Professor (Department of Business Administration)
Educational Qualification: |
Ph.D. (Finance)
Research Interest: |
Entrepreneurship Management, Financial Inclusion, Digital Tools for Business, Health Care Industry, NPA
Management for Financial Institutions, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Derivatives and Risk
Management, Corporate Finance, Operations Research
Contact: |
Email: |
ashok.sarkar@cuj.ac.in |
Experience in
Academic Field: |
Professor(I/C)(Internal Audit) (Continuing),
Dean(Ex.) School of Management Sciences (SMS) (two terms) in
Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ),
Head(Ex) Department of Business Administration (Two terms) in CUJ,
Finance Officer(Additional Charge for 1 year 7 months)(Ex) in Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ),
School Board of SMS(Ex.) in CUJ ,
Chairman Board of Studies of DBA(Ex) in CUJ,
Member Academic Council of
Central University of Jharkhand (Continuing),
Deputy Director in Management Institute of Durgapur, W.B.
Training, Workshop and
“Financial Analysis & Modeling Using Excel” by National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad
“Work Shop on Structured System Analysis and Design” by NIIT, Kolkata
“Work Shop on General Programme on Development Banking” by IDBI, New Delhi
“Work Shop on case writing, Teaching and Research” by Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
“Managing Digital Revolution: Inventing Future India” by Delhi Technological University, New Delhi
“Managing Finance For Improving Organisational Performance and Corporate Social Responsibility” by
National Productivity Council
“National Conclave on “ Mainstreaming Social Entrepreneurship Education in India” by
The British Council, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India(EDII) and University of East
London(UEL) at Ahmedabad
“Workshop on Data mining” by Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta at Kolkata
“Faculty Development Programme on SPSS as a Modern Research Tool” by Future Business School,
Sonarpur, at Kolkata
“Faculty Development Seminar on International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS)” by
Association of Indian Management Schools and Globsyn Business School, Kolkata
“Financial Inclusiveness- A Comprehensive Growth for India” by Association of Indian Management
Schools at Kolkata
“Modern Office Management & Performance Management” by National Productivity Council
Significant Publications:
- Somarata Chakraborty, Ashoke Kumar Sarkar, Ranajit Chakrabarty(2017), “Industry Concentration Vis-àvis
Sustainable Growth-Case of Some Specific Indian Industries” International Journal of Management
Studies, ISSN(Print) 2249-0302 , ISSN(Online) 2231-2528,Vol IV,Issue-1,June17
- Dr. Ashoke Kumar Sarkar & Unnati Gupta, Impact of E Word of Mouth Publicity on Destination Selection-
A Study of Gwalior, AIM-KINDLER, ISSN0973-486, Vol. XVII, Number 2, July-Dec 2017
- Dr.Ashoke Kumar Sarkar & Purusotam Viswakarma, “Setting an Enterprise Vis-à-vis Procurement of Job
in the Perspective of Indian Professional Students”, AIM-KINDLER, ISSN0973-486, Vol. XVII, Number 2,
July-Dec 2017
- Debasmita Dutta, Pooja Shukla, Praveen Kumar & Dr. A.K.Sarkar, “Women Health Policies: A Critical
Evaluation of Existing Policies and Future Required Strategies “ , AIM-KINDLER, ISSN0973-486, Vol. XVII,
Number 2, July-Dec 2017
- Ms. Debasmita Dutta, Ms Pooja Shukla, Dr. Ashoke Kr. Sarkar, “ Financial Literacy and Health Awareness
Among Tribes of Jharkhand: A Special Reference to Paharia Tribes”, International Journal of Research and
Analytical Reviews, ISSN 2349-5138, special issue,Vol. 6 , june 2019 pg 145-158
- Dr.Ashoke Kr. Sarkar and Debasmita Dutta “Effects of Demonetization on Healthcare And
Pharmaceutical Industry with Future Managing Strategies” Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2017 Page No. (441 to
447)” International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies(IJIRAS) ISSN: 2394-4404
- Ashoke Kumar Sarkar and Ranajit Chakrabarty “A Study on the Sustainability of The State Financial
Corporations of India in the post liberalization era: Comparison of West Bengal State Financial
Corporation (WBSC) and Bihar State Financial Corporation (BSFC) “ Bhavishya- Journal of Future Business
School Vol. 3 No. 2 Pg (87-100) October 2009 ISSN 0973-8274
- Ashoke Kumar Sarkar “Comparison of NPA Method and Asset Valuation Method For Reporting and
Decision Making: A Case Bihar State Financial Corporation” International Journal of Research and
Development ISSN(Online) Volume 1, Issue 1 2012, 2279-073X ISSN(Print) 2279-0438
- Ganesh Ch. Chattapadhya and Ashoke Kumar Sarkar, An Appraisal of Long Term Solvency of Eastern
Coalfields Limited(ECL) and Central Coalfields Limited(CCL) during 2003-04 to 2012-13: A comparative
Study towards Exploring New Strategies for Business(page 634 to 648) The New Leap Exploring New
Paradigms in Business Pg 634 to 648 year 2014 ISBN: 978-93-83842-10-0
- A.K.Sarkar and Awn Alshugga “The Importance of Human Resources Accounting and its Impact on the
Quality of Accounting Information to Equip Challenges for Modern Business” The New Leap Exploring New
Paradigms in Business Pg 577 to 591, year 2014 ISBN: 978-93-83842-10-0
- A. K. Sarkar and Somarata Chakrabarty “Alternative of Disinvestment: A case Study of Indian Oil
Corporation Limited” Disinvestment and Privatisation: Impact on the Indian Economy December, 2016
(page 37 to 48) ISBN: 978-81-928721-8-6
Significant Cahpter in Edited Book:
- Book Name: Sustainable Development: South Asian Conundrum, Chapter 3: Human Resources
Accounting Concepts and their Applicability and Implications for Employees, Organizations, Donors and
Society: A Critical Analysis Edited by: Mazharul M. Islam and Moazzem Hossain Author Ashoke Kumar
Sarkar and Pragyan Pushpanjali, Published by IIDS Australia,IIMS India and BEN Germany 2015 ISBN 978
984 33 88193
- Proceedings of the Bhavishya-International Conference on Management, Healthcare and Media, 2017 ,
Theme: “Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation in a Dynamic Environment” Topic: Effects of
Demonetization on Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry Ashoke Kumar Sarkar and Debasmita Dutta
Pg (84-93) Future Institute of Engineering and Management 7th and 8th April 2017 ISBN-13: 978-93-5268-
Significant Consultancy Work Undertaken:
Cost Records maintenance of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited BSNL
i) Arrah Branch, Bihar ,
ii) Sasaram
Branch, Bihar and
iii) Kalyany Branch of West Bengal |
Experience: |
22 years 4 months in Public Sector Undertaking (Finance Area) Managerial Cadre
Experience: |
15.5 – years (Full Time) MBA Course , Future Institute of Engineering and Management , JIS College of
Engineering, Management Institute of Durgapur and Central University of Jharkhand, 15- years (Part-time)
Membership: |
- Life member of Indian Statistical Institute
- Life member of Indian Accounting Association Research
- Fellow Member of Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India
Award: |
Junior Research Fellowship by U.G.C. in 1982
Teaching Interest: |
Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Derivatives and Risk Management, Advance Corporate Finance,
Taxation, Operations Research |
Development of
e-Content as
material(in You
tube): |
Solving Two Person Zero Sum Game By Using LP (Linear Programming ) : This topic comes under the
course of Business Management at the level of Post Graduate. Chapter “Game Theory”, Available in You
tube access by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG3gdSFp-6s |
Participation and
presentation of
Research Paper: |
S. No. |
Date |
Title of Conference or
Institution |
Title of Presentation |
1. |
9-12 July 2014 at
University of Bonn,
Germany |
The 9th International
Conference on
University of Bonn,
Germany 9-12 July 2014 |
Human Resources Accounting
Concepts and Their Applicability and
Implications for Employees,
Organisations, Donors and Society- A
Critical Analysis |
2. |
International (2-days 7th
and 8th April 2017) |
Conference on
Managing Change,
Creativity and
Innovation in a Dynamic
2017) |
Effects of Demonitization on Healthcare
and Pharmaceutical Industry & Future
Managing Strategies |
3. |
Two-day UGC Sponsored
National Seminar
16th and 17th December,
2016 |
Disinvestment and
Privatisation- Impact on
the Indian Economy
Maharaja Manindra
Chandra College in
Collaboration with
Gurudas College,
Kolkata |
Alternative of Disinvestment: A case
Study of Indian Oil Corporation Limited |
4. |
7th and 8th Feb 2013 |
The New Leap Exploring
New Paradigms in
Central University of
Jharkhand |
An Appraisal of Long Term Solvency of
Eastern Coalfields Limited(ECL) and
Central Coalfields Limited(CCL) during
2003-04 to 2012-13: A comparative
Study towards Exploring New Strategies
for Business in |
5. |
7th and 8th Feb 1013 |
The New Leap Exploring
New Paradigms in
Central University of
Jharkhand |
The Importance of Human Resources
Accounting and its Impact on the
Quality of Accounting Information to
Equip Challenges for Modern Business |
6. |
April 21, 2018 |
National Conference on
Management Practices
(NCCMP 2018)
April 21, 2018
Army Institute of
Management. Kolkata |
Woman Health Policies: A Critical
Evaluation of Existing and Future
Required Strategies |
7. |
March 23, 2019 |
National conference
2019 on Management,
Technology &
Innovation in the VUCA
world “ Role in Value
Creation” New Horizon
College of Engineering |
Financial Literacy & Health Awareness
Among Tribes of Jharkhand- A Special
Reference to Paharia Tribe |