Dr.Arvind Lal
Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemistry,
Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
Cell : 9122937299/8986960554
E-Mail : arvind.lal@cuj.ac.in/ lalarvind2@gmail.com |
Educational Qualification |
M.Sc. ( Chemistry), Ph.D. ( Engineering) from BIT Mesra Ranchi |
Awards/ recognition |
- Got state merit scholarship from Matriculation to B.Sc (Hons) from state Government of Bihar.
- Got Medals from Member Mechanical Railway Board New,Delhi overall for best Performance at IRIMEE,Jamalpur.
- Got several times Director’s awards from IRIMEE,Jamalpur.
- Got several times merit certificates on different occasions such as Swachh Rail Abhiyan & Railway weeks.
- Got several times Hindi/Rajbhasha award etc.
Area of Interest |
- Alternative materials ( such as Plastics,Rubbers, composite and other industrial based materials like metals,non-metals etc) and its quality controls for application in Indian Railways/other industries
- Alternative fuels ( Bio-diesels) and welding Technology .
- Pollution controls.( waste management, ETP etc)
Courses Taught |
- Corrosion science
- Analytical chemistry
- Polymers
Brief Introduction |
Joined as a Assistant Professor at CUJ Ranchi on 03.03.2020 .Prior to this University, i was Ex Faculty member at IRIMEE ( Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering),Jamalpur/ Indian Railways Locomotive workshop,E.Railway,Jamalpur having more than 24 years of teaching/Industrial experience in different field of different types of materials and its quality control used in Indian Railways,Alternative fuels and Pollution control measures taken in IR such as solid waste management, Uses of bio-toilets in Indian Railway Coaches, Weld quality improvement in Indian Railways etc. Identify as a resource person from Railway Board to publish articles related to Indian Railways.I got Ph.D ( In Engineering) from BIT Mesra Ranchi in 2014 on the topic “Study of Bio-diesel from some vegetable oils and their Engine performance”. |
Administrative responsibilities (with active period) |
Member of Proctorial Board of CUJ, Ranchi since 09/11/2020 for the period of three years |
Additional role/ responsibility |
- Member of Departmental academic Purchase committee since 13/10/2020
- Member of Central Admission committee Board since 30/09/2020
Articles Published/Accepted |
Research publications
Articles in Journals (Published/ Accepted)
- Bhanu Pratap and Arvind Lal, October 2020. “Physico-chemical characterization (in silico analysis) of Rv2034 protein, a transcription factor from Mycobacterium tuberculosis”, International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology ( IJNIET), 15(1): 01-04. ISSN:2319-6319.
- Manoj Kumar,N.K.Y Indu and Arvind Lal,September 2020. “Synthesis, characterization and catalytic studies of nonstoichiometric mixed oxides of cerium”, Journal of Emerging technologies and Innovative Research –An International Open Accessjournal(JETIR),7(9):1063-1067.ISSN:2349-5162. DOI:http://doi.one/10.1729/journal.24891.
- Arvind Lal and N.K.Yadav ‘Indu’, December- 2019. ” Polanga oil based bio-diesel ( POBD): A clean burning liquid fuel for Indian Railways Application”. International Journal of latest trends in Engineering and Technology ( IJLTET),15(2):55-60. ISSN:e-2278-621X,p-2319-3778 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.152.10.
- Arvind Lal and N.K.Yadav.’Indu’,December-2019.“Deterioration of rubbers in Waste Cooked oil Bio-diesel ( COBD) and HSD fuel used in Indian Railways”. International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology ( IJNIET), 12(3): 70-75. ISSN:2319-6319.
- Arvind Lal, Arbind Kumar and N.K.Yadav.‘Indu’,December 2018. “ Study of Pongamia-pinata based plant fuel and their Engine Performance”.Journal of Emerging technologies and Innovative Research –An International Open Access journal(JETIR),5(12):616-621.ISSN:2349-5162. Weblink http://www.jetir.org/view?paper = JETIR1812C90.
- Arvind Lal,August-2018. “Bio-diesel-A better substitute fuel for Diesel engine”. Journal of Emerging technologies and Innovative Research –An International Open Access journal ( JETIR),5(8): 663-669. ISSN:2349-5162 Weblink http://www.jetir.org/view?paper = JETIR1808999.
- Satya Deo Ram, Jai Prakas, S.K Dhiman, Arvind Lal and Arbind Kumar May-2015. “ Study of Bulk modulus of compressibility of bio-diesel and their impact on exhaust emission”. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering ( IJETIE),1(5): 1-7,ISSN: 2394-6598.
- Satya Deo Ram, Jai Prakash, S.K Dhiman, Arvind Lal and Arbind Kumar May-2015. “Optimization of Production and Quality Assessment of Biodiesel from Karanja Vegetable oil ”. International Advanced research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology ( IARJSET),2(5):13-18,ISSN: ONLINE 2393-8021 PRINT 2394-1588.
- R.P.Singh, Arbind kumar and Arvind Lal,Feb-2013. “Bio-diesel- A Sustainable energy Resources made from Non-edible oils”. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering( IJETAE),3(3):112-118,ISSN: 2250-2459.
- Arvind Lal, S.K. Dhiman, Arbind Kumar, A.K. Gupta and N.K. Yadav ,2011.“Performance and Exhaust Emissions Study of Bio-fuel Plant ”. International Journal of Engineering research and Technology ( IJERT),4(5):521-533,ISSN:0974-3154.
- Arvind Lal, A. Kumar, A.K. Gupta and N.K. Yadav,June-2011. “ Waste Cooked oil as an alternative feedstock for Biodiesel production in Indian Railways”. Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry ( Asian J. research Chem ) ,4(6):942-945, ISSN: online 0974-4150,print 0974-4169.
- Arvind Lal , A.K. Gupta, A. Kumar and N.K. Yadav ‘Indu’ ,June-2010. Manufacture and study of Physico-chemical Properties of Karanja Bio-diesel . Material Science research India An International research Journal of Material sciences,7(1):153-158,ISSN: online 2394-0565,print 0973-3469.
Books and Book Chapters (Published/ Accepted)
- Arvind Lal , R.P.singh, Arbind Kumar,A.K.gupta and N.K. Yadav ‘Indu’ ,2012. Bio-diesel-A Green alternative fuel made from Non-edible oils. Book on Green Chemistry for Greener Environment. Editor-in Chief Dr. Raghvendu Pathak of Pachhunga University college Aizawl Mizoram and published by , Educretion Publishing ,pp.21- 42 ISBN: 978-81-928823-7-6.
- Arvind Lal , G.Chowdhury, A. Kumar and N.K. Yadav ,December-2008. Prospects of Renewable Energy in Indian Railways- A Challenge . Book on Renewable Energy and Environment for Sustainable Development. Editors V.K.Vijay & H.P.Garge of IIT Delhi and published by Narosa Publishing House,pp.129-135 ISBN: 978-81-7319-993-6.
Seminar/Workshop/Conference/Participation |
International conferences:
- Dr.Arvind Lal, 2020. Steps taken by Indian Railways during the COVID-19 Crisis. Participated and delivered an Invited lecture in International webinar on abatement techniques and Impact of COVID-19, organized by an International Journal Physical and Environmental Science Bulletin, India during May 23 -24, 2020.
- Arvind Lal and G.Chowdhury, 2017. Uses of Polysilazanes based Anti graffitic Nano-coating for the Indian Railways Coaches. Participated and paper presented in International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology( ICNANO-17), organized by International Association of Advanced materials,Sweden( IAAM) , India during March 1-3, 2017.
- R.P.Singh,Arbind Kumar and Arvind Lal , 2013. Bio-diesel- A Sustainable energy Resources made from Non-edible oils. Participated, paper presented and cochaired the Technical session in International Conference on Energy Resources & Technologies for Sustainable Development . (ICERTSD 2013) , organized by Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur, West Bengal Howrah, India during February 7-9, 2013.
- Arvind Lal , G.Chowdhury,Arbind Kumar and N.K.Yadav ‘Indu’ 2010. Bio-Diesel for Indian Railways application & Second generation bio-fuels from Algae. Participated and poster presented in 1st International Conference on New Frontiers in Bio-Fuels ,Indian Habitat Center,New Delhi, organized by ( Delhi Technical University) DTU/Delhi, India during January 18-19, 2010.
- Arvind Lal , G.Chowdhury,Arbind Kumar and N.K.Yadav ‘Indu’ 2010. Prospect of Renewable Energy in Indian Railways-A Challenge.Participated and poster presented in International Conference on Renewable Energy Asia 2008. organized by IIT, Delhi , India during December 11-13, 2008
National conferences:
- S.K. Bag, R.K.Gupta and Dr.Arvind Lal 2021. Study of alkali-catalysed Karanga oil as a potential resource of Bio-diesel.Online participated and delivered a invited talk ( https://meet.google.com/mub-xzzb-mrh) in National Conference on Cutting Edges in material sciences.Organized by University department of Physics,L.N.M.University,Darbhanga,Bihar-846004 , India in February 11, 2021.
- Arvind Lal and B.R.Verma 2018. Green Steps Taken by Indian Railway towards Environmental Sustainability.Participated and paper presented in National Conference on Civil Engg. And Sustainable Urban Development NCCESUD-2018. organized by BIT,Mesra Patna Campus P.O.B.V College,Patna , India during February 16-17, 2018.
- Arvind Lal , S.L.Pandit and N.K.Yadav ‘Indu’ 2017. Waste Cooked oil: A Sustainable resources of Clean Energy .Participated and paper presented in National Conference in Bihar Vigyan Congress,Patna organized by Science & Technology State Government .Bihar , India during February 17-19, 2017 .
- Arvind Lal , S.L.Pandit and S.K.Sen 2012. Development of Environmental friendly Biological Toilet system for Indian Railways.Participated and paper presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences organized by BIT, Deoghar Jharkhand , India during February 18-19, 2012.
- Arvind Lal , Arbind kumar and N.K.Yadav ‘Indu’ 2009. Algae Bio-fuels: Towards reducing Global warming and Environmental Impacts .Participated and paper presented in 20th All India congress of Zoology in Bioresources and its Management for food, Livelihood and Environmental Security and National Helminthological Congress organized by Fisheries Centre Bombay , India during December 29-31, 2009.
- Arvind Lal , Arbind kumar and N.K.Yadav ‘Indu’, 2007. Pollution Control Measures taken by Indian Railways in Workshop and Diesel Sheds- An Overview Participated and paper presented in National conference on Adventures in Ecological waste Effluent Recycling, Chem.Engg.Division ,Kolkata organized by WBSC,Institution of Engineers ( IEI),India Kolkata , India during December 22-23, 2007.
- Arvind Lal and S.K.Gangopadhyay , 2006. Composite Material: An Overview. ( Selection of Raw Materials for the manufacturing of Composite Materials . Participated and paper presented in National conference on polymer Composite-2006,organized by Research Design & Standards Organisation( R.D.S.O),Lucknow-226011 U.P, India during December 12-13, 2006.
Program Organized |
- Many courses organised for the Officers and supervisors (IES,s, SSE,CMA/CMS) of Indian Railways and for other PSUs
- Conducted many seminars/workshop related to Indian Railways Technologies
Any Other Information |
Delivered many invited talk on many forum such as Indian Academy of Science,Bangalore in the refresher course in recent advances in Chemistry on the topic “Application of Engineering materials and their research scope” and on the occasion of world Environment Day on 6th June every year at IRIMEE,Jamalpur and Eastern Railway Locomotive workshop,Jamalpur on the different topics related to Environment. |
Updated as on |
2021 |