School of Languages
Department of English Studies

Profile of Faculty

Dr Pragya Shukla

Assistant Professor, Department of English Studies
Central University of Jharkhand
Cell : 9479206712
E-mail :

Educational Qualification:



Area of Interest:

  Gender Studies, Modernism/Postmodernism, Film Studies and Ecocriticism

Courses Taught:


 Fiction, Prose, Drama and Literary Theory

Brief introduction:

  Dr Pragya Shukla is Assistant Professor at the Centre of English Studies, Central University of Jharkhand. Her areas of interest are Gender and Modernism/Postmodernism, Film Studies and Ecocriticism. Her doctoral thesis was on ‘A Comparative Study of the Fictional Works of Githa Hariharan and Shashi Deshpande’. Apart from research papers, she dabbles her hand in translation, writing poetry and short stories also.

Administrative responsibilities (with active period)

  1. Block Warden Girls since September 2020
  2. NSS Co-Coordinator since January 2021

Articles Published/ Accepted:


Research publications

  1. Shukla, Pragya. (2018) Seeking Refuge in Arden for Peace Awareness in William Shakespeare’s As You Like It, Literary Perspective, Vol. 13.1, ISSN 0974-0368
  2. Shukla, Pragya. (2018) Subverting Positions: Changing Views and Attitudes in Katherine Mansfield's A Cup of Tea, Dimorian Review, Volume 5, Issue IV, ISSN No. 2394-9163…
  3. Shukla, Pragya. (2018) Turning Away from the Mythological Women, Etching New Images in Shashi Deshpande's Stone Women, Contemporary Discourse, Volume 9, Issue I, ISSN  0976-3686
  4. Shukla, Pragya. (2018) Different Facets of A Modern Seeker: An Attempt to Demystify T.S. Eliot, The Creative Launcher, Volume II, Issue VI, ISSN 2455-6580.


  1. Shukla, Pragya. (2016) Kubla Khan: In an Indian Perspective, IJELLH, Volume III, Issue IX, ISSN 2321-7065.
  2. Shukla, Pragya. (2016) Writings of Sushma Asur, South Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Volume II, Issue IV, ISSN 2349-7858.
  3. Shukla, Pragya. (2016) Good Old Ways of Learning, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies, Volume II, No.3, ISSN 2348-537X.
  4. Shukla, Pragya. (2016) Wise Adivasis of Yore, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies, Volume II, Issue III, ISSN 2348-537X.


  1. Shukla, Pragya. (2015) Sushma Asur: Dismantling Profanity, IJELLH, Volume IV, Issue I, 2321-7065.
  2. Shukla, Pragya. (2015) Question of Fidelity in Adaptation of Samskara, International Journal on Studies in English Language, Volume III, Issue IX, ISSN 2347-3126.
  3. Shukla, Pragya. (2015) From Fiction to Film: An Analysis, Research Journal of English Language and Literature, Volume III,
    Issue II, ISSN 2395-2636.
  4. Shukla, Pragya. (2015) Fasting, Praying and Storytelling, Research Innovator, Volume II, Issue III, ISSN 2348-7674.
  5. Shukla, Pragya. (2015) Feminist Science Fiction, Langlit, Volume I, Issue IV, ISSN 2349-5189.


  1. Shukla, Pragya. (2014) Unscathed in The Country of Deceit, Research Scholar, Volume II, Issue IV, ISSN No. 2320-6101.
  2. Shukla, Pragya. (2014) Getting Accustomed in Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth, Langlit, Volume I, Issue IV, ISSN 2349-5189.


Books and Book Chapters (Published/ Accepted)

  1. Shukla, Pragya. (2011) Unraveling the Elusiveness of Maya in Anita Desai’s Works, Druck and Bidung, Germany,
    ISBN 9783656031727.
  2. Shukla, Pragya (2017), South Asian Diasporic Cinema and Theatre, Rawat Publications, ISBN 9788131609071.
  3. Shukla, Pragya. (2013), Negotiating Boundaries, Unistar Books, ISBN 9789351131625.
    Shukla, Pragya. (2013), Indian Texts & Representations: Destereotyped Perspectives, Lambert Publications,ISBN 978-3-659-33265-4.

Seminar/ Workshop/ Conference Participation:

  1. Pragya Shukla,2013. Revisioning in the Works of Githa Hariharan & Shashi Deshpande, International Conference on Voices from the Margins, Society, Culture and Exclusion, organised by ICSSR, 20th -22nd February 2013
  2. Pragya Shukla,2015. Lamentations of an Indian Poetess: Analysis of Sarojini Naidu’s poems, One Day National Seminar on Indian Poetry in English— Last sixty Years, sposored by UGC, 21st December, 2015.
  3. Pragya Shukla, Songs of Sushma Asur: An Overview, International Conference on Comparative Literature & Culture Vasant Rao Naik government Institute of Arts & Social Sciences, 11th-12th September, 2015.
  4. Pragya Shukla, 2015. Good Governance and Literature, Ninth International Seminar on Good Governance Institute for Social Development & Research, 23rd April to 25th April, 2015.
  5. Pragya Shukla, 2016. Battered Women in Chitra Divakaruni’s Narratives, Eighth International seminar on Crime: Factors and Solution, Institute for Social Development & Research, 2nd October 3rd October, 2016.
  6. Pragya Shukla, 2012. Storytelling in Githa Hariharan’s When Dreams Travel, International Conference on Indian Art Forms, ,26th to 28th February 2012        
  7. Pragya Shukla, 2011.Vrat Kathas: An Analysis,35th Indian Folklore Congress and National seminar on Folklore: discourse of the Indigenous People and the Marginalized, IFC & CUJ, 12nth-14th December, 2011.
  8. Pragya Shukla,2014. Folklores Embedded in the Sermons of Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram, SAMVAAD- A Tribal Conclave National Folklores Seminar on ‘Folklore and Intangible Natural Heritage’, organised by Folkland, ICFC, CIIL and National Museum of Natural History, Bhubaneshwar, 12th –14th January, 2014.
  9. Pragya Shukla, 2012. Magical Realism in ‘The Mistress of Spices’ by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, International conference on ‘Text, Culture and Performance: Postcolonial issues’ organised by IACLALS, CUJ, 2nd -4th, 2012.
  10. Pragya Shukla, 2018.Evasion of Shanta Rasa & the Resultant Pathos in Constantine P. Cavafy’s “Waiting for the Barbarians”,Two Day International Symposium on Indian Literary Aesthetics Classical to Postcolonial, at Mahishadal Raj College, 11th-13th September 2018.
  11. Pragya Shukla, Sonnets of Henry Louis Derozio: A Postcolonial Perspective, Nation,2017. Culture and Identity: Theory and Text in the 21st Century, sponsored by ICSSR, Sundar Lal Sharma University, Bilaspur, 11-12th February, 2017.
  12. Pragya Shukla, 2020.Things that Language Cannot Say: Futile Attempts to Interpret, Comprehend and Adopt the Constant Ungraspable in Janice Pariat’s “A Waterfall of Horses”, International Conference on Multiple Dimension of South Asian Literary Imagination: Classics to Contemporary, organised by Yonphula Centenary College, Royal University of Bhutan,10th September to 12th September 2020.

Workshops Attended

  1. Two Storytelling Workshops organized by MSU International Storytelling Festival in Thailand
  2. Management Development Programme on Research Methodology conducted by Centre of Business Administration, Central University of Jharkhand
  3. Workshop on Documentation & Digital Archiving at Manipur University
  4. Week Long Professional Development Programme on Science of Communication at Tezpur University

Updated as on

  15 Jan. 2021