Senior Assistant Professor
Department of Mass Communication
Cell:- 8340716986
E-mail : rashmi.verma@cuj.ac.in |
Educational Qualification: |
Pursuing PhD,
M.Phil. in Mass Communication,
Masters in Journalism (MJ),
Post Graduate Diploma in Television Production (PGDTP),
PG Diploma in Translation,
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) |
Awards/ Recognition: |
- Felicitated by ‘Shikshak Samman’ on Teacher’s Day by Taza TV, Ranchi.
- Selected for Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) in 2009.
Areas of Interest |
Environmental Communication, Media Literacy, Fact Checking, Communication for Development and Corporate Communication |
Courses Taught: |
Integrated Marketing Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Corporate Communication, Reporting and Editing. |
Additional Role/ Responsibility: |
Coordinator, Training & Placement, Department of Mass Communication |
Brief introduction |
Mrs. Rashmi Verma is actively engaged in teaching, training and research in the discipline of Mass Communication for more than one decade. She joined academics in 2010 with Central University. Prior to this, she was associated with print media in Delhi. Mrs. Verma has many cover stories to her credit, she also carried out regular columns and her articles, features were published in various print publications. She has presented programs on All India Radio and has undergone professional training with some print/electronic media houses. As a course teacher, she has conducted some outreach programs for the students and has coordinated field/industry visits. She has been actively engaged in conducting special lectures of media professionals and in organizing placement drive for the students. Recently she has conducted various online/in-person trainings and workshops for media teachers, students, NGO’s, Artisans, Theatre artists, members of Self Help Groups and other community activists on ‘News and Information Literacy’. She has also conducted sessions with children of local community and neighboring schools on ‘Good and Bad Touch’ and ‘Gender Sensitization’. |
Administrative responsibilities (with active period): |
- Worked as an Administrative Warden of Girl’s Hostel, CUJ.
- Warden of Girls Hostel, CUJ
Other Academic Positions: |
- Member of International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
- Google News Initiative India Training Network Trainer
- FactShala India Media Literacy Network Trainer
Research Work: |
- Pursuing Ph.D. with the title “Exploring Frames in Environmental Communication: Text, Context and Sub-Text of Down to Earth Magazine” from Department of Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand.
- Participated in Global Media Monitoring Project 2020, as a Member of Research Team for India. GMMP is an advocacy organization which conducts the largest international study on gender in the news media
Articles Published/ Accepted: |
Research Publications
- ‘Communicating Culture through Tribal Art: A Case Study of Sohrai and Kohvar Paintings in Jharkhand.’ Indian Folk Studies - Lore of the People (Accepted and In Press).
- ‘New Media as a new platform for human expression’ published in Issues of Journalistic Ethics and Freedom in the Contemporary Age of Digital Media, University of Calcutta in 2012 (ISBN 81-86263-02-4).
- ‘Vigyan ka prasar aur media ki sehbhagita’ published in Vigyan Sanchar by DESIDOC, Defence Research and Development Organization , GOI 2013 (ISBN 978-81-86514-45-0).
- ‘Oraon of Ranchi city under the era of globalization- a socio-cultural perspective’ published in Ratna-Garbha research journal published by Social Sciences & Humanities Development Association in 2012 (Vol-8, ISSN 0996-231X).
Book Chapters
- Chapter on ‘Internal Public and Corporate Communication Connecting with Your Own People’ in ‘Corporate Communication- Trends and Features’ edited by Dr. Sapna M.S Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Journalism, University of Mysore.
- Chapter on ‘Vigyan ka Prasar Aur Media ki Sehbhagita’ Published in Vigyan Prasar book.
- Chapter on ‘Jan Sampark’ published in a book titled Visheshikrit Patrakarita, University Publication, Delhi, Edition: First, Year: 2014, (ISBN 978-81-7555-656-0).
- Chapter on ‘Ek Ropa Dhan Vritchitra ka Adhyan aur Gramin Parivesh mein Prasangikta’ published in a book titled ‘Media Ki Nayi Chunautiyaan’ Kanishka Publication, Delhi, Edition: First, Year: 2014 (ISBN 978-81-8457-649-8).
Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference Participation: |
- Presented paper on ‘Fact Check Initiatives in India: An Exploratory Study’ in the Two Days International Conference on Media Education organized by Department of Communication, Bangalore University during 28-29th Dec, 2020.
- Presented paper on ‘Framing of Environmental Communication: A Systematic Review of Literature on the Field’ in a Two Days International Conference on Science Communication jointly organized by Bangalore University and Indian Association for Science Fiction Studies during 7-8th Dec, 2020.
- Presented paper on ‘Cinema as a Soft Power: A Comparative Study of Cinema Industry in India and China’ in a Two Days International Conference on Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in India and China, jointly organized by Central University of Jharkhand in collaboration with Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) and Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi during 21st -22nd, February, 2019.
- Presented paper on ‘Breaking the Cage With the Power of Pen: A Case Study of Khabar Lehariya’ in a Two Days International Conference on ‘Empowering Women Through Transformative Education organised by Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi during 3rd and 4th Oct, 2018.
- Presented Paper on ‘Green Communication: A Study of Indian Cinema’ in the National Seminar on Environmental Sustainability and Conservation: Issues and Challenges in 21st Century organized by Satyawati College, Delhi University in association with Department of Environment, Delhi Government on 15th Nov, 2017.
- Presented paper on ‘Vigyan ka prasar aur media ki sehbhagita’ in a Two Days International Conference organized by DESIDOC, Defense and Research Organization, Govt. of India during 5-7th Dec, 2013.
- Presented paper on ‘Rural Development: A Case Study of Brambe, Jharkhand’ in Two days National Conference on ‘Challenges of Development: Re-Visit to Inclusiveness’ organized by Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi during 17th -18th January, 2014.
- Presented paper on ‘Public Relations: An Essential Function of Effective Management’ paper presented in 6th International Seminar on Human Resource organized by Institute for Social Development and Research (ISDR), Ranchi from 01 to 03 November, 2014.
- Participated in National Conference on ‘Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Information and Communication Technology (NCIEICT)’ organized by Computer Society of India and Mahamaya Technical University, Noida during 14th-15th May, 2011.
- Participated in National Seminar on ‘Truth and media’ organized by Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, National Institute of Social Communications, Research and Training (NISCOET) and IAAN School of Mass Communication during 25th-26th April, 2016.
- Participated in a Regional Seminar on ‘Nine years of RTI Act: Role of Civil Society in Enhancing Transparency’ organized by Media Information and Communication Centre of India Jharkhand RTI Forum, FES-India and FJCCI during 19-20 April, 2013.
- Participated in a Regional Seminar on ‘RTI: A Potent Weapon against Corruption’ organized by Media Information and Communication Centre of India Jharkhand RTI Forum, FES-India and FJCCI during 19-20 February, 2012.
- Attended Seminar on ‘Society, Govt. and Media’ organized by Information & Public Relation Department, Govt. of Jharkhand on 18August, 2011 in Ranchi.
- Attended Two Weeks UGC Sponsored Online Refresher Course in Media Studies organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University during 12th to 25th March, 2021.
- Attended Two Weeks Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "ICT Based New Paradigms of E-Teaching and E-Learning : Digital Pedagogy" organized by Department of Computer Science, Mata Sundri College for Women University of Delhi In Collaboration with Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College during 15th-30th September, 2020.
- Attended Three Days Online Workshop/Training Program on “Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction” Jointly organized by Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction Centre, National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt.of India in collaboration with Central University of Jharkhand from 10th to 12th November, 2020.
- Attended Three Days Workshop on ‘Media Research Methodology’ in online mode by School of Media Studies, Department of Convergent Journalism, Central University of Kashmir from 3rd to 5th November, 2020.
- Attended Three Days ‘Train the Trainer Workshop’ on ‘News and Information Literacy’in online mode organised by FactShala India Media Literacy Network. In collaboration of Intern News and Data Leads during 14th to 16th Oct, 2020.
- Attended Two Days Google News Initiative India Training Network Trainer’s Recertification Workshop initiated by DataLeads during 12th to 13th Oct, 2020.
- Attended 10 days ICSSR Research Methodology Workshop from 1st April to 10th April, 2019 organized by Dept. of Contemporary, Tribal and Customary Law, Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe, Ranchi.
- Attended 10 days ‘Research Workshop on Social Sciences’ from 26th November to 6th December, 2018 at Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi.
- Attended the National workshop on ‘Cinema Aesthetics’ on 19-20th November, 2018 jointly organized by UNICEF and Department of Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi.
- Attended Two Days Workshop on ‘Champions for Child Rights’ under Campus Knowledge Initiatives of UNICEF from 9th to 10th Oct, 2018 in Central University of Jharkhand.
- Participated and presented my ideas in ‘Consultative meeting’ on ‘Advocating# for every Child’ with academia of Jharkhand organized by UNICEF in collaboration with Department of Mass Communication, CUJ on 11th August, 2018.
- Participated in Two Days Capacity Building National Workshop on the topic of ‘Writing Research Paper’ during 9-10th Dec, 2017 in Nirmala College, Ranchi.
- Attended Yoga Workshop organized by NSS.
- Participated in a Two Days Workshop on ‘Referencing Tools’ organized by CUJ, Ranchi during 27th-28th Nov, 2017.
- Invited in a Workshop as Member of educational institution on ‘Homeless and Urban Poor’ organized by Ekjoot NGO on 30th April, 2014 Ranchi.
- ‘Media Writing’ one week national workshop organized by Centre for Mass Communication, CUJ, Ranchi during 17 to 23rd Nov, 2014.
- ‘SPSS’ workshop organized by Central University of Jharkhand on 19th July, 2014.
- Attended Refresher Course in ‘Film and Other Media in Historical Contexts’ in Jadavpur University, Kolkata during 3rd to 23rd December, 2014.
- Attended Orientation course conducted by Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia, delhi during 21st Oct to 19th Nov, 2013.
- ‘Understanding Cinema’ workshop organized by Centre for Mass Communication, CUJ, Ranchi from 15th to 18th Oct, 2011.
- Participated in One Week Regional Workshop on ‘Science Broadcasting’ organized by Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calcutta in collaboration with Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology, GOI and during 19-23rd Sep, 2011.
- Participated in ‘Information Literacy & Competency’ workshop organized by Delhi University Library System, Delhi University on 15th March, 2011.
- Actively Participated as a member of organizing committee in ‘Community Radio Workshop’ organized by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting in collaboration with Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Science and Telecommunication, Govt. of India in Central University of Jharkhand during 8-10 November, 2011.
- Participated and led a group of students in ‘Media Consultation Workshop on Child Rights and Reporting on Children’ jointly organized by IPRD, Govt. of Jharkhand and UNICEF from 25th to 26th Nov, 2010 in Ranchi.
Programs Organised : |
- Coordinator, Google News Initiative, dataLEADS & FIRST DRAFT VaxCheck Virtual Town Hall Series 2021 in association with CUJ, Ranchi on 03 May 2021.
- Coordinated workshop on ‘Fact Checking’ for Journalists, media educators, media students of Ranchi in Press Club, Ranchi on 14th March, 2019.
- Jointly coordinated the ‘Celebration of International Women’s Day Program’, 8th March, 2019 in University Auditorium and prepared report of program for the submission of UGC.
- Jointly coordinated ‘Five days workshop on Graphics Techniques’ during 17th to 21st April, 2018 in Centre for Mass Communication, CUJ.
- Coordinated and done comparing for ‘International Women’s Day’ on 8th of March, 2018 in University auditorium.
- Coordinated various competitions for departmental students in the Three Days event of ‘Expression of Creativity’ from 13th to 15th March, 2018.
- Coordinated Special Lecture of PRSI on the theme of ‘Your Vote: Your Right’ on the occasion of National PR Day. This event took place on 23rd April, 2018.
- Jointly coordinated ‘Three days workshop on Graphics Techniques’ during 3rd to 7 th April, 2017 in Centre for Mass Communication, CUJ.
- One day special lecture on ‘Public Service Broadcasting in the era of Commercialization’. The program was organized by Centre for Mass Communication on the occasion of National Television Day on 15th September, 2015.
- Jointly coordinated National debate competition on the topic of ‘Eradication of ragging” on 12th Sep, 2014 in Central University of Jharkhand.
- Coordinated One day special lecture on “Television in India: Journey So Far’. The program organized by Centre for Mass Communication on 19th September, 2014.
- Led the group of 52 students for National Trekking Expedition, Goa organized by Youth Hostels Association of India from 21st Dec, 2013 to 4th Jan, 2014 (Two Weeks).
- Jointly Coordinated ‘International Uranium Travelling Film Festival’ in Central University of Jharkhand on 15th Jan, 2013.
Invited as Resource Person: |
- Invited as ‘Guest Speaker’ by School of Communication, Amity University, Ranchi for 23rd April, 2021 to deliver an online special lecture.
- Invited as ‘Guest Speaker’ by Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Usha Martin Universtiy, Jharkhand on 30th Jan, 2021 to deliver an online lecture.
- Invited as ‘Resource Person’ by University Department of Mass Communication, Binod Bihari Mahto Koyalanchal Universisty, Dhanbad on 9th Jan, 2021 to deliver an online special lecture.
- Invited as ‘Resource Person’ by Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Ranchi University, Ranchi on 7th Jan, 2021 to deliver an online lecture on Fact Checking.
- Invited as ‘Resource Person’ by Department of Mass Communication, Gossner College, Ranchi on 18th Dec, 2020 to deliver an online lecture on Fact Checking.
- Invited as ‘Resource Person’ by Delhi Public School, Ranchi on 19th Dec, 2020 to deliver an online lecture to its teachers on “Information Literacy’.
- Invited as ‘Guest Trainer’ by JharCraft to conduct in-personal training on 5th Dec, 2020 for its different department heads and some employees based in Ranchi Corporate Office.
- Invited as ‘Trainer’ by Protsahan Foundation (NGO) of Delhi to deliver an online session on ‘Information Literacy’ for its members and group of girls on 27th Nov, 2020.
- Invited as ‘Resource Person’ by Carmel School, Brambe, Ranchi on 10th Nov, 2020 to conduct workshop for its teachers and staff on ‘Online Teaching and Learning’.
- Invited as a ‘Resource Person’ and felicitated by Information and Public Relation Department (IPRD) of Government of Jharkhand for Orientation lecture of their PR Professionals of different districts on 1st June, 2019.
- Contributed as a Resource Person on the topic of ‘Blog Writing’ in weeklong workshop on ‘Writing for Media’ organized by Centre for Mass Communication, CUJ, Ranchi during 2nd to 6th Nov, 2015.
- Invited as Board of Examiner in Department of Mass Communication and Media, Central University of Bihar on 19th-20th May, 2013.
- Invited as a Judge in MAD-AD event in the Techno Management Fest OJASS 2017 in NIT, Jamshedpur during 24th to 26th March, 2017
Updated On: |
03rd May 2021 |