Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
School of Natural Resources and Management
Central University of Jharkhand
Cheri-Manatu Campus, Ranchi-835222, India
Cell: +91-9546757398 (M)
E-Mail:- purabi.saikia@cuj.ac.in, purabi.saikia83@gmail.com
Fields of Interest |
- Plant Ecology
- Plant Systematics
- Conservation Biology
- Plant-Soil interaction (Soil Ecology)
Dr. Saikia has been working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi since May 2013. She is basically working in the field of plant ecology including phytosociology, population and regeneration ecology, conservation of rare, endangered plant species, plant-soil interactions, plant population mapping, biomass and productivity estimation, plant invasions, and ecological niche modelling in Indian forests. She has received eight different R & D projects sponsored by MoEFCC, DST, DBT, SERB, UGC, SAC-Ahmedabad, Govt. of India for the analyses of vegetation dynamics of Indian forests. She has supervised 01 Ph.D. thesis (03 ongoing) and 30 PG dissertations (04 ongoing). Presently, she is an active member of the IUCN-Commission on Ecosystem Management-South Asia and Global Forests Biodiversity Initiatives (GFBI)-USA. She is the recipient of the Fellow Award 2021 and Women Scientist Award (Age Group <45 Years) 2020 of The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment-New Delhi, PHSS Foundation Young Women Leadership Award 2018-2019 of the Prof. HS Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society-Lucknow, DBT Research Associate in 2011, startup grant under SERB-Young Scientists Scheme in 2016, UGC-startup grant for newly recruited faculties in 2014, and international travel support scheme from SERB (two times in 2017 & 2013). She has published more than eighty research articles including forty-five international/ national refereed articles in different Scopus, web of science, and UGC-care listed journals, various chapters in books, and 01 each authored and edited books in the field of plant ecology, restoration ecology, and conservation biology. She has also worked as an Assistant Professor (on contract) in the Centre for Environmental Sciences, the Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi from August 2012 to May 2013, completed one year and one month of her post-doctoral research in the Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Assam as a DBT-Research Associate (I & II), and a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Forestry, NERIST (Deemed University), Arunachal Pradesh for one semester after the submission of her Ph.D. thesis. She had also worked as JRF (two years) and SRF (one year one month) in a DBT, New Delhi, Govt. of India sponsored research project in the Department of Forestry, NERIST (Deemed University), Arunachal Pradesh. She participated in the Inaugural Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative Conference & Joint GFBI-FECS Symposium on Forest Research in the Big Data Era organized by GFBI, USA, and Beijing Forestry University held at Beijing Forestry University, China in September 2017, and 1st International Scientific Symposium on Agarwood (ISSA) on ‘Agarwood in the New Era’ organized by Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia during September 2013. Besides, she has participated in different international/ national/ regional/ state level seminars/ conferences/ webinars in India with invited talks/panellists/ oral presentations/ sessions chaired/ co-chaired/ rapporteur. |
Educational Qualifications |
- Ph.D. in Forestry (NERIST, Deemed University, Arunachal Pradesh)
- M. Sc. in Botany with Plant Ecology specialization (Gauhati University, Assam)
- B. Sc. in Botany (Hons.) (Dibrugarh University, Assam)
Research Grants (R&D projects) |
- Co-PI of Level-1 category of DST-FIST Program to strengthen the research facilities in the Department of Environmental Sciences, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi sponsored by DST, Govt. of India with a total grant of INR 88.00 lakh for five years (Ref. No. SR/FST/ES-I/2019/55 (C) dated 25th March 2021) (ongoing).
- Co-Investigator of the all India coordinating R&D project entitled ‘Monitoring forest structure and dynamics in relation to climate change across different biogeographic zones of India’ of Long-Term Ecological Observatories (LTEO) Programme under the Climate Change Action Plan of MoEFCC coordinated by IISc, Bengaluru with a total grant of INR 374.00 lakh for five years (Ref. No. 13008/72/2019-CC, dt. 12th March 2020) (ongoing).
- Co-PI of the all India coordinating R&D project entitled ‘Long-term monitoring of soil processes in forests and grasslands’ of Long-Term Ecological Observatories (LTEO) Programme under the Climate Change Action Plan of MoEFCC coordinated by IISc, Bengaluru with a total grant of INR 319.00 lakh for five years (Ref. No. 13008/72/2019-CC, dt. 12th March 2020) (ongoing).
- Co-PI of the collaborative R&D project with Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Sagar entitled ‘Mapping and Quantitative Assessment of Plant Resources and its Distribution in Madhya Pradesh, Central India’ sponsored by DBT, New Delhi, Govt. of India with a total grant of INR 212.2644 lakh (55.4176 lakh of CUJ) for five years (Ref. No. BT/PR12899/NDB/39/506/2015 dated 20th June 2017) (completed).
- Co-PI of the R&D project entitled ‘Monitoring and Mapping of Forest Communities with special reference to Invasive Plant Species using Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer–Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) and Sentinel-1 SAR images’ sponsored by SAC-Ahmedabad, Govt. of India with a total grant of INR 20.50 lakh for three years (Ref. No. EPSA/4.20/2017 dated 19th December 2017) (completed on 31st December 2020).
- Co-PI of the R&D project entitled ‘Monitoring spatio-temporal dynamics of above-ground biomass of forests ecosystems using airborne L & S-band SAR images’ sponsored by SAC-Ahmedabad, Govt. of India with a total grant of INR 24.30 lakh for three years (Ref. No. EPSA/3.1.1/2017 dated 13th November 2017) (completed on 31st March 2021).
- PI of the R&D project entitled ‘Status, Distribution, and Composition of Sal Forests of Ranchi, Jharkhand, East India in relation to Micro-climatic and Edaphic Conditions’ sponsored by SERB, New Delhi, Govt. of India as Start-Up Grant under Young Scientists Scheme with a total grant of INR 29.36 lakh for three years (Ref. No. YSS/2015/000479 dated 12th January 2016) (completed).
- PI of the R&D project entitled ‘Phytosociological analysis of forests of Ranchi, Jharkhand, India’ sponsored by UGC, New Delhi, Govt. of India under UGC-BSR Research Start-Up grant for newly recruited faculty at Assistant Professor level of Science Departments with a total grant of INR 06.00 lakh for two years (Ref. No. F.30-14/2014(BSR) dated 22nd July 2014) (completed).
Fellowship/Award |
- Recipient of PHSS Foundation Young Women Leadership Award 2018-2019 from Prof. H. S. Srivastava Foundation for Science & Society, Lucknow during November 2019.
- Recipient of International Travel Support Scheme from SERB, GoI (twice) of ` 49116/- to participate in Inaugural Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative Conference & Joint GFBI-FECS Symposium on Forest Research in the Big Data Era held in Beijing Forestry University, China during 6th to 9th September 2017 (Ref. No. ITS/2476/2017-18 dated 21st May 2018) and ` 41003/- to participate in 1st International Scientific Symposium on Agarwood (ISSA) on ‘Agarwood in the New Era’ held in Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia during 3rd to 5th September 2013 (Ref. No. SB/ITS-Y/02873/ 2013-2014 dated 5th December 2014).
- Recipient of Start-Up Grant under Young Scientists Scheme, SERB, New Delhi, GoI during 12th January 2016 and UGC-BSR Research Start-Up-Grant for newly recruited faculty at Asst. Prof. level in Science Departments from UGC, New Delhi, GoI in 22nd July 2014.
- Recipient of DBT-Research Associateship under Department of Biotechnology, GoI, New Delhi in June 2011.
- Recipient of Fellow of the Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (FSSCE), New Delhi of the year 2021 on 10 December 2022.
- Recipient of Women Scientist Award 2020 (<45 Years Category) of The Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment, New Delhi on 01 December 2020.
Recognition/Membership of Associations/Professional body and Editorial Board |
- Academic Counselor of Master of Arts in Sustainability Sciences (MASS) of course on Mountain and Hill Ecosystem (MSD 01) of IGNOU, New Delhi from 19 October 2022 to 31 December 2022.
- Member of Department of Science and Technology (DST)-Local Project Advisory Committee (LPAC) for monitoring the progress of “Women Technology Park (WTP) for capacity building and entrepreneurship development at Ranchi and East Singhbhum of Jamshedpur since December 2021.
- Member of IUCN-Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Southasia for the session 2017-2021 since September 2017 and also for the session 2021-2025 since October 2021.
- Member of Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative (GFBI), USA since January 2017.
- Life member of The Society for the Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (SSCE), New Delhi since August 2020.
- Member of International Association for Water, Environment, Energy, and Society (IAWEES), Bhopal since 2020 (Membership No. 5103).
- Life member of International Society of Environmental Botanists, Lucknow since 21st January 2020.
- Honorary Life member of Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science & Society, Lucknow since 27th November 2019.
- Life Member of the Indian Society for Geomatics, DehraDun since January 2017.
- Member of Jharkhand State Wildlife Board, Govt. of Jharkhand for the session 2018-2021 since September 2018 and also for the session 2021-2024 since December 2021.
- RAC member under the discipline Forest Geo-Informatics of ICFRE-Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi since July 2021.
- Honorary member of XXIth Research Advisory Group of ICFRE-Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi since September 2020.
- Associate Editor since October 2022 and Review Editor since July 2022 of the Conservation and Restoration Ecology (special section of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Frontiers in Environmental Science, and Frontiers in Plant Science),
- Editorial Board Member of Plants and Environment since Sep. 2019
- Subject Editor (Ecology and Environmental Sciences), Tropical Plant Research, an International Journal by Society for Tropical Plant Research, India since June 2018.
- Guest editor (Khan, M.L., Khare, P.K., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.) of two special issues on ‘Forest dynamics under anthropogenic disturbances and global climate change’ of International Journal of Ecology and Environment Sciences, Volume 48 (2 & 3), National Institute of Ecology (NIE), New Delhi of April and June 2022
Research Supervision |
- 01 Ph. D. thesis (awarded*) and 03 (ongoing#)
- 30 M. Sc. dissertations (awarded) and 04 (ongoing)
*Dr. Rahul Kumar (18 September 2015 to 23 February 2021): ‘Floristic Analysis of Sal Forests within Different Watershed of Ranchi, Jharkhand, Eastern India’, awarded by CUJ, Ranchi
#Ms. Subhashree Patra (DST-Inspire Fellow) since 08 January 2021
#Mr. Pawan Ekka (UGC-NFST awardee) since 08 January 2021
#Ms. Shilky (Under University Fellowship) Since 04 February 2021 |
Details of Research Publications |
- Total Publication: 84
- International/ National Refereed Journal Articles: 45 (03 available online and 01 in press)
- Authored/ Edited Book: 02 (01 accepted)
- Chapters in Books of International/ National Publisher: 35 (02 in press and 09 accepted)
- Proceeding Paper: 02
Impact Factor/Citations |
- Total Impact Factor: 186.962
- Total Citations: 1420
- h-index: 19
- i10-index: 28
Research articles published in International/National Journals |
- Kishore, B.S.P.C., Kumar, A., Saikia, P., Lele, N., Srivastava, P., Pulla, S., Suresh, H., Bhattacharya, B.K., Khan, M.L., Sukumar, R. (2023). Mapping of understorey invasive plant species clusters of Lantana camara and Chromolaena odorata using airborne hyperspectral remote sensing. Advances in Space Research (in press). IF: 2.611.
- Pandey, A.C., Kumari, N., Ahmad, S., Kumar, A., Saikia, P., Parida, B., Chaudhary, S.K., Lele, N. (2023). Evaluating biochemical and biophysical characteristics of tropical deciduous forests of eastern India using remote sensing and in-situ parameter estimation. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 29: 100909.
- Kumar, G., Kumar, A., Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2022). Ecological impacts of forest fire on composition and structure of Tropical Deciduous forests of Central India. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 128: 103240. IF: 3.311
- Kumar, R., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2022). Forest composition regulates above-ground biomass in Sal forests of Ranchi, Eastern India. Environmental Sustainability (Online first). Available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42398-022-00240-x
- Liang, J., Gamarra, J.G.P., Picard, N., Zhou, M., …... Saikia, P. et al. (2022). Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6: 1423–1437. IF: 19.1; Citation: 02.
- Pragya, M., Saikia, P.* (2022). Comparative Analysis of Leguminous and Non-Leguminous Tree species in terms of Leaf Chemistry and Nutrient Cycling. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 48(3): 333-344.
- Kishore, B.S.P.C., Kumar, A., Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2022). Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Mapping Foliar Pigment Concentration in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 48(3): 317-331.
- Gatti, R.C., Reich, P.B., Liang, J., …... Saikia, P. et al. (2022). The number of tree species on Earth. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 119(6): e2115329119. IF: 12.779; Citation: 33
- Kumar, A., Manisha, Lal, P., Prasad, A., Tripathy, P., Saikia, P. (2022). Analysing Urban Damage and Surface Deformation based hazard-risk in Kathmandu City occurred during Nepal Earthquake (2015) using SAR Interferometry. Advances in Space Research. Available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2022.02.003 IF: 2.611; Citation: 01
- Kumar, A., Kumar, G., Saikia, P.*, Khare, P.K., Khan, M.L. (2022). Spatial pattern of tree diversity and impacts of ecological disturbances on forest structure in tropical deciduous forests of Central India. Biotropica 54(6): 1363-1375. IF: 2.858; Citation: 02.
- Lal, P., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.*, Das, A., Patnaik, C., Kumar, G., Dwivedi, C.S., Pandey, A.C., Srivastava, P., Khan, M.L. (2022). Effect of Vegetation Structure on Above Ground Biomass in Tropical Deciduous Forests of Central India. Geocarto International 37(21): 6294-6310. IF: 3.45; Citation: 14
- Thakur, K.K., Bhat, P., Kumar, A., Ravikanth, G., Saikia, P.* (2022). Distribution mapping of Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn. in India using ecological niche modelling. Tropical Ecology 63: 286–299. IF: 1.333; Citation: 01
- Nag, A., Chatterjee, S., Saikia, P.* (2022). Floristic status of tropical deciduous forests in Odisha, Eastern India. Vegetos 35(1): 51–62. Citation: 01
- Lal, P., Kumar, A., Prasad, A., Kumar, S., Saikia, P.*, Dayanandan, A., Roy, P.S., Khan, M.L. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemic Hazard–Risk–Vulnerability Analysis: A Framework for an Effective Pan-India Response. Geocarto International. Doi: 10.1080/10106049.2021.2012529; IF: 3.45; Citation: 03
- Tiwari, S., Ghosh, B., Vaidya, S.N., Rahaman, S.K.M., Khatun, M., Garai, S., Saikia, P., Kumar, A. (2021). Modeling potentially suitable lac cultivation zones of Butea monosperma to promote livelihood security in rural India. Vegetos 34(3): 630-637. Citation: 03
- Lal, P., Kumar, A., Bharti, S., Saikia, P., Adhikari, D., Khan, M.L. (2021). Lockdown to contain the COVID-19 Pandemic: An opportunity to create a less polluted environment. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 21(3):1-9. IF: 4.53; Citation: 15
- Kumar, R., Saikia, P.* (2021). Spatio-temporal soil nutrient dynamics and plant species diversity in selected Sal (Shorea robusta) forests of Ranchi, Eastern India. Vegetos 34(1): 235-248. Citation: 03
- Kumar, R., Saikia, P.* (2021). Population structure and regeneration status of Shorea robusta and associated trees in Sal forests of Ranchi, Eastern India. Tropical Ecology 62(1): 34-51. IF: 1.333; Citation: 02
- Kishore, B.S.P.C., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.*, Lele, N., Pandey, A.C., Srivastava, P., Bhattacharya, B.K., Khan, M.L. (2020). Major Forests and Plant Species discrimination in Mudumalai Forests Region using Airborne Hyperspectral Sensing. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 13(4): 637-651. Citation: 11
- Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Adhikari, D., Ravikanth, G., Saikia, P.*, Khan, M.L. (2020). Ecological Niche Modelling for Assessing Potential Distribution of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. in Ranchi, Eastern India. Ecological Research 35(6): 1095-1105. IF: 2.056; Citation: 10
- Rajpoot, R., Adhikari, D., Verma, S., Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Grant, K.R., Dayanandan, A., Kumar, A., Khare, P.K., Khan, M.L. (2020). Climate models predict a divergent future for the medicinal tree Boswellia serrata Roxb. in India. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01040. IF: 3.969; Citation: 25
- Lal, P., Kumar, A., Kumar, S., Kumari, S., Saikia, P.*, Dayanandan, A., Adhikari, D., Khan, M.L. (2020). The dark cloud with a silver lining: Assessing the impact of the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic on the global environment. Science of the Total Environment 732(2020): 139297. IF: 10.753; Citation: 206
- Zohner, C.M., Mo, L., Renner, S.S.,..... Saikia, P. et al. (2020). Late spring-frost risk between 1959 and 2017 decreased in North America, but increased in Europe and Asia. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 117(22): 12192-12200. IF: 12.779; Citation: 94
- Kumar, R., Saikia, P.* (2020). Wild edible plants of Jharkhand and their utilitarian perspectives. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 19(2): 237-250. IF: 1.091; Citation: 07
- Lal, P., Prakash, A., Kumar, A., Srivastava, P.K., Srivastava, P., Saikia, P., Pandey, A.C., Khan, M.L. (2020). Evaluating the 2018 Extreme Flood Hazard Events in Kerala, India. Remote Sensing Letters 11(5): 436-445. IF: 2.369; Citation: 49
- Singh, E., Kumar, A., Khapre, A., Saikia, P., Shukla, S.K., Kumar, S. (2020). Efficient Removal of Arsenic using Plastic Waste Char: Prevailing Mechanism and Sorption Performance. Journal of Water Process Engineering 33(2020): 101095. IF: 7.34; Citation: 28
- Kumar, R., Saikia, P.* (2020). Floristic analysis and dominance pattern of a Sal (Shorea robusta C. F. Gaertn.) Forests of Ranchi, Jharkhand, Eastern India. Journal of Forestry Research 31(2): 415-427. IF: 2.361; Citation: 21
- Steidinger, B.S., Crowther, T.W., Liang, J., …. Saikia, P., et al. (2019). Climatic control of decomposition drives the global biogeography of forest tree symbioses. Nature 569: 404-408. IF: 69.504; Citation: 342
- Kumar, A., Kishore, B.S.P.C., Saikia, P.*, Deka, J., Bharali, S., Singha, L.B., Tripathi, O.P., Khan, M.L. (2019). Tree diversity assessment and above-ground forests Biomass estimation using SAR Remote Sensing: A case study of Higher Altitude vegetation of North-East Himalaya, India. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 111: 53-64. IF: 3.311; Citation: 20
- Shooner, S., Davies, J., Saikia, P., Deka, J., Bharali, S., Tripathi, O.P., Singha, L.B., Khan, M.L., Dayanandan, S. (2018). Phylogenetic diversity patterns in Eastern Himalayan forests reveal evidence for environmental filtering of evolutionarily distinct lineages. Ecosphere 9(5): e02157. IF: 3.593; Citation: 25
- Saikia, P., Deka, J., Bharali, S., Kumar, A., Tripathi, O.P., Singha, L.B., Dayanandan, S., Khan, M.L. (2017). Plant diversity patterns and conservation status of Eastern Himalayan forests in Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. Forest Ecosystems 4:28. IF: 4.274; Citation: 49
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2016). Tree species diversity and its population and regeneration status in homegardens of upper Assam, Northeast India. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 32(2):129-139. Citation: 10
- Sharma, P., Saikia, P., Sarma, K.P. (2016). Diversity, uses, and in vitro propagation of different Bamboos of Sonitpur district, Assam. Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography 6(2): 1-9. Citation: 09
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2014). Ecological features of cultivated stands of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. (Thymelaeaceae) - a vulnerable tropical tree species in Assamese homegardens. International Journal of Forestry Research 2014: 1-16. Citation: 13
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2014). Homegardens of upper Assam, northeast India: a typical example of on-farm conservation of Agarwood (Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.). International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 10(4): 262-269. Citation: 25
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2014). Status, distribution, and socio-cultural uses of some selected homegarden plants of upper Assam, Northeast India. Bharatiya Samajik Chintan 1(3): 74-78.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2013). Population structure and regeneration status of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. in homegardens of upper Assam, NE India. Tropical Ecology 54(1): 1-13. IF: 1.333; Citation: 58
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2012). Seedling survival and growth of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. in different microclimatic conditions of northeast India. Journal of Forestry Research 23(4): 569-574. IF: 2.361; Citation: 11
- Saikia, P., Choudhury, B.I., Khan, M.L. (2012). Floristic composition and plant utilization pattern in homegardens of Upper Assam, India. Tropical Ecology 53(1): 105-118. IF: 1.333; Citation: 78
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2012). Aquilaria malaccensis Lam., a Red-listed and highly exploited tree species in Assamese home garden. Current Science 102(4): 546-547. IF: 1.169; Citation: 17
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2012). Agar (Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.): a promising crop in the homegardens of Upper Assam, northeastern India. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 50(1-2): 8-14. Citation: 24
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2012). Phenology, seed biology and seedling survival and growth of Aquilaria malaccensis: A highly exploited and red-listed tree species of Northeast India. Indian Forester 138(3): 289-295. Citation: 07
- Zimik, L., Saikia, P.*, Khan, M.L. (2012). Comparative study on homegardens of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh in terms of species diversity and plant utilization pattern. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences (An International Journal) 3(3): 611-618. Citation: 23
- Bharali, S., Deka, J., Saikia, P., Khan, M.L., Paul, A., Tripathi, O.P., Singha, L.B., Shankar, U. (2012). Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vries-a vulnerable gymnosperm needs conservation. NeBIO (An International Journal of Environment and Biodiversity) 3(1): 94-95. Citation: 09
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2011). Diversity of medicinal plants and their uses in homegardens of upper Assam, Northeast India. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research 1(3): 296-309. Citation: 30
Authored/ Edited Books |
- Kumar, A., Srivastava, P.K., Saikia, P., Mall, R. (eds.) (2023). Earth Observation in Urban Monitoring: Techniques and Challenges. Elsevier Inc. (accepted) ISBN: 9780323991643.
- Pandey, V.C., Mahajan, P., Saikia, P., Praveen, A. (2022). Fibre crops-based Phytoremediation: Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability. Elsevier Inc. ISBN: 9780128239933
Chapter published in Edited Book Volumes/Proceedings |
- Khan, M.L., Kumari, R., Lal, P., Kumar, A., Quadri, M.A., Saikia, P.* (2023). Changing Land Use in East and North-East India. In: Forests and Wildlife; Krishna, N. (ed.), Volume 2 under the special project, Environmental History of India, Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi (Accepted).
- Patra, S., Shilky, Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2023). Impact of Land Use Systems and Climate Change on Water Resource: Indian Perspectives. In: River Conservation and Water Resource Management, Rai, P.K. (ed.), Springer, Singapore (accepted).
- Shilky, Patra, S., Ekka, P., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.*, Khan, M.L. (2023). Climate Change: A Major Challenge to Biodiversity Conservation, Ecological Services, and Sustainable Development. In: Palgrave Handbook of Socio-ecological Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: Contexts from a Developing Country, Gupta, A.K., Goswami, M., Khan, Y.D.I., Nautiyal, S. (eds.), Springer Nature-Palgrave (Accepted).
- Chakraborty, A., Saikia P.* (2023). Effects of climate change on the higher altitude forests of Indian Himalayan Regions: Nature-based solutions for Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction. In: Palgrave Handbook of Socio-ecological Resilience in the Face of Climate Change; Contexts from a Developing Country, Gupta, A.K., Goswami, M., Khan, Y.D.I., Nautiyal, S. (eds.), Springer Nature-Palgrave (Accepted).
- Saikia P., Ekka, P., Upreti, M., Shilky, Kumar, A.* (2023). Urban green space for environmental sustainability and climate resilience. In: Palgrave Handbook of Socio-ecological Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: Contexts from a Developing Country, Gupta, A.K., Goswami, M., Khan, Y.D.I., Nautiyal, S. (eds.), Springer Nature-Palgrave (Accepted).
- Shilky, Kishore, B.S.P.C., Kumar, G., Saikia, P.*, Kumar, A. (2023). Application of Species Distribution Modeling for Conservation and Restoration of Forest Ecosystems. In: Ecosystem and Species Modeling for Conservation and Restoration, Dhyani, S., Adhikari, D., Kadaverugu, R. (eds.), Springer International, Asia (Accepted).
- Ekka, P., Patra, S., Upreti, M., Kumar, G., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2023). Land degradation and its impacts on the conservation of biodiversity and related ecosystem services. In: Land and environmental management through forestry, Raj, A., Jhariya, M.K., Banerjee, A., Nema, S., Bargali, K. (eds.), Wiley, United Kingdom (Accepted).
- Patra, S., Anurag, S., Saikia, P.*, Kumar, A., Khan, M.L. (2023). Traditional Ecological Knowledge for the Management of Medicinal Plants with particular emphasis on Northeast India. In: Sustainable Forest Resources Management: Issues and Implications, Chakravarty, S., Shukla, G. (eds.), Apple Academic Press (AAP), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA (Accepted).
- Kumar, A., Kumari, R., Lal, P., Prasad, A., Saikia, P.* (2023). Vegetation dynamics and climate change: A case study of the Indian Himalayan region. In: Sustainable and Conservation Management of Environmental Resources in India, Chakravarty, S., Shukla, G. (eds.), Apple Academic Press (AAP), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA (Accepted).
- Ekka, P., Kumar, G., Kumar A., Saikia, P.* (2023). Plant diversity status of Himalaya Biodiversity Hotspots in Changing Climatic Conditions with special reference to Indian Himalayan region. In: Biodiversity of Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot, Pullaiah, T. (ed.), Apple Academic Press (AAP), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA; ISBN: 9781774913543 (in press).
- Lal, P., Prasad, A., Saikia, P., Kumar, A. (2022). Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Kaziranga National Park, India. In: Eco-DRR strategies in World Heritage Sites in Asia: A Case Study Compilation for IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020, UNESCO-C2C, WII, Dehradun (in press).
- Shilky, Patra, S., Harshvardhan, A., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2023). Role of microbes in controlling the geochemical composition of aquatic ecosystems. In: Hydrogeochemistry of Aquatic Ecosystems, Madhav, S., Singh, V.B., Kumar, M., Singh, S. (eds.), Chapter 12, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 265-281. ISBN: 9781119870531.
- Sheikh, N., Patra, S., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2022). Indian forests: sustainable uses and its role in livelihood security. In: Land Degradation Neutrality: Achieving SDG 15 by Forest Management, Panwar, P., Shukla, G., Bhat, J.A., Chakravarty, S. (eds.), Chapter 23, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp.437-452. ISBN: 9789811954771.
- Ekka, P., Parmar, K., Parmar, V., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2022). Role of Protected Areas in Conservation and Sustainable Management of Biodiversity: An Indian Perspective. In: Land Degradation Neutrality: Achieving SDG 15 by Forest Management, Panwar, P., Shukla, G., Bhat, J.A., Chakravarty, S. (eds.), Chapter 13, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 229-247. ISBN: 9789811954771.
- Kumar, A., Ekka, P., Patra, S., Kumar, G., Kishore, B.S.P.C., Kumar, R., Saikia, P.* (2022). Geospatial Perspectives of Sustainable Forests Management to enhance Ecosystem Services and Livelihood Security. In: Advances in remote sensing for forest Monitoring; Pandey, P.C., Arellano, P. (eds.), Chapter 2, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 10-42. ISBN: 9781119788126. Citation: 03.
- Harshvardhan, A., Saikia, P.* (2022). Microbial Bioremediation: A sustainable approach for restoration of contaminated sites. In: Microbes in Agri-Forestry Biotechnology, Molina, G., Usmani, Z., Sharma, M., Yasri, A., Gupta, V.K. (eds.), Chapter 10, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), Boca Raton, USA, pp. 221-240. ISBN: 9780367624262.
- Kumar, A., Kumari, R., Saikia, P.* (2022). Avenue plantation as a viable carbon confiscation tool: A blueprint for eco-smart cities. In: Climate change Alleviation for Sustainable Progression: Floristic prospective and Arboreal avenues as a viable confiscation tool; Dervash, M., Wani, A. (eds.), Chapter 17, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), Boca Raton, USA, pp. 333-346. ISBN: 9780367618872.
- Kumari, R., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.*, Khan, M.L. (2022). Vulnerability assessment of Indian Himalayan forests in terms of biomass production and carbon sequestration potential in changing climatic conditions. In: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Lackner, M., Sajjadi, B., Chen, W.Y. (eds.), Chapter 4, 3rd edition, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 147-161. ISBN: 9783030725792.
- Parmar, K., Parmar, V., Saikia P.* (2022). Remediation of heavy metal pollutants of industrial effluents and Environmental Impacts. In: Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation; Singh, V.P., Yadav, S., Yadav, K.K., Yadava, R.N. (eds.), Chapter 8, Springer Nature, Switzerland, AG, pp. 165-180. ISBN: 9783030955410.
- Patra, S., Kumar, A., Saikia P.* (2022). Deforestation and Forests Degradation impacts on Livelihood Security and climate change: An Indian Initiatives towards its Mitigation. In: Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation; Singh, V.P., Yadav, S., Yadav, K.K., Yadava, R.N. (eds.), Chapter 18, Springer Nature, Switzerland, AG, pp. 371-392. ISBN: 9783030955410.
- Kumar, R., Kumar A., Saikia, P.* (2022). Deforestation and forest degradation impact on Environment. In: Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation; Singh, V.P., Yadav, S., Yadav, K.K., Yadava, R.N. (eds.), Chapter 2, Springer Nature, Switzerland, AG, pp. 19-46. ISBN: 9783030955410. Citation: 01
- Saikia, P., Nag, A., Kumari, R., Kumar, A., Khan, M.L. (2021). Forests Degradation Prevention through Nature-Based Solution: An Indian Perspective. In: Handbook of Ecological and Ecosystem Engineering, Prasad, M.N.V. (ed.), Chapter 18, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, pp. 333-352. ISBN: 9781119678533. Citation: 01
- Kumar, A., Kumar, S., Lal, P., Saikia, P., Srivastava, P.K., Petropoulos, G.P. (2021). Introduction to GPS/GNSS Technology. In: GPS and GNSS Technology in Geosciences; Petropoulos, G.P., Srivastava, P.K. (eds.), Chapter 1, 1st Edition, Elsevier, pp. 3-20. ISBN: 9780128186176. Citation: 05
- Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Diksha, Nikita, Lal, P., Khan, M.L. (2020). Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction in Eastern Himalayan Forests of Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. In: Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Ecosystems and Societies, Dhyani S., Gupta, A.K., Karki, M. (eds.), Chapter 22, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 391-408. ISBN: 9789811547119.
- Saikia, P., Nag, A., Anurag, S., Chatterjee, S., Khan, M.L. (2020). Tropical Legumes: Status, Distribution, Biology, and Importance. In: The Plant Family Fabaceae, Hasanuzzaman M., Araújo S., Gill, S.S. (eds.), Chapter 2, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 27-41. ISBN: 9789811547515. Citation: 03
- Saikia, P., Pandey, V.C. (2020). Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis (Carrière) J.Houz.)-One of the most valuable bamboo species for phytoremediation. In: Phytoremediation Potential of Perennial Grasses, Pandey, V.C., Singh, D.P. (eds.), Chapter 12, Elsevier Inc., pp. 245-258. ISBN: 9780128177327. Citation: 02
- Kumar, G., Kumari, R., Kishore, B.S.P.C., Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Khan, M.L. (2020). Climate Change impacts and implications: An Indian Perspective. In: Socio-economic and Eco-Biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation - Strategies for Sustainability, Roy, N., Roychoudhury, S., Nautiyal, S., Agarwal, S.K., Baksi, S. (eds.), Chapter 2, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 11-30. ISBN: 9783030324636. Citation: 07
- Dar, J.A., Subashree, K., Bhat, N.A., Sundarapandian, S.M., Xu, M., Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Kumar, A., Khare, P.K., Khan, M.L. (2020). Role of major forest biomes in climate change mitigation: An Eco-Biological perspective. In: Socio-economic and Eco-Biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation - Strategies for Sustainability, Roy, N., Roychoudhury, S., Nautiyal, S., Agarwal, S.K., Baksi, S. (eds.), Chapter 22, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 483-526. ISBN: 9783030324636. Citation: 06
- Kumar, R., Saikia, P.* (2020). Forests resources of Jharkhand, Eastern India: Socio-economic and bioecological perspectives. In: Socio-economic and Eco-Biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation - Strategies for Sustainability, Roy, N., Roychoudhury, S., Nautiyal, S., Agarwal, S.K., Baksi, S. (eds.), Chapter 4, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 61-101. ISBN: 9783030324636. Citation: 27
- Kumari, R., Shukla, S.K., Parmar, K., Bordoloi, N., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.* (2020). Wetland conservation and restoration for ecosystem services and halt biodiversity loss: An Indian Perspective. In: Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem: A Trajectory towards a Sustainable Environment, Upadhyay, A.K., Singh, R., Singh, D.P. (eds.), Chapter 6, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 75-85. ISBN: 9789811376658. Citation: 16
- Kumari, R., Banerjee, A., Kumar, R., Kumar, A., Saikia, P.*, Khan, M.L. (2019). Deforestation in India: Consequences and Sustainable Solutions. In: Forest degradation around the World, Suratman, M.N., Latif, Z.A., Oliveira, G.D., Brunsell, N., Shimabukuro, Y., Santos, C.A.C.D. (eds.), IntechOpen, United Kingdom, pp. 1-18. ISBN: 9781789238341. Citation: 36
- Dar, J.A., Subashree, K., Sundarapandian, S., Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Khare, P.K., Dayanandan, S., Khan, M.L. (2019). Invasive species and their impact on tropical forests of Central India-A review. In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Functions, and Challenges in the Face of Global Change, Garkoti, S.C., Van Bloem, S.J., Fulé, P., Semwal, R. (eds.), Chapter 5, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. pp. 69-109. ISBN: 9789811382499. Citation: 09; June 2019.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2018) Floristic diversity of North East India and its Conservation Initiatives. In: Plant Diversity in the Himalaya Hotspot Region, Das, A.P., Bera, S. (eds.), Chapter 43, M/s. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, India, pp. 985-998. ISBN: 9788121109857. Citation: 07; November 2018.
- Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Khan, M.L. (2017). Agroforestry: A sustainable land-use system for livelihood security and climate change mitigation. In: Climate Change and Agroforestry: Adaptation, Mitigation, and Livelihood security, Pandey, C.B., Gaur, M.K., Goyal, R.K. (eds.), Chapter 3, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India, pp. 61-70. ISBN: 9789386546067. Citation: 05
- Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Khan, M.L. (2016). Biodiversity status and climate change scenario in Northeast India. In: Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building, Nautiyal, S., Schaldach, R., Raju, K.V., Kaechele, H., Pritchard, B.l, Rao, K.S. (eds.), Chapter 8, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 107-120. ISBN: 978319310138. Citation: 06
- Garai, S., Kumar, A.*, Saikia, P., Srivastava, P., Pandey, A.C., Das, A., Patnaik, C., Khan, M.L. (2019). SAR Backscatter for Tree Phenology in Satpura Tiger Reserve Forests, Central India. In: Proceedings of ISG-ISRS National Symposium-2019, NESAC-Shillong, Meghalaya, pp. 320-321.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2009) Conservation and diversity of medicinal plants in homegardens of Teok area of Jorhat district, Assam. In: Proceedings of national seminar on Agroforestry for Socioeconomic Development of North Eastern Region, Singh, B., Rethy, P., Gajurel, P.R. (eds), Department of Forestry, NERIST (Deemed University), Arunachal Pradesh, pp. 152-161.
Seminar/Workshop/Conference Participation/ Organized |
- Conference/Webinar/Workshop organized: 14
- Invited/Lead Talks and panellists: 25 (National); 10 (International)
- Session chaired, co-chaired, and Rapporteur: 04
- International in Abroad: 02 (with papers); International in India: 08 (with papers); 02 (without paper)
- National/Regional Seminar/Workshop: 05 (with papers); 17 (without papers)
- Workshop/Training Programs: 05 (one week/ more than one week); Orientation Program: 01 (four weeks); Refresher Courses: 02 (one three weeks and one of two weeks)
Delivered in International Conferences (abroad) |
- Saikia, P. (2017). Diversity and dominance of a Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests of Ranchi, Jharkhand, Eastern India. Paper presented in Inaugural Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative Conference & Joint GFBI-FECS Symposium on Forest Research in the Big Data Era organized by GFBI, USA Beijing Forestry University, China held in Beijing Forestry University, China during 6th to 9th September 2017.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2013). Cultivation of Agaru (Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.) in homegardens of upper Assam, Northeast India and its prospect in socioeconomic development. Paper presented and abstract published in page 42 of the Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Symposium on Agarwood (ISSA) on ‘Agarwood in the New Era’ organized by Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia during 3rd to 5th September 2013.
Delivered in International Seminar/Webinar/Symposium/Workshop/Conference in India |
- Saikia, P. (2022). Wild edible plants of Jharkhand and their Ethnomedicinal significance. Delivered a Keynote Lecture in International Conference on Ethnobotany: Present and Future Perspectives organized by Department of Botany, Government Degree College, Billawar, Jammu on 22 November 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Acted as a panelist in a panel discussion on the theme ‘Women in action’ in International Women’s Day 2022 organized by International Union for Conservation of Nature-Commission on Ecosystem Management (IUCN-CEM), Southasia on 05 March 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Ecosystem Restoration: A way towards a sustainable future. Delivered an invited talk in International Conference on Biodiversity: Exploration, Exploitation, Conservation for Sustainable Development (ICB-01)-2022 organized by Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya, Assam on 05 January 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Co-chaired a technical session (TS-21) in International Conference on Biodiversity: Exploration, Exploitation, Conservation for Sustainable Development (ICB-01)-2022 organized by Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya, Assam on 05 January 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2021). Co-chaired a technical session on ‘Environmental Pollution and Transportation’ in International Webinar on Role of Transportation, Environment and Energy in Integrated Urban Planning (RTEE-IUP-2021) organized by CUJ, Ranchi from 25-26 November 2021.
- Saikia, P. (2020). Forests Degradation impact on Livelihood Security and Climate Change: Initiatives towards its Mitigation. Delivered an invited talk in International Workshop cum Training on Green Growth Strategies for Climate Resilience and DRR: Policies, Pathways and Tools organized by NIDM, New Delhi and Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru from 26-28 November 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). Immune-booster plants of Jharkhand to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Delivered an invited talk in the International Webinar on Public Health, Research and Awareness for Sustainable Environment (IWPHRASE 2020) organized by Environwaste (Heal the Earth), Harithalay, and The Better Earthlings on 27th September 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). Acted as panelist in panel discussion on theme ‘Mentors and Role Models in Ecology and Conservation’ in International Symposium on India’s Biodiversity: Origin, Evolution and Conservation organized by ATREE, Bengaluru at IISc, Bengaluru during 3rd February 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2019). Homegarden: A sustainable agroforestry for crop diversity and farm resilience. Delivered an invited talk and abstract published in page 18 of Souvenir of International conference on Advances in Sustainable Agriculture: Bioresources, biotechnology and bioeconomy held at Mansarovar Global University, Bhopal during 29th to 30th November 2019.
- Saikia, P. (2019). Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.: A critically endangered and IUCN red listed Indian tree in homegardens of Assam, Northeast India. Delivered an invited talk in 3rd World Clean Environment Summit 2019 held at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi during 19th to 21st August 2019.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2018). Plant species diversity along an altitudinal gradient of Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalaya. Delivered an invited talk in International Workshop on Biodiversity and Climate Change (BDCC 2018) organized by Centre for Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences (CORAL), IIT Kharagpur at IIT, Kharagpur held during 24th to 27th February 2018.
- Saikia, P. (2018). Chaired a session on ‘Livelihood and NGOs’ in International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology (ICAEA 2018) organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi in collaboration with IGCCIA, Pune at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi held during 22nd to 24th February 2018.
- Saikia, P. (2018). Forests and forest resources of Jharkhand, Eastern India and its prospects in sustaining rural livelihood. Delivered an invited talk in International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology (ICAEA 2018) organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi in collaboration with IGCCIA, Pune at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi held during 22nd to 24th February 2018.
- Saikia, P. (2018). Prospects of Bamboo cultivation and its Environmental Significance. Delivered an invited talk in International Conference on Advances in Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology (ICAEA 2018) organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi in collaboration with IGCCIA, Pune at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi held during 22nd to 24th February 2018.
- Saikia, P. (2018). Acted as a Rapporteur in a session on ‘‘Management of Water Resources in Agriculture’ in International Conference on Water & Waste Water Management and Modelling (ICWWMM 2018) organized by Centre for Water Engineering and Management, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi held during 16th to 17th January 2018.
- Saikia, P., Kumar, A., Khan, M.L. (2019). Tree diversity mapping and quantitative assessment of tropical forests of Madhya Pradesh. Paper presented and abstract published in page 69 of Souvenir of 3rd World Clean Environment Summit 2019 held at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi during19th to 21st August 2019.
- Saikia, P. (2018). Status, Distribution and Composition of Sal Forests of Ranchi, Jharkhand, Eastern India. Paper presented and abstract published in page 90 of Souvenir of International Conference on Environmental Challenges and Sustainability (ICECS 2018) organized by DEVS and DLRM, SNRM, Central University of Jharkhand at CUJ, Ranchi held during 31st October to 2nd November 2018.
- Saikia, P. (2018). Status, distribution and floristic analysis of Eastern Himalayan forests of Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. Paper presented and abstract published in pages 67-68 of Book of Abstracts of International Conference on Environment and Ecology (ICEE 2018) organized by Gauhati University, Guwahati in collaboration with IFEE, Kolkata and Confederation of Indian Universities, New Delhi at Department of Zoology, Gauhati University, Guwahati during 12th to 14th February 2018.
- Saikia, P. (2017). Distribution and Conservation Status of Plant Genetic Resources of Tropical Deciduous Forests of Ranchi, Jharkhand, Eastern India. Paper presented and abstract published in page 166 of the Book of Abstracts of International Conference on Environment and Ecology (ICEE 2017) organized by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi in collaboration with IFEE, Kolkata and Confederation of Indian Universities, New Delhi at St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi during 27th to 29th March 2017.
- Saikia, P. (2016). Homegardens of upper Assam, Northeast India: An Agroecosystem for conservation of tree species diversity. Paper presented and abstract published in Sl. No. 10 of the Souvenir of International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (ICWEES-2016) organized by AISECT University, Bhopal in collaboration with Texas A & M University, USA at AISECT University, Bhopal, India during 15th to 18th March 2016.
- Saikia, P., Deka, J., Bharali, S., Tripathi, O.P., Khan, M.L. (2014). Study on tree population status and diversity in West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalaya. Paper presented and abstract published in page 69 of the Book of Abstracts of Tropical Ecology Congress, 2014 on ‘Tropical Ecosystem in a changing world’ organized by School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, New Delhi during 10th to 12th December 2014.
- Saikia, P., Devi, A. (2012). Cultivation and prospects of energy crop in homegardens of upper Assam, northeast India. Paper presented and abstract published in page 210 of the Proceedings of the International seminar and workshop on ‘Energy, sustainability and development (ISWESD) with special focus on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology’ organized by Department of Physics, Sibsagar College, Joysagar, Assam in collaboration with CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam during 12th to 14th October 2012.
- Saikia, P. (2012). Population status of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.: a critically endangered tree species of India in Assamese homegardens. Paper presented and abstract published in page 36 in the Proceedings of the International conference on ‘Biodiversity and sustainable energy development’ organized by OMICS Publishing Group, USA at HICC, Hyderabad, India during 14th to 15th September 2012.
Delivered in National Seminar/Webinar/Symposium/Workshop/Conference |
- Saikia, P. (2022). Land degradation neutrality: commitments to implementation. Acted as a Resource Person in World Soil Day Lecture organized by Department of Environmental Sciences and UGC-HRDC, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Sagar on 5 December 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Referencing Systems and Plagiarism in Research. Delivered an invited talk in Refresher Course on ‘Publication and Research Ethics' (RC5-22) organized by UGC-HRDC, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Sagar on 22 November 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Importance of the S&T Infrastructures in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions in strengthening the Institutional Capacity as well as in STI capacity building of Tribal Scholars. Delivered an invited talk in Conclave on Science & Technology Empowerment of Tribal Community' at IIT-Guwahati, Assam as a part of the Government of India's celebration of the National Tribal Day (Janjatiya Gaurav Divas) on 11 November 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Climate Change and its Impacts on Vegetation. Delivered an invited talk in Five-day training program for technical staff of the ICFRE organised by ICFRE-IFP, Ranchi from 19-23 September 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Polyhouse Mist Chamber for Protected Cultivation. Delivered an invited talk in One Week Training Programme on Advanced Instrumental Techniques in Water and Wastewater Analysis (AITWWA, 22) from 27 June to 03 July 2022 organized by DST-FIST sponsored DEVS, CUJ under the DST-STUTI Programme of IIT-ISM, Dhanbad.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Invest in our Planet. Delivered an invited talk in the World Earth Day 2022 in the Webinar on Invest in our Planet organized by the Jharkhand State Forest Department, Ranchi on 22 April 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Hands on Training on R&D instruments used in Environmental Research. Demonstrated in the Short Training and Awareness Program for science popularization among school students under DST-FIST program Organized by DST-FIST sponsored DEVS, CUJ, Ranchi on 28 February 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Detailed overview of Advanced R&D instruments for Environmental Research: Microscopy. Delivered an invited talk in Short Training and Awareness Program for science popularization among school students under DST-FIST program Organized by DST-FIST sponsored DEVS, CUJ, Ranchi on 28 February 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2022). Referencing Systems, Tools, and Plagiarism. Delivered an invited talk in the two days online workshop on Academic and Research Writing under Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR), SERB, GoI organized by CUJ, Ranchi on 04 February 2022.
- Saikia, P. (2021). Biodiversity Conservation with special reference to Indian Biodiversity. Delivered an invited talk in the Refresher Course in Environmental Studies & Disaster Management organized by the UGC-HRDC, Ranchi University, Ranchi on 17 November 2021.
- Saikia, P. (2021). Forest Degradation Prevention through Nature-based Solutions and Forest Landscape Restoration. Delivered an invited talk in the Webinar on Ecosystem Restoration: Different Strategies & Opportunities on World Environment Day 2021 organized by the Jharkhand State Forest Department, Ranchi on 5th June 2021.
- Saikia, P. (2021). Ecosystem Restoration for Sustainable Development. Delivered an invited talk in the World Environment Day 2021 on the theme Ecosystem Restoration organized by the ICFRE-Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi on 05 June 2021.
- Saikia, P. (2021). Biodiversity Conservation and Disaster Risk Reduction: An overview. Delivered an invited talk in the National Webinar on Biodiversity Conservation and Disaster Risk Reduction organized by NIDM, New Delhi and CUJ, Ranchi on 26 March 2021.
- Saikia, P. (2020). NINEISMINE to leverage the work on Climate Action. Delivered an invited talk in the virtual interaction with the child–citizens (Kidizens) in the Earth Parliament, Jharkhand organized by UNICEF, Jharkhand on 18 November 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). Ethnomedicinal plants of Jharkhand with special reference to Immune-booster plants to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic. Delivered an invited talk in the Workshop on Exploring the Science behind Sericulture, Endocrinology and Ethnobotany organized by the Department of Botany and Zoology, Nirmala College, Ranchi on 29th August 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). The Covid-19 pandemic and the Environment. Delivered an invited talk in the National Webinar on Impact on Environment due to COVID-19 organized by the Department of Zoology, Govt. Vivekanand PG College, Maihar, Santa, MP on 26th August 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). My Journey: Story of Choosing Plant Ecology and Conservation Biology as my career. Delivered an invited talk in Young Science Leader Series organized by NASI, New Delhi on 9th August 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). Covid-19: The pandemic of mistreated biodiversity, and its impact on Environment. Delivered a lead talk in National Webinar organized by Department of Botany, Bishwanath College, Assam on 12th June 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). Effects of COVID-19 on Environment and Biodiversity. Delivered a lead talk in Webinar organized on World Environment Day by Jamshedpur Women’s College, Jharkhand on 5th June 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2020). Tools and techniques used in ecological analyses of forests. Delivered an invited talk in 2nd National Workshop on Techniques in Hyperspectral data analysis and processing at IESD, BHU, Varanasi during 28th January 2020.
- Saikia, P. (2019). ICT in Teaching and Research in Biological and Environmental Sciences. Delivered an invited talk in Faculty Development Program (FDP) on ICT in Earth System Science organized by Dept. of Geology, Ranchi University during 30th August 2019.
- Saikia, P. (2019). Biodiversity Conservation: The needs of the time. Delivered an invited talk in Refresher Course on Environmental Practices for Sustainable Development (ID) at UGC-HRDC, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur on 1st July 2019.
- Saikia, P. (2018). Acted as panelist in the panel discussion on ‘Wood based Energy’ with special emphasis on ‘Fuelwood and its associated problems and sustainable energy measures’ in Workshop on ‘Climate Change: Opportunities and Challenges in Jharkhand’ jointly organized by the Department of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Govt. of Jharkhand and UNDP, Ranchi held on 26th September 2018 at Conference Hall, 2nd Floor, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranchi.
- Saikia, P. (2017). Prospects and challenges of forests resources of Jharkhand, Eastern India in sustaining rural livelihood. Delivered an invited talk in National workshop on Resource use and conservation for sustainable socio-ecological development organized by CEENR, ISEC, Bengaluru and NIRD-PR, NERC, Guwahati, India held in NIRDPR - Guwahati, Assam, India during 21st to 22nd December 2017.
- Saikia, P. (2016). Bamboos and its uses in day to day life of Common People. Delivered an invited talk in State level Training Program for the farmers on ‘Raising, Managing and Marketing of Bamboo’ organized by Institute of Forest Productivity, Lalgutwa, Ranchi on 4th February 2016.
- Saikia, P. (2015). Socioeconomic Research and its Prospects. Delivered an invited talk in National Workshop on ‘Research Methodology in Social Sciences’ organized by Centre for Indigenous Culture Studies, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi on 25th August 2015.
- Saikia, P. (2015). Homegardens of upper Assam, A Sustainable Food Production System. Paper presented and abstract published in page 91 of the Souvenir of National Conference on Environmental Challenges & Solutions (NC-ECS 2015) organized by Nature Jamshedpur, Jharkhand in association with CSIR-NML, IIM, Tata Steel and CUJ at CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India during 5th to 6th November 2015.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2011). Homegarden: An approach for on farm conservation of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. Paper presented and abstract published in pages 6-7 in the Abstract volume of the National seminar on Present environment and strategy for biodiversity conservation organized by Department of Economics, Dhemaji Commerce College, Dhemaji, Assam in collaboration with Dhemaji-Dhakuakhana zone, ACTA during 24th to 25th March 2011.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2011). Conservation and management practices of plant genetic resources in homegardens of Teok area of Jorhat district, Assam. Paper presented and abstract published in page 84 in the Abstracts of the papers of the National seminar on Plant resource management and conservation strategies in NE region organized by Department of Botany, Cotton College, Guwahati, Assam in collaboration with ASTEC, Guwahati, Assam during 18th to19th February 2011.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2009). Diversity and Prospects of Biodiesel producing species in NE India. Paper presented and abstract published in page 138 in the Proceedings of Regional seminar on Biofuels in North East India: Issues and Prospects organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST (Deemed University), Arunachal Pradesh during 20th to 21st March 2009.
- Saikia, P., Khan, M.L. (2009). Conservation of Aquilaria malaccensis Lam. in homegardens of upper Assam, NE India. Paper presented and abstract published in page 43 in the Abstracts of papers of the National seminar on Exploration, Utilization and Strategy Action Plan for Sustainable Management of Plant Resources organized by the Department of Botany, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam during 27th to 28th February 2009.
Conference/Webinar/Program Organized |
- Organizing a International Conference On Biodiversity, Food Security, Sustainability & Climate Change as Convener at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam to be held during April 4-7, 2023 in collaboration with Prof. H S Srivastava Foundation for Science, Lucknow.
- Organized a State level Short Training and Awareness Program for science popularization among school students under DST-FIST program Organized by DST-FIST sponsored DEVS, CUJ, Ranchi on 28 February 2022.
- Organized a National Webinar on Empowerment of Women through Science and Technology Interventions as Convenerat Virtual Platform on 26 February 2022 by Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat, CUJ, Ranchi.
- Organized a two-day International Webinar on “Role of Transportation, Environment and Energy in Integrated Urban Planning (RTEE-IUP-2021)’ as Co-Convenerat Virtual Platform from 25-26 November 2021 jointly by DTST and DEVS, CUJ, Ranchi.
- Organized a National level Consultative Workshop with the Stakeholders to Obtain Feedback/ Suggestions on Research and Development in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as Convenerat Virtual Platform on 12 November 2021 by R&D Cell, CUJ, Ranchi.
- Organized a National Webinar on ‘Disaster Risk Reduction and Urban risk Management’ as Convenerat Virtual Platform on 06 August 2021 jointly by CUJ, Ranchi & NIDM, New Delhi.
- Organized a National Webinar on ‘Restoration of Ecosystem Services: Challenges & Opportunities’ as Co-Convenerat Virtual Platform on 05 June 2021 jointly by CUJ, Ranchi & PHSS Foundation for Science and Society, Lucknow.
- Organized a National Webinar on ‘Biodiversity Conservation and Disaster Risk Reduction’ as Convenerat Virtual Platform on 26 March 2021 jointly by CUJ, Ranchi & NIDM, New Delhi.
- Organized an International Webinar on ‘Public Health, Research and Awareness for Sustainable Environment (IWPHRASE 2020)’ as Mentorin Virtual Platform on 27th September 2020.
- Organized an International Webinar on ‘COVID-19 impacts and implications on Environment’ as Convener in Virtual Platform at CUJ, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India on 11th August 2020.
- Organized a Webinar on ‘Contemporary Environmental Issues: Concepts, Tools and Practices’ as Co-Convener in Virtual Platform at CUJ, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India on 24th July 2020.
- Organized an International Conference on ‘Environmental Challenges and Sustainability’ (ICECS 2018) as Convener at CUJ, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India during 31st Oct. to 2nd Nov. 2018.
- Organized National Conference on “Environmental Challenges and Solutions (NC-ECS 2015)” as a Members of Organizing Committee at CSIR- NML, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India during 5th to 6th Nov. 2015.
- Organized International Conference on ‘Voices from The Margin: Society, Culture and Exclusion’ as a Members of Organizing Committee at School of Languages, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi-835205, Jharkhand, India during 20th to 22nd Feb. 2013
Participation in Refresher/Orientation/Training (One week/ more than one week) |
- Attended and successfully completed a two-week Online Refresher Course on ‘Biodiversity and Conservation (ID)’ organised by UGC-HRDC, NEHU, Shillong from 3 to 18 August 2022 and obtained A Grade.
- Attended and successfully completed Online Lecture & Training Programme on ‘Faculty Development Programme-QIP’ organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi from 30 January to 13 February 2022.
- Attended and successfully completed a ten days NMPB sponsored National Training Program on ‘Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Diversity, Utilization, and their Conservation’ organized by the Department of Forestry, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal from 01-10 June 2021.
- Attended and successfully completed a one-week (Seven days) Science Academies’ Science Leader Workshop India’s First Science Leadership Program organized by Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 22-28 June 2020.
- Attended and successfully completed a one-week (Five days) MHRD-GIAN course on "The use of Molecular Genetics and Genomics Tools in Biodiversity Conservation” organized by the Department of Botany, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Sagar, Madhya Pradesh from 22-26 July 2019.
- Attended and successfully completed two weeks (Sixteen days) Science Academies’ Refresher course on ‘Plant Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Ecology’ in Central University of Punjab, Bathinda from 05-20 March 2019 and obtained A Grade.
- Attended and successfully completed a three-week (Twenty-one days) UGC sponsored Refresher course in Environmental Studies/ Earth Sciences (ID) organized by UGC-HRDC, CPDHE, University of Delhi, New Delhi from 13 October to 04 November 2015 and obtained A Grade.
- Attended and successfully completed a four-week (Twenty-eight days) UGC sponsored Orientation program organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi from 14 July to 10 August 2014 and obtained A Grade.
- Attended and successfully completed a one-week (Six days) Training programme on “Management of Social Forestry for Sustainable Livelihood” organized by NIRD, Guwahati, Assam in collaboration with Dept. of Forestry, NERIST (Deemed University), Arunachal Pradesh from 25-30 April 2011.
- Attended and successfully completed a ten days Workshop cum Training Program on “Taxonomy, ecology and conservation” organized by the Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems (CEMDE), University of Delhi, New Delhi from 29 December 2009 to 07 January 2010.