzal Ansari, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh, 2019,  "Examination of break-up fusion in the 16O + 148Nd system through measurements of forward recoil range distributions and angular distributions", Physical Review C 100: 054604, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        4. D. Singh, Sneha B. Linda, Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, M. Afzal Ansari, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R.P. Singh, 2019, “Investigation of breakup fusion in 16O +124Sn system and its correlation with various entrance channel parameters”,International Journal of Modern Physics E 28: 09, ISSN: 0218-3013,
        5. Pankaj K. Giri, D. Singh, Amritraj Mahato, Sneha B. Linda, Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, Siddharth Parasari, Asif Ali, M. Afzal Ansari, Rakesh Dubey, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh, 2019, "Systematic study of low-energy incomplete-fusion dynamics in the 16O + 148Nd system: Role of target deformation", Physical Review C 100: 024621, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        6. D. Singh,Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, Sneha B. Linda,  R. Tripathi,Harish Kumar, M. Afzal Ansari, N.P.M. Sathik, Rahbar Ali,  R. Kumar,S. Muralitharand R. P. Singh, 2019, "Probing incomplete fusion dynamics and role of the projectile deformation in 19F + 154Sm system", European Physical Journal A 55: 164, ISSN: 1434-601X,
        7. Suhail A. Tali , Harish Kumar, M. Afzal Ansari, Asif Ali, D. Singh, Rahbar Ali, Pankaj K. Giri, Sneha B. Linda, R. Kumar, Siddharth Parashari, S. Muralithar, and R. P. Singh, 2019, " Systematic study of the break-up fusion process in the 12C + 165Ho system and interplay of entrance channel parameters", Physical Review C 100: 024622, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        8. Pankaj K Giri, Amritraj Mahato, D Singh, Sneha B Linda, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, R Ali, N P M Sathik, M Afzal Ansari, R Kumar, S Muralithar & R P Singh, 2019, "Incomplete momentum transfer in 16O + 148Nd system at energy ≈5.8 MeV/nucleon", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 619, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        9. Pankaj K Giri, Amritraj Mahato, D Singh, Sneha B Linda, Abhilash S R, Nabendu K Deb, G R Umapathy, S Ojha, D Kabiraj & S Chopra, 2019, " Fabrication and characterization of enriched 154,144Sm and 142,148Nd targets on Al-backing for Nuclear Physics Experiments at IUAC, New Delhi, India", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 675, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        10. D Singh, Aditya Maurya, Pankaj K Giri, Amritraj Mahato, Sneha B Linda, Pramod K Shrotriya & M Afzal Ansari, 2019, " Pre-equilibrium particle emission in alpha induced reactions", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57(2019) 696, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        11. Sneha B Linda, Pankaj K Giri, D. Singh, Amritraj Mahato, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, M Afzal Ansari, R Kumar, S Muralithar & R P Singh, 2019, "Study of incomplete fusion dynamics on various entrance channel parameters", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 548, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        12. Pankaj K Giri, D. Singh, Sneha B Linda, Amritraj Mahato, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, M Afzal Ansari, R Kumar, R P Singh & S Muralithar, 2019, "Dependency of incomplete fusion on target deformation", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57(2019) 552, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        13. Amritraj Mahato, D. Singh, Pankaj K Giri, Sneha B Linda, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, M Afzal Ansari, R Kumar, S Muralithar & R P Singh, 2019, "Measurement of excitation functions in 14N- ion induced reactions", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 557, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        14. D. Singh, Sneha B Linda, Pankaj K Giri, Amritraj Mahato, Utkarsh, Pramod K Shrotriya,  A K Mishra & M Afzal Ansari, 2019, "Pre-equilibrium particle emission due to heavy and light ion interactions", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 580, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        15. Rahbar Ali, D. Singh, Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, M Afzal Ansari & M H Rashid, 2019, " Signature of incomplete fusion reaction in 20Ne + 159Tb system: Entrance channel parameters effect", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 570, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        16. Harish Kumar, Suhail A Tali, M Afzal Ansari, Rahbar Ali, D. Singh, Naseef M P N, R Kumar, K S Golda, R P Singh & S Muralithar, 2019, "Study of break-up fusion process from forward recoil range distribution measurement", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 540, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        17. Suhail A Tali, Harish Kumar, M Afzal Ansari, Asif Ali, D. Singh, Rahbar Ali, Pankaj K Giri, Sneha B Linda, R Kumar, Siddharth Parashari, R P Singh & S Muralithar, 2019, "Role of alpha cluster over non alpha cluster projectile in low energy incomplete fusion reaction dynamics", Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics 57: 544, ISSN: 0975-1041,
        18. D. Singh, Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, Sneha B. Linda, Harish Kumar, M. Afzal Ansari, Rahbar Ali, Suhail A.Tali, M. H. Rashid, R.Guin and S. K. Das, 2019,  “Probing of incomplete fusion dynamics and its correlation with various systematic”, Nuclear Physics A 981: 75, ISSN: 0375-9474,
        19. Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, M. Afzal Ansari, D. Singh, Rahbar Ali, Asif Ali, Siddharth Parashari,Pankaj K. Giri, Sneha B. Linda, R. Kumar, R. P. Singh, and S. Muralithar,2019, "Systematic study of incomplete-fusion dynamics below 8 MeV/nucleon energy", Physical Review C 99: 034610, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        20. C. Rodrigues, A. Gomes, A. Ghosh, A. Pereira, and J. Ventura, (2019), Power-Generating Footwear Based on a Triboelectric-Electromagnetic-Piezoelectric Hybrid Nanogenerator, Nano Energy, Vol. 62, pp.660-666.
        21. T. Patri, P. Justin, P. D. Babu and A. Ghosh, (2019), Analysis of Dielectric and Magnetic Phase Transitions in Yb(Fe0.5Cr0.5)O3 Bulk Perovskite, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Vol.125, pp.224 (1-12).
        22. Indrani Nilima and Vineet kumar Agotiya,2019. Equation of state and charmonium suppression in Heavy ion collisions.Advances in High Energy Physics,Volume-2019:page-1,ISSN:2356-6140,
        23. VK Agotiya and I Nilima,2019.On the fate of quarkonia in quark gluon plasma medium with in a Quasi-particle model.Indian journal of pure and Applied Physics,Volume-57:page:531-535,ISSN:04097467
        24. B. Singh, S. Prajapati, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2019. Angular and impact energy dependence of intensity ratio of Kα,β X-rays to underneath bremsstrahlung radiation emitted from 15 to 25keV electrons incident on Cu target. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 148: 126, ISSN: 0969-8043, DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.03.022.
        25. S. Prajapati, B. Singh, S. Kumar, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2019. Experimental evidence of molecular coherence effects in bremsstrahlung radiation processes. Journal of physics B. 52: 145201, ISSN: 0953-4075, DOI:10.1088/1361-6455/ab22f1.
        26. S. Prajapati, B. Singh, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2019. Spectral energy and angular distributions of bremsstrahlung radiation produced by 3.5keV electrons in scattering with a free SF6 molecule. European Physical Journal D, 73(7): 1. ISSN: 1434-6060, DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2019-90655-5.
        27. S. Prajapati, S. Kumar, B. Singh, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2019. A study of the mean kinetic energy of recoil ions from ion-charge-resolved electron spectra produced in 3.5keV electron-argon collisions. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 230: 46. ISSN: 0368-2048, DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2018.02.002


        1. Alok Kumar, Man  Mohan  Gupta and  Sarang  Medhekar, 2018, All-optical NOT and AND Gates based on 2D Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Ring Resonant Cavity, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 167 (2018) 164–169, ISSN-0030-4026,
        2. D. Singh, Sneha B. Linda, Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, R. Tripathi, Harish Kumar, M. Afzal Ansari, N.P.M.Sathik, Rahbar Ali, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R.P. Singh, 2018, “Role of input angular momentum and target deformation on the incomplete-fusion dynamics in the 16O + 154Sm system at Elab≈6.2 MeV/nucleon”,Physical Review C 97: 064604, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        3. D. Singh, Sneha B. Linda, Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, R. Tripathi, Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, Siddharth Parashari, Asif Ali, Rakesh Dubey, M. Afzal Ansari, R. Kumar, S. Muralithar, and R.P. Singh, 2018, “Measurement of excitation functions of evaporation residues in the 16O + 124Sn reaction and investigation of the dependence of incomplete fusion dynamics on entrance channel parameters”,Physical Review C 97: 064610, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        4. Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, M. Afzal Ansari, D. Singh, Rahbar Ali,  Kamal Kumar, N.P.M. Sathik, Asif Ali, Siddharth Parashari, R. Dubey, Indu Bala, R. Kumar, R.P. Singh, S. Muralithar, 2018, “Sensitivity of low-energy incomplete fusion to various entrance-channel parameters”, European Physical Journal A 54: 47, ISSN: 1434-601X,
        5. Suhail A. Tali, Harish Kumar, M. Afzal Ansari, Asif Ali, D. Singh, Rahbar Ali,  Pankaj K. Giri, Sneha B. Linda, Siddharth Parashari, R. Kumar, R.P.Singh, S. Muralithar, 2018, “Study of incomplete fusion reaction dynamics in 13C+ 165Ho system and its dependence on various entrance channel parameters”, Nuclear Physics A 970: 208-223, ISSN: 0375-9474,
        6. D. S. Saini, A. Ghosh, S. Tripathy, S. K. Sharma, A. Kumar, and D. Bhattacharya, (2018),Improved Conductivity of Spark Plasma Sintered Ho-Substituted BaZrO3 Electrolyte Ceramics for IT-SOFCs, ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol.1 No.7, pp.3469-3478.
        7. D. S. Saini, S. Tripathy, A. Kumar, S. K. Sharma, A. Ghosh and D. Bhattacharya, (2018), Impedance and Modulus Spectroscopic Analysis of Single Phase BaZrO3 Ceramics for SOFC Application, Ionics, Vol.24, No.4, pp.1161–1171.
        8. Indrani Nilima and Vineet Kumar Agotiya, 2018. Bottomonium suppression in nucleus-nucleus collisions using effective fugacity quasi-particle mode. Advances in High Energy Physics, volume-2018:12 pages,ISSN:2356-6140
        9. Mohammad Yousuf Jamal, Indrani Nilima, Vinod Chandra, and Vineet Kumar Agotiya,2018.Dissociation of heavy quarkonia in an anisotropic hot QCD medium in a quasiparticle Model, Phys. Rev. D ,volume-97(9):page-1:ISSN:1550-2368
        10. Indrani Nilima and Vineet Kumar Agotiya,2018.Dissociation of 1P states in hot QCD medium using quasi-Particle Model, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, volume-15:page135-142:ISSN:1573-174X, doi:10.1134/S1547477118020085.
        11. B. Singh, S. Kumar, S. Prajapati, B.K. Singh, X. Llovet and R. Shanker, 2018.       Measurement of the angular distribution of thick target bremsstrahlung produced by 10-25keV electrons incident on Ti and Cu targets. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 150: 82, ISSN: 0969-806X, DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2018.04.027.
        12. B. Singh, S. Kumar, S. Prajapati, B.K. Singh, X. Llovet and R. Shanker, 2018. Angular dependence of Kβ/Kα intensity ratios of thick Ti and Cu pure elements from 10-25keV electron bombardment. Indian Journal of Physics. 92: 827. ISSN: 0973-1458, DOI: 10.1007/s12648-018-1184-6.
        13. S. Kumar, S. Prajapati, B. Singh, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2018. Formation, stability and dissociation dynamics of N2 n+ cations (n=1-2) in 3.5keV e - -N2 collisions studied by energy resolved electron-ion coincidence technique. Journal of Physics B, 51: 075201. ISSN: 0953-4075, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6455/aaad93.
        14.  S. Prajapati, B. Singh, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2018. Study of anisotropy of bremsstrahlung radiation emitted from 4.0keV electrons in scattering by CH4 molecule. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 153: 92. ISSN: 0969-806X, DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2018.09.015.


        1. D. Singh, Sneha B. Linda, Pankaj K. Giri, Amritraj Mahato, R. Tripathi, Harish Kumar, M. Afzal Ansari, N.P.M.Sathik, Rahbar Ali, Rakesh Kumar, S. Muralithar, R.P. Singh, 2017, “Spin distribution of evaporation residues formed in complete and incomplete fusion in 16O + 154Sm system”,Physics Letters B 774: 7-13, ISSN: 0370-2693,
        2. Rahbar Ali,  M. Afzal Ansari, D. Singh, Rakesh Kumar, D. P. Singh, M.K. Sharma, Unnati Gupta, B.P. Singh, P.D. Shidling, Dinesh Negi, S. Muralithar, R.P. Singh, R.K. Bhowmik, 2017, “Observed side feeding in incomplete fusion dynamics in 16O +160Gd reaction at energy ~5-6 MeV/A: Spin distribution measurements”, Nuclear Physics A 968: 403-413, ISSN: 0375-9474,
        3. Harish Kumar, Suhail A. Tali, M. Afzal Ansari, D. Singh, Rahbar Ali,  Kamal Kumar, N.P.M.Sathik, Siddharth Parashari, Asif Ali, R. Dubey, Indu Bala, Rakesh Kumar, R.P.Singh, S. Muralithar, 2017, “Investigation of incomplete fusion dynamics at energy 4–8 MeV/nucleon”, Nuclear Physics A 960: 53–77, ISSN: 0375-9474,
        4. S. S. Bhattacharjee, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, Indu Bala, R. Garg, S. Rajbanshi, D. Singh, A. Dhal, M. Kumar Raju, S. Saha, J. Sethi, and R. Palit, 2017,  “Shape evolution with increasing angular momentum in the 66Ga nucleus”, Physical Review C 95: 054330, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        5. B. Singh, S. Kumar, S. Prajapati, B.K. Singh, X. Llovet and R. Shanker, 2017. Measurement of angular distributions of K X-ray intensity of Ti and Cu thick targets following impact of 10-25keV electrons. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 216: 17-22, ISSN: 0368-2048, DOI: 10.1016/j.elspec.2017.02.002.
        6. S. Kumar, S. Prajapati, B. Singh, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2017. Electron excited multiply charged Argon ions studied by means of an energy resolved electron- ion coincidence technique. European Physical Journal D. 71(3): 1, ISSN: 1434-6060, DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2016-70583-8.
        7. S. Kumar, S. Prajapati, B. Singh, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2017. An experimental setup for studying the core-excited atoms and molecules by electron impact using energy analysed electron-ion coincidence technique. Indian Journal of Physics, 91(7): 721. ISSN: 0973-1458, DOI: 10.1007/s12648-017-0973-7.


        1. Man  Mohan  Gupta,  Sarang  Medhekar, 2016, All-optical  NOT  and  AND  gates  using  counter  propagating  beams  in nonlinear  Mach–Zehnder  interferometer  made  of  photonic  crystal waveguides, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 127  (2016)  1221–1228, ISSN-0030-4026,
        2. Man Mohan Gupta and Sarang Medhekar, 2016, Three port asymmetric (three port ordered-route) light transmission in a linear, time independent and non-magnetic structure of photonic crystals, Euro Physics Letters 113(3) (2016), 34004, ISSN-1286-4854,
        3. Man Mohan Gupta and Sarang Medhekar, 2016, Asymmetric light reflection at the reflecting layer incorporated in a linear, time-independent and non-magnetic two-dimensional photonic crystal, Euro Physics Letters, 114 (2016) 54002, ISSN-1286-4854,
        4. A. Shamlath, M. Shareef, E. Prasad, P. Sugathan, R.G. Thomas, A. Jhingan, S. Appannababu, A.K. Nasirov, A.M. Vinodkumar,  K.M. Varier, C. Yadav, B.R.S. Babu, S. Nath, G. Mohanto, IshMukul, D. Singh, S. Kailas, 2016,Fission fragment mass distribution studies in 30Si + 180Hf reaction.” Nuclear Physics A, 945: 67, ISSN: 0375-9474,
        5. T. Patri, P Justin, K. Prabahar and A. Ghosh, (2016) Raman and Dielectric Spectroscopic Analysis of Magnetic Phase Transition in Y(Fe0.5Cr0.5)O3 Multiferroic Ceramics, Ceramics International, Vol.42, No.12, pp.13834-13840.
        6. Vineet Kumar Agotiya, Vinod Chandra, M. Yousuf Jamal, and Indrani Nilima,2016.Dissociation of heavy quarkonium in hot QCD medium in a quasiparticle model.Phys.Rev.D,volume-94(9):page-1:ISSN:1550-2368.
        7. S. Kumar, P. Bhatt, S. Prajapati, B. Singh, B.K. Singh and R. Shanker, 2016. Measurement of ion species produced due to bombardment of 450 eV N2+ ions with hydrocarbons-covered surface of tungsten: Formation of tungsten nitride. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 380: 50, ISSN: 0168-583X, DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2016.05.004


        1. Shraddha Prasad, Ram Krishna Sarkar, Sarang Medhekar, 2015, Coupled tapering/uptapering of dark soliton pair in nonlinear media, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 126 (2015) 677–680, ISSN-0030-4026,
        2. A. H. Arnous, Mohammad Mirzazadeh, Seithuti Moshokoa, Sarang Medhekar, Qin Zhou, M. F. Mahmood, Anjan Biswas and Milivoj Belic, 2015, “Solitons in optical metamaterials with trial solution approach and Backlund transform of Riccati equation”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 12, 5940–5948, 2015, ISSN-1546-1963,
        3. D Singh. S Bharti Linda, Pankaj Kumar Giri, H. Kumar, Rahbar Ali,M Afzal Ansari and N.P.M. Sathik, 2015, “Effect of the critical angular momentum on incomplete fusion dynamics,”Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Application, 3(1): 13-17, ISSN: 2321-8649, DOI 10.15415/jnp.2015.31003.
        4. H. Kumar, Rahbar Ali, D. Singh, Naseef M. P. N.,  M Afzal Ansari, K. S. Golda, S. Muralithar, Rakesh Kumar, J. J. Das, R. P. Singh and R. K. Bhowmik, 2015, “Influence of  incomplete fusion Reaction on   Complete Fusion Below 10MeV/ Nuclceon  Energies,” Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Application, 3(1): 47-54, ISSN: 2321-8649, DOI 10.15415/jnp.2015.31007.
        5. M. Kumar Raju, D. Negi, S. Muralither, R. P. Singh, J. A. Sheikh, G. H. Bhat, R. Kumar, Indu Bala, T. Trivedi, A. Dhal, K. Rani, R. Gurjar, D. Singh, R. Palit, B. S. Naidu, S. Saha, J. Sethi, R. Donthi and S. Jadhav, 2015, "High Spin spectroscopy and shape evolution in 105Cd", Physical Review C 91: 024319, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        6. D. Singh, Rahbar Ali, M. Afzal Ansari, R. Kumar, R. P. Singh, S. Muralither and R. K. Bhowmik, 2015, "Effect of the Target Deformation on Incomplete Fusion Dynamics", EPJ Web of Conferences 86: 00051, ISSN: 2100-014X,
        7. Arfat Firdous, M. Aslam Baba, D. Singh, Abdul Hamid Bha, 2015, Optical and impedance studies of pure and Ba-doped ZnS quantum dots, Applied Nanoscience. 05: 201, ISSN: 2190-5509,


        1. R. K. Choubey S. Medhekar,  R. Kumar S. Mukherjee Sunil Kumar, 2014, Study of nonlinear optical properties of organic dye by Z-scan technique using He–Ne laser, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, ISSN-1573-482X, DOI 10.1007/s10854-014-1743-3,
        2. Man Mohan Gupta and S Medhekar, 2014, Switching Behavior of Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based on Photonic Crystal Geometry, Pramana Vol. 82, No. 6, 2014, pp. 1061–1074,ISSN-0973-7111,
        3. Man Mohan Gupta and Sarang  Medhekar, 2014, A versatile optical junction using photonic band-gap guidance and self- collimation, Applied Physics Letters 105, 131104 (2014);ISSN-1077-3118, doi: 10.1063/1.4896622
        4. D. Singh, Rahabar Ali, M. Afzal Ansari, B.S. Tomar, M. H. Rashid , S. K.  Das, R. Kumar,   R.P. Singh, S. Muralither, R. K. Bhowmik, 2014,“Probing of complete and incomplete fusion dynamics in heavy ion colloision”, Pramana Journal of Physics, 82: 683, ISSN: 304-4289,
        5. S. Adhikari, C. Basu, I. J. Thompson, P. Sugathan, A. Jhinghan, K. S. Golda, A. Babu, D. Singh, S. Ray, and A. K. Mitra, 2014, Observation of a breakup-induced \alpha-transfer process for some bound states of 16O populated by the 12C(6Li,d)16O* reaction,”Physical Review C, 89: 044618, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        6. D. Singh, R. Ali, Harish Kumar, M. Afzal Ansari, M. H. Rashid, and R. Guin, 2014, "Investigation of complete and incomplete fusion dynamics of 20Ne induced reactions at energies above the Coulomb barrier", AIP Conference Proceedings 1609: 39, ISSN: 0094-243X,
        7. Rahbar Ali, D. Singh, M. Afzal Ansari, Rakesh Kumar, S. Muralithar, K. S. Golda, R. P. Singh, M. H. Rashid, R. Guin, S. K. Das, and R. K. Bhowmik, 2014, "An overview on incomplete fusion reaction dynamics at energy range ∼ 3-8 MeV/A", AIP Conference Proceedings 1609: 110,
        8. Vineet Kumar Agotiya and Indrani Nilima,2014.Charmonium Suppression in a Strongly Interacting Quark Gluon Plasma, Review of Applied Physics, volume-3,page:35-39,ISSN:1931-9401.
        9. J. K. Baral, A. Sharma, D. Wang, D. Ma, V. –V. Truong, & R. Izquierdo, (2014). “Enhanced Photovoltaic Conversion Efficiency in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells upon Incorporating Nanohybridized PbS Quantum Dots/Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes”, Euro. Phys. J. - Appl. Phys. 65 (01), 10201.


        1. Shraddha Prasad, Ram Krishna Sarkar and  Sarang Medhekar, 2013, Coupled tapering/uptapering of soliton pairs in nonlinear media, Optik - Int. J. Light, Electron Opt., 124 (2013) 6661–  6665, ISSN-0030-4026,
        2. Dharmendra Singh, Mohammad Afzal Ansari, Rahbar Ali, Nooruddin P. M. Sathik, Bhupendra S. Tomar and Mohammad Ismail, 2013, “Reaction Mechanism in 16O Ion Interaction with Light Nuclei 45Sc, 74Ge and Mass-Asymmetry Effect on Incomplete Fusion Dynamics, ”Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82: 114201, ISSN: 0031-9015,
        3. Arfat Firdous, D.Singh and M.M. Ahmad, 2013,  “Electrical and optical studies of pure and Ni-doped CDS quantum dots,”Applied Nanoscience. 3: 13, ISSN: 2190-5509,
        4. A. Ghosh, N. Karak and T K Kundu, (2013), Effect of Co Doping on Optical Behaviors in ZnO Nanorods, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1536, pp.177-178.
        5. M. R. Beaulieu §, J. K. Baral §, N. R. Hendricks, Y. Tang, A. L. Briseño, & J. J. Watkins, (2013). “Solution Processable High Dielectric Constant (k) Nanocomposites based on ZrO2 Nanoparticles for Flexible Organic Transistors”, ACS – Appl. Materials & Interfaces (AMI) 05 (24), 13096−13103. § Equal Contribution.
        6. F. Liu, C. Wang, J. K. Baral, L. Zhang, J. J. Watkins, A. L. Briseño, & T. P. Russell, (2013). “Relating Chemical Structure to Device Performance via Morphology Control in Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Low Band Gap Polymers”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (JACS) 135 (51), 19248−19259.


        1. D. B. Lata, A. Mishra and S. Medhekar, Effect of hydrogen and LPG addition on the efficiency and emissions of a dual fuel diesel engine, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Vol. 37, Pages 6084–6096, 2012, ISSN-0360-3199,
        2. Arpita Srivastava and S. Medhekar, 2012, Switching Behavior of a Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Exponentially Saturable Nonlinearity, Optical Engineering , Vol. 51, Pages 074604-1 to 074604-4, 2012, ISSN-1560-2303,
        3. Arpita Srivastava, Sarang Medhekar, 2012, Effect of change in core width and core refractive index on the switching behavior of a nonlinear Mach–Zehnder interferometer, Optical Engineering 51(9), 094601 (September 2012), ISSN-1560-2303,
        4. D. Negi, T. Trivedi, A. Dhal,S. Kumar, V. Kumar, S. Roy, M. K. Raju, S. Appannababu, G. Mohanto, J. Kaur, R. K. Sinha, D. Choudhury, D. Singh, R. Kumar, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar,  A. K. Bhati, S. C. Pancholi and R. K. Bhowmik, 2012, “Shears mechanism in 109 In,”Physical Review  C, 85: 057301, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        5. C.Yadav, R. G. Thomas, R. K. Choudhury, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, S. Appannababu, K.    S. Golda, D. Singh, IshMukul, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, H. J. Wollersheim, 2012,  “Evidence of Quasifission in asymmetric reactions forming the 250Cf compound system,” Physical Review C, 85: 057301, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        6. D. Singh, R. Ali, M. Afzal Ansari, M. H. Rashid, R. Guinand  S. K. Das., 2012,“Observation of mass-asymmetry effect on incomplete fusion for 20Ne + 165Ho system”, Nuclear Physics A,  879: 107, ISSN: 0375-9474,
        7. S. Adhikari, C. Basu, I.J. Thompson, P. Sugathan, A. Jhinghan,K.S. Golda, A. Babu, D. Singh, S. Ray and A.K. Mitra, 2012, "Observation of Breakup Transfer Process for the Bound States of 16O Populated from 12C(6Li,d) Reaction at 20 MeV", AIP Conf. Proc. 1491: 359, ISSN: 0094-243X,
        8. P. Kundu, A. Ghosh, S. Das, and T. K. Bhattacharyya, (2012), Compatibility Study of Thin Passivation Layers with Hydrazine for Silicon-based MEMS Microthruster, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.45 No.9, pp.095302 (1-9).
        9. Vineet Agotiya, Lata Devi, Uttam Kakade and B. K. Patra,2012.Strongly-interacting QGP and quarkonium suppression at RHIC and LHC energies, International  J. of Mod. Phys. A Vol.27, page no.2:ISSN:0217-751X,
        10. B. K. Patra, Lata Devi, Uttam Kakade, Vineet Agotiya  and V. Chandra,2012.$chic_c$ and $chi_b$ states in hot quark gluon plasma,Journal of Modern Physics, volume-3(6), page483-49:ISSN:0217-715X,
        11. L. Zhang, N. S. Colella, F. Liu, S. Trahan, J. K. Baral, H. H. Winter, S. C. B. Mannsfeld, & A. L. Briseño, (2012). “Synthesis, Electronic Structure, Molecular Packing/Morphology Evolution, and Carrier Mobilities of Pure Oligo-/Poly(alkylthiophenes)”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (JACS) 135 (02), 844–854.


        1. Punya Prasanna Paltani and S. Medhekar, 2011, “Optimally Stabilized Beam Pairs”, OPTIK, vol. 122, issue 1, pp. 70-75(2011). ISSN-0030-4026,
        2. Punya Prasanna Paltani and S. Medhekar, 2011, All-optical Circulator Based on Cross Phase Modulation in a Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, OPTIK, Volume 122, Issue 5, March 2011, Pages 464-466, ISSN-0030-4026,
        3. Arpita Srivastava and S. Medhekar, 2011, Switching of One Beam by Another in a Kerr Type Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 43, issue 1, pp. 29-35(2011), ISSN-0030-3992,
        4. Arpita Srivastava, Ram Krishna Sarkar, Shraddha Prasad and S. Medhekar, 2011, “Coupled tapered /uptapered optical beams”, OPTIK, 122 (2011) 2039–  2043, ISSN-0030-3992,
        5. Arpita Srivastava and S. Medhekar, 2011, “Switching Behaviour of a Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer; Saturating Nonlinearity”, Optics & LaserTechnology 43 (2011) 1208–1211, ISSN-0030-3992,
        6. Shraddha Prasad, Ram Krishna Sarkar, Arpita Srivastava and S. Medhekar, 2011, Coupled Propagation in Electromagnetically Induced Transparent Medium; Thirring Type Soliton Pairs and Breather Pairs”, J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl., Vol. 25, 923–933, 2011, ISSN-09205071,
        7. D. B. Lata, A. Mishra and S. Medhekar, 2011, Investigations on the combustion parameters of a dual fuel diesel engine with hydrogen and LPG as secondary fuels, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Vol. 36, 13808–13819, 2011, ISSN-0360-3199,
        8. Arpita Srivastava, Man Mohan Gupta, S. Medhekar, 2011, Signal amplification based on the local nonlinear Mach–Zehnder interferometer Optics & Laser Technology, Vol. 44, 492–496, 2011, ISSN-0030-3992,
        9. D. Singh, R. Ali, M.Afzal Ansari, M. H. Rashid, R. Guinand  S. K.  Das., 2011, “Reaction mechanism in 20Ne +59Co System at 3-7 MeV/nucleon and observation of entrance  channel mass-assymetry on incomplete fusion fraction,” Physical Review C 83: 054604, ISSN: 2469-9985, 
        10. D. Singh, R. Ali, M. Afzal Ansari, M. H. Rashid and R. Guin., 2011,“Measurement and analysis of excitation functions and observation of mass-asymmetry effect on incomplete fusion dynamics,”EPJ Web of Conferences 17: 101, ISSN: 2100-014X,
        11.  N. Kumar, A. Ghosh, and R. N. P. Choudhary, (2011), Electrical Behavior of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)0.5(Fe0.5Nb0.5)0.5O3 Ceramics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.130, No.1-2, pp.381-386.
        12. D. Wang, J. K. Baral, H. Zhao, B. A. Gonfa, V. –V. Truong, M. A. Elkhakani, R. Izquierdo, & D. Ma, (2011). “Controlled Fabrication of PbS Quantum–Dot/Carbon–Nanotube Nano–Architecture and its Significant Contribution to Near Infrared Photon–to–Current Conversion”, Advanced Functional Materials 21 (21), 4010–4018.
        13. J. K. Baral, R. Izquierdo, M. Packirisamy, & V. –V. Truong, (2011). “Improved Polymer Solar Cell Performance by Engineering of Cathode Interface”, Euro. Phys. J. - Appl. Phys. 55 (03), 30202.


        1. Ram Krishna Sarkar and S. Medhekar, 2010, “Mutual-focusing of two co-propagating beams and formation of trapped spatial breather pair in saturable nonlinear media” OPTIK  121  (2010) p-339–346. ISSN-0030-4026,
        2. Arpita Srivastava, Punya Prasanna Paltani and S. Medhekar, 2010, Switching Behaviour of a Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Pramana, Vol.74 Number 4 (2010) p.575-590, ISSN-0973-7111,
        3. D. Singh, R. Ali, M. Afzal Ansari, K. SurendraBabu, P. P. Singh, M. K. Sharma, B. P. Singh, R. K. Sinha, Rakesh Kumar, S. Muralithar, R.  P. Singh and R. K. Bhowmik, 2010,  “Incomplete fusion dynamics by spin distribution measurements”, Physical Review C,  81: 027602, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        4. R. Ali, D. Singh, M. Afzal Ansari, M. H. Rashid, R. Guin and S. K. Das, 2010, “Investigation of incomplete fusion in 20Ne + 55Mn reactions at 3-8 MeV/nucleon, ”Journal of Physics G:  Nucl. & Part. Phys.37: 115101, ISSN: 0305-4616,
        5. B. K. Patra, Vineet  Agotiya, and V. Chandra,2010.Charmonium suppression in the presence of dissipative forces in a strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma,European Physical Journal C, 67, page:465-477,ISSN:0143-0807, DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1318-2
        6. A. Ghosh, and R. N. P. Choudhary, (2010), Growth and Microstructure for Visible Emission and Surface Optical Phonon of Zn-ZnO Nanostructure, Philosophical Magazine, Vol.90, No.6, pp.731-751.
        7. A. Ghosh, and R. N. P. Choudhary, (2010), Optical Emission and Absorption for Zn-ZnO Core-shell Nanostructures, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, Vol.5, No.2, pp.134-142.


        1. S. Medhekar and Punya prasanna Paltani, 2009, “Novel All-Optical Switch using Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer”,Fiber and Integrated Optics Vol.28 Number 3 (2009) p. 229-236, ISSN-0146-8030,
        2. S. Medhekar and Punya prasanna Paltani, 2009, “All-Optical transistor using counter propagating beams in a Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometer” Fiber and Integrated Optics Vol.28 Number 4 (2009) p. 268-274, ISSN-0146-8030,
        3. R. K. Sarkar and S Medhekar, 2009, Spatial soliton pairing of two cylindrical beams in saturable nonlinear media,   Progress In Electromagnetics Research M,Vol. 9, 53-64, 2009, ISSN-1937-8726, doi:10.2528/PIERM09082301
        4. P. P. Singh, B. P. Singh, M. K. Sharma, Unnati, R. Kumar, D. Singh, R.  P. Singh, S. Muralithar, M. A.  Ansari, R. Prasad and R. K. Bhowmik, 2009, “Probing of incomplete fusion dynamics by spin-distribution measurement,” Physics Letters B 671: 20, ISSN: 0370-2693,
        5. Pushpendra P. Singh, Abhishek Yadav, Devendra P. Singh, Unnati Gupta, Manoj K. Sharma, R. Kumar,   D. Singh, R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, M. A. Ansari, B. P. Singh, R. Prasad, and R. K. Bhowmik, 2009,  “Role of  high l values in the onset of incomplete fusion,” Physical Review C, 80: 064603, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        6. D. Singh, R. Ali, M.Afzal Ansari , M. H.Rashid, R.Guin and  S. K. Das, 2009,  “Reaction mechanism in the system  20Ne + 165Ho:Measurement and analysis of forward recoil range distributions”, Physical Review C, 79 : 054601, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        7. P. K. Samanta, S. K. Patra, A. Ghosh, and P. Roy Chaudhuri, (2009), Visible Emission from ZnO Nanorods Synthesized by a Simple Wet Chemical Method, International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol.1, No. 1-2, pp.81-90.
        8.  A. Ghosh, and R. N. P. Choudhary, (2009), Microstructural Aspects for Defect Emission and E2high Phonon Mode of ZnO Thin Films, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.105, No.12, pp.124906 (1-6).
        9. A. Ghosh, and R. N. P. Choudhary, (2009), Phonon Assisted Photoluminescence and Surface Optical Mode of Zn Embedded ZnO Nanostructure, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.42, No.7, pp.075416 (1-6).
        10. A. Ghosh, and R. N. P. Choudhary, (2009), Structural Evolution and Visible Photoluminescence of Zn-ZnO Nanophosphor, Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science, Vol.206, No.3, pp.535-539.
        11. Vineet Agotiya, V. Chandra, B. K. Patra, Dissociation of quarkonium in hot QCD medium: Modification of the inter-quark potential, Phys. Rev. C ,volume-80(2),page:1, ISSN:2469-9993, 80.


        1. D. Singh, M.Afzal Ansari, R.Ali., N. P. M. Sathik and M. Ismail, 2008, “A Study of  Excitation Functions for Some Residues Produced in the System 16O+74Ge below 7 MeV/nucleon.”, Chinese Journal of Physics 46: 27, ISSN: 0577-9073,
        2.  Pushpendra P. Singh, B. P. Singh,Manoj Kumar Sharma, Unnati, R. Kumar, K. S. Golda, D. Singh,R. P. Singh, S. Muralithar, M. A. Ansari, R. Prasad, and R. K. Bhowmik, 2008, "Spin-distribution measurement: A sensitive probe for incomplete fusion dynamics", Physical Review C, 78: 017602, ISSN: 2469-9985,
        3. K. Pradeesh, C.J. Oton, V. K. Agotiya, M. Raghavendra, and G. Vijaya Prakash, 2008. Optical properties of Er3+ doped alkali-chloro phosphate glasses for optical amplifiers”. Optical materials,volume-31,page:155,ISSN:0925-3467, doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2008.02.007.
        4. A. Laiho, H. S. Majumdar, J. K. Baral, F. Jansson, R. Österbacka, & O. Ikkala, (2008). “Tuning the Electrical Switching of Polymer/Fullerene Nanocomposite Thin Film Devices by Control of Morphology”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 203309.
        5. D. Wei, J. K. Baral, R. Österbacka, & A. Ivaska, (2008). “Electrochemical Fabrication of Nonvolatile Memory Devices based on Polyaniline and Gold Nanoparticles”, J. Mater. Chem. 18 (16), 1853 – 1857.
        6. An eye-catching 3-D fine artwork image was selected to appear on Front Cover Gallery of J. Mater. Chem. to represent my Ph.D research work highlights. This published fine-artwork will be found here on the web of J. Mater. Chem. vol. 18 | issue 16 | Pages 1821–1936 | 28 April 2008 |.!divAbstract
        7. D. Wei, J. K. Baral, R. Österbacka, & A. Ivaska,  (2008). “Memory Effect in Ionic Liquid Matrix Containing Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Polystyrene”, Nanotechnology 19 (05), 055203.
        8. J. K. Baral, H. S. Majumdar, A. Laiho, H. Jiang, E. I. Kauppinen, R. H. A. Ras, J. Ruokolainen, O. Ikkala, & R. Österbacka, (2008). “Organic Memory using [6,6]–phenyl–C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM): Morphology, Thickness and Concentration Dependence Studies”, Nanotechnology 19 (03), 035203. Ph.D research work has been highlighted on the cover gallery of for monthly news bulletins. This published monthly news bulletin as a LAB TALK will be found here on the website.



        1. S Medhekar and Punya Prasanna Paltani, 2007, “All-Optical Switching and Tunable Wavelength Filtering in Grating Assisted Directional Coupler” Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics Vol. 36 , (2007) pp-81-90, ISSN-1944-8325
        2. Punya P. Paltani and S. Medhekar, 2007, “Synchronous Couplers Made of Symmetric and Asymmetric Slabs”, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics Vol. 36 , (2007) pp-129-145, ISSN-1944-8325.
        3. Ram Krishna Sarkar and S. Medhekar, 2007, “Spatial Solitons of desired intensity and width and their Self-Tapering/Uptapering in  Cubic Quintic Nonlinear Medium”, Physica Scripta, Vol. 76, (2007) pp-683-688, ISSN-1402-4896,
        4. S. Medhekar, Ram Krishna Sarkar and Punya P. Paltani, 2007, “Soliton Pairing of Two Coaxially Co-Propagating Mutually Incoherent 1-D Beams in Kerr Type Media”, Optica Applicata, XXXVII, 243-259 (2007), ISSN-1899-7015


        1. Ram Krishna Sarkar and S Medhekar, 2006, “Propagation of Doughnut mode in Nonlinear Media”, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics Vol. 35, Sept. (2006) pp-275-286, ISSN-1944-8325.
        2. S Medhekar, R. K. Sarkar and P. P. Paltani, 2006, “Coupled Spatial-Soliton Pairs in Saturating nonlinearMedium,OpticsLetter,vol.31,No.1Jan.2006,PP-77-79,  ISSN-1539-4749,
        3. S Medhekar and Ram Krishna Sarkar, 2006, “All-optical bistable and astable multivibrators”, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, vol. 35, Sept. 2006, pp-287-296, ISSN-1944-8325.
        4. S Medhekar and Ram Krishna Sarkar, 2006, “Passive, ‘Self-Trapped Family’ All-Optical Half Adder using All-Optical X-OR, and AND Gate” Czechoslovak J. Physics, Vol. 56, No. 4 (2006) pp-359-366, ISSN-1572-9486,
        5. S. Medhekar and Punya Prasanna Paltani, 2006, “Proposal for an All-Optical Switch using nonlinear refraction” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 18, No. 15 Aug. (2006) pp-1579-1581,
        6. D. Singh, M. Afzal Ansari, R. Ali, N. P. M. Sathik and M. Ismail, 2006,  “Complete and Incomplete Fusion Reactions in 16O + 45Sc System: Measurement and Analysis of Excitation Functions below 7 MeV/ nucleon”, Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 75(10): 104201, ISSN: 0031-9015,
        7. S. Pal, A. Ghosh, T. B. Ghosh, S. De, and S. Dasgupta, (2006), Optical Quantification of Fouling During Nanofiltration of Dyes, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol.52, No.2, pp.372-379.
        8. H. S. Majumdar, J. K. Baral, A. Laiho, J. Ruokolainen, O. Ikkala, & R. Österbacka, (2006). “Memory Effect and Negative Differential Resistance by Electrode–induced Two–Dimensional Single–Electron Tunneling in Molecular and Organic Electronic Devices”, Advanced Materials 18 (21), 2805 – 2806.


        1. S Medhekar and Ramkrishna Sarkar, 2005, “All-optical Passive Transistor”, Optics Letters, vol. 30, No. 8,  April 2005, pp-887-889, ISSN-1539-4789,
        2. M. Afzal Ansari, N. P. M. Sathik, D. Singh and M. H. Rashid, 2005, “Measurement and Analysis of Alpha Particle Induced Reactions on Praseodymium”, Journal of Physical Society of Japan,  74(4): 1150, ISSN: 0031-9015,
        3. H. S. Majumdar, J. K. Baral, R. Österbacka, O. Ikkala, & H. Stubb, (2005). "Fullerene–based Bistable Devices and Associated Negative–Differential–Resistance effect", Organic Electronics 06 (04), 188 – 192.


        1. S.Konar, P.K.Barhai and S Medhekar, 2003, “Displacement and Deflection of Optical Beams by Nonlinear Planer Waveguide”, J. of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials, Vol. 12, No. 1, p.101-112 (2003) USA, ISSN-1793-6624,


        1. S Medhekar, M.S.Sodha and S.Konar, 1996, “Optical Power filter: A new kind of passive nonlinear opticaldevice”,OpticsLetters,Vol.20,No.4,p-305(1996),ISSN-1539-4794,


        1. S. Medhekar, S.Konar and Rajkamal , 1995, “Self tapering and uptapering of a self guided laser beam in an absorption/gain medium with arbitrary nonlinearity”, Pramana-Journal of physics, vol.44, No.3, p-249(March1995). ISSN-0973-7111,
        2. S Medhekar, S.Konar and Rajkamal, 1995, “Profile of radial inhomogeneity for stationary self trapped propagation of laser beams in a nonlinear absorbing/amplifying medium with arbitrary nonlinearity”, IL NUOVO CIMENTO D, Vol.17, p-351,(1995), ISSN-1826-9893,
        3.  S Medhekar, S.Konar and Rajkamal 1995, “Successive uptapering and stationary self trapped propagation of a laser beam in a saturating nonlinear medium”, Lasers & Particle Beams, Vol.13, No.4, p-559(1995), ISSN-1469-803X,,
        4. S Medhekar, S. Konar and M.S.Sodha, 1995, “Self tapering of elliptic beams in elliptic core nonlinear fibers,OpticsLetters,Vol.20,No.21,p- 2192,ISSN-1539-4794,


        1. M.S.Sodha, S. Medhekar, S.Konar, A.Saxena and Rajkamal, 1994, “Absorption/Amplification induced self tapering and uptapering of a laser beam in a saturable nonlinear medium: large nonlinearity”, Optics Letters, Vol.19, No.15, p-1110 (Aug.1st 1994),ISSN-1539-4794,


        1. S. Medhekar, Rajkamal and A.Saxena, 1993, “Propagation of Gaussian laser beams in a nonlinear radially inhomogeneous absorbing medium with arbitrary nonlinearity”, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys.Vol.3p-605-609,ISSN-0975-1041, /index.php?action=getRecordDetail&idt=3937938


        1. S. Medhekar, 1991, “Maximum possible transverse velocity in special relativity”, Physics Education Vol.7, No.4, p-320-322(1991),ISSN-0970-5953

Project (Completed/ Ongoing)

  1. Sarang Medhekar (PI) and P. K. Barhai (Co-PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 3.10 Lakhs from UGC on 1 July 2003 for the project titled “Theoretical Investigation of Induced Nonlinear Optical Fiber Waveguides and Devices” (Project Reference No.: 10-25 /2003 (SR); Duration 3.5 years; Status: Completed.
  2. Sarang Medhekar (PI) and P. K. Barhai (Co-PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 8.87 Lakhs from BRNS-DAE on 16 Feb. 2004 for the project titled “Investigation of the effects of higher order nonlinearities on optical pulse propagation in semiconductor doped glass fibers and waveguides” (Project Reference No.: 2003/34/19/BRNS/1951; Duration 4 years; Status: Completed.
  3. Sarang Medhekar (PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 24.68 Lakhs from DST on 10.2.2009 for the project titled “Modeling and Analysis of Mach-Zhender Interferometer based Nonlinear Waveguide Devices for All-Optical Switching and Logic Gates” (Project Reference No.: SR/S2/LOP-27/2007; Duration 3 years; Status: Completed.
  4. Sarang Medhekar (PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 8.278 Lakhs from UGC on 30.12.2008 for the project titled “Investigation of Optical Beam Propagation in Nonlinear Media: Spatial Soliton Formation and Their Interaction for All-Optical Devices” (Project Reference No.: 34-24/2008 (SR); Duration 3 years; Status: Completed.
  5. Sarang Medhekar (PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 24.15 Lakhs from DST on 20.5.2013 for the project titled “Modeling and Analysis of all-optical switching devices based on waveguide and photonic crystal geometry” (Project Reference No.: SR/S2/LOP-0025/2012; Duration 3 years 4 Months; Status: Completed
  6. Dr. Dharmendra Singh (PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 23,40,000/- from DST on October 2011 for the project titled “Role of target deformation on incomplete fusion dynamics in energy range 3-8 MeV/nucleon” (Project Reference No.: SR/FTP/PS- 005/2011, Duration: 3 years,  Status: Completed)
  7. Dr. Dharmendra Singh (PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 6,75,000/- from IUAC, New Delhi on July 2013 for the project titled “Role of Target Deformation on   Incomplete Fusion dynamics during heavy Ion Collisions” (Project Reference No.:IUAC/XIII.3A, Duration: 3 years,  Status: Completed)
  8. Dr. Dharmendra Singh (PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 6,00,000/- from UGC, New Delhi on July 2014 for the project titled “Study of Complete and Incomplete Fusion Dynamics by Using Heavy Ion Beams” (Project Reference No.:F.30-14/2014(BSR), Duration: 2 years,  Status: Completed)
  9. Dr. Dharmendra Singh (PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 14,85,240/- from UGC-DAE-CSR, Kolkata Center on May 2019 for the project titled “Study of Incomplete Fusion Dynamics and Role of Various Entrance Channel parameters at energy above the Coulomb barrier” (Project Reference No.:UGC-DAE-CSR-KC/CRS/19/NP16/0927, Duration: 2 years,  Status: Ongoing)
  10. Dr. Avijit Ghosh (PI) and Dr. Basudev Pradhan (Co-PI) received a research Grant of Rs. 99,642,000/- from DST, New Delhi on 2016 for the project titled “Investigation of Compositional Engineering for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells”, (Project Reference No.: UGC-DAE-CSR-KC/CRS/19/NP16/0927, Duration: 2 years,  Status: Ongoing)
  11. Vineet Kumar Agotiya (PI) received a research Grant of Rs.6.0 Lakhs from UGC BSR  on  July 2014 for the project titled Some outlook of strongly interacting quark Gluon Plasma (Project Reference No.: UGC(BSR Start up grant); Duration 2 years; Status: Completed
  12. Vineet Kumar Agotiya (PI) received a research Grant of Rs.24,56,000/-from SERB on 15th Feb 2019 for the project titled Study of quarkonium in Hot QCD medium using Quasi Particle Approach (Project Reference No.: EEQ/2018/000181t); Duration 3 years; Status: Ongoing


  1. Mechanical load stabilizer with load dependent stepless gear ratio variation system, Inventor. Sarang Medhekar, Patent no. 223097, Year 2008.
  2. Extraction of one beam from a mixture of two coaxially co-propagating mutually incoherent beams of same frequency, extraction of data bits loaded on one coherent beam mixed with the data bits loaded on another coherent beam of same frequency and coherence division multiplexing, Inventor. Sarang Medhekar and Puny Prasanna Plaltani, Patent no. 261064, Year 2014.
  3. All-optical NOT/XOR, and nand gates, all-optical bistable, astable multivibrators and all-optical half adder using novel all-optical switching in a mach-zender interoferometer, Inventor. Puny Prasanna Plaltani and Sarang Medhekar, Patent no. 296862, Year 2018.
  4. All-optical passive transistor adapting a mach-zehnder interferometer, Inventor. Sarang Medhekar and Puny Prasanna Plaltani, Patent no. 304332, Year 2018.