All students of Center for Far East Languages (Korean) went on an Educational tour to Delhi 3rd week of April 2014
All students of Center for Far East Languages (Korean) went on an Educational tour to Delhi last week. They had a wonderful time with Mr. Skand RanjanTayal , Indian Ambassador to the Republic of Korea,Dr. Sadip Mishra, Prof.Kim Do Young and Delhi University Korean Language Students.They also had a wonderful time with Director of KCC, Delhi and had an informative session of lectures delivered at University of Delhi and Korean Cultural Center. They also learnt some steps of taekwondo by an International coach and have delicious traditional food and tasty traditional drink of Korea at KCC, Delhi .
It was rare opportunity for Korean Language Learners of Central University of Jharkhand to have extensive interaction with the native Koreans and in-charge and students of Kim Sejong Institute of Korean Language at KCC.This tour was organised and accompanied by Mr.Shashi Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professor, Centre for Far East Language Korean.