Department of Mathematics

Profile of Faculty

Dr. Hrishikesh Mahato

Assosciate Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi

Mobile : 9431325093/8210024747

Email :

Educational Qualification  
  1. M. Sc in Mathematics (Ranchi University)
  2. Ph. D. in Mathematics ( Ranchi University)
Area of Interest   Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, and Cryptography.
Courses Taught   Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Advanced Number Theory, Advance Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, Optimization Technique,  Differential Geometry, Difference Euation and Discrete Dynamics Mathematics-I & II, Linear Algebra, Differential equation
Administrative responsibilities (with active period)  
  1. Coordinator, Department of Mathematics (April, 2018-June, 2021)
  2. Coordinator, UNNAYAN (Aug,2012 till date)
  3. Chief Proctor,
  4. Proctor
  5. Member Anti-ragging Committee
Additional role/ responsibility  
  1. Coordinator, Department of Mathematics
  2. Coordinator, UNNAYAN (An Educational Social Responsibility) (Since 2012 till date)
  3. Proctor
Articles Published/ Accepted  

Research publications

  1. Hrishikesh Mahato, Md. Akbar Ansari, 2009. An elementary proof of classification of commutative rings with identity of order p2. South East Asian J. Math. Math. Sci. 8(1): 9-15. ISSN:0972-7752.
  2. Hrishikesh Mahato, 2011. On existence of Williamson Symmetric Circulant Matrices,Bulletin of the institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica (New series), 6(1): 27-39. ISSN:2304-7909.
  3. K. C. Prasad, Hrishikesh Mahato, Sudhir Mishra  2013. A New Point In Lagrange Spectrum, International Journal of Number Theory, 9(2): 393-403. ISSN:1793-0421.
  4. Naseer Ahmed Malik, Hrishikesh Mahato, 2017. Yates Quaternary Complex Hadamard Matrix, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 50(5): 298-306. ISSN: 2231-5373.
  5. Kalika Prasad, Hrishikesh Mahato, 2021. Cryptography Using Generalized Fibonacci Matrices with Affine Hill cipher, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography,
  6. Shipra Kumari, Hrishikesh Mahato, 2021. Extension of Paley Construction for Hadamard Matrix, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, XIII(III):1506-1525: ISSN: 0022-1945.
  7. Naseer Ahmed Malik, Hrishikesh Mahato, 2021. Generalization of Sylvester Quaternary Complex Hadamard Matrices with Full Spectrum, Gedrag & Organisatie Review, 34(01): 416-430. ISSN: 0921-5077.
  8. Naseer Ahmed Malik, Hrishikesh Mahato, 2021. A New Approach to Good Matrices, The Mathematics Student, 90(1-2): 161-175. ISSN: 0025-5742