Notice Regarding Applied Physics Laboratory (PHY/622060) Examination - 2022 of 2nd semester of M.Sc. Physics (Regular & Back) Students of DoPhysics
Following students may collect their final degree certificates from the examination section
Time Table for 2-Years M.Sc. in Physics (2nd Semester) Online Mode Examinations- 2021(Even Semester-2021)
Notification Ref. No. CUJ/DBA/EvenExam2021/TimeTable/01 Schedule / Time Table of DBA“EVEN” End Semester Exams - 2021
Notification Ref. No. CUJ/COE/2021/028/1899 Conduct of 2nd semester (Two years Master's course and Graduation) and backpaper of practical of 1st Semester
Notification for information and necessary action by all the students that concerned departments will conduct Back paper(Even semester exam 2020) examinations between 23rd Novemeber, 2020 to 27th November, 2020
Important notification regarding online examinations form(regular and back paper) of current semester
Notification for information and necessary action by all the concerned that exam forms(regular and back paper) of current semester will be available in their respective departments online
Information to all concerned Head and Coordinators of departments to conduct back paper (even semester exam 2020) examinations between 23rd November, 2020 to 27th November, 2020
Back paper examination scheduled from 16th November, 2020 to 23rd November, 2020 in offline mode is deferred
Online examination scheduled on 6th November, 2020 for 4th and 6th Semester students is deferred
SOP for conducting Sessional examinations,Practicals
Notice Regarding Back Paper of Even Semester 2020 Examination is being Scheduled from 16th Nov to 23th Nov 2020
Ph. D. Course Work Examination 2020
Notice:Establishment of cell for handling grievances of Student related to examination
Tentative schedule for Semester Examination
Amendment1(29.11.2019)----Amendment in Revised Time-Table Odd Semester Examination-2019
Sessional examination of back papers-Introductory Physics I: Department of Physics
Sessional examination of back papers-Mathematical Physics I :Department of Physics
Notification: Submition of Examination Form
Notice:Head/Coordinators for sessional marks of students
Notification - fees/remuneration to the paper setters, moderators and examiners (external only)
Notification - Amendments made in the ordinance - choice based credit system and evaluation
Ordinance on convocation
Notice -Regarding Marks sheet,Provisional degree,Migration certificate
Notice -First Convocation of Central University of Jharkhand to be held in the month of September,2019
LBack Paper Examination Forms for following semesters will be available from 24th July, 2019 to 08th August 2019 in respective department
Special Examinations Time Table July 2019
Cancellation of Concerened Paper of the following students who were involved in unfair means during the Backlog paper Examination and Even semester examinations held in the year 2019
Last date for submission of online form is 15th June, 2019 - 04:30 PM
Revised Time table for Even Semester Exam(updated on 07th May, 2019)
Notice - Regarding Special Examination Form
"The time table for Even Semester Examination - 2019 which was uploaded in the CUJ website on 16th April, 2019 is being withdrawn. The revised time table will be uploaded soon"
Notice - Regarding Special Examination Form
Notice - last date to submit the filed up Exam Forms extended to 28th Feb, 2019 till 05:00 PM
Corrigendum - Amendment in SI. No. 12
Notification - Syllabus of Under Graduate, Post Graduate and PhD Prorams of department for the admission through CUCET 2019 before 25th Feb, 2019
Notice - Certificate with old logo will continued to be issued by the CoE office until present stock is fully utilized
Order - to cancel the concerend paper of the following students who were involved in unfair means during the semester exam held in the year 2018
Notice : re-examination of back paper Thermal Physics, Dept. of Physics is going to be held on 25th Feb,2019
Revised Time Table - Backlog paper Examination 2019
Time Table - Backlog paper Examination 2019
Notice - Exam Forms (regular and back paper) will be available from 08th Feb, 2018 to 15th Feb, 2019 in respective departments.
Notice - to provide the details of the paper/subject name and code in following format latest by 20th January, 2019
Examination forms for backlog papers will be available from 28th January, 2019 to 1st Feb, 2019
Notice - Medium of instruction in Central University of Jharkhand for all courses (expect Hindi & Languages) is English
Notice - Student of the following departments has not submitted the enrolment form/RAC constitution
Details of Backlog Paper latest by 17th Jan, 2018
Backlog Paper Exam related Information
All Sessional Examination Marks need to be send to Office of COE
Notification regarding Examination Admit card/Hall tickets
Notification regarding Tabulation Work
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