Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Assistant Professor (Sr.) & Coordinator
Department of Mass Communication
Cell :- 9631488108, 7004911826
E-mail : rajesh.kumar@cuj.ac.in , head.cmc@cuj.ac.in, rajesh.iimc@gmail.com |
Educational Qualification: |
- Ph.D.
- M.Phil.
Awards/ Recognition: |
- Certificate of Appreciation for Distinct Contribution in the Field of Research in the 13th Annual Foundation Day Research Award 2022 at Central University of Jharkhand on 05 March 2022.
- Best Research Paper Award for the Research Paper titled ‘Media Education in India: Journey from Evolution to Transformation’ in ‘Eye Opener Category’ in the International E-Conference on Media Education and National Education Policy: A Trans-Disciplinary Global Perspective (MEDUNEP-2021), jointly organized by Media Departments of Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, Manipur University, Imphal, Tripura University Agartalla and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprashtha University, New Delhi on 15-16 November 2021.
- InSc Young Achiever Award 2022 for contribution in the Qualitative Development of academic, research and administrative activities.
- Best Research Paper presentation Award for the research paper titled ‘Media Education in North India: A Study of Central Universities’ at All India Media Educators’ Conference (AIMEC) 2016, joint organized by University of Rajasthan and Amity University, Jaipur during 22-24 April 2016.
- Letter of Appreciation for Best Performance in NAAC AQAR Data Submission from the Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Central University of Jharkhand on 22 December 2021.
- Letter of Appreciation for orchestrating all major events of the university with excellent organization skills from the Vice Chancellor, Central University of Jharkhand on 31 July 2020.
- Letter of Appreciation for successfully organizing Akhra 2013: A Tribal India Festival as a Convener of Folk Games Committee and Member of Documentary Committee by the Founder Vice Chancellor, Central University of Jharkhand on 05 November 2013.
- Certificate of Honor for contribution as a Teacher in Taaza TV Guru Samman Samaroh on 08 September 2013.
Research Guidance: |
Supervision of Ph.D.: Ongoing (02). Supervision of Five Year Integrated MAMC and Two Year MAMC Dissertations/Research Projects: Completed: (24) Ongoing: (05) |
Areas of Interest |
Print Media, Online Media, Media Education, Media Research
Courses Taught: |
Introduction to Mass Communication; Theories of Communication; Communication Skills; Basics of Communication: Advance Reporting & Writing: Editing : Principles and Practices; Reporting: Principles and Practices; Writing for Media; International Communication; Development Communication; Computer Applications & Basic Multimedia Skills; Advertising : Theory & Practices; Corporate Communication; Indian Society, Polity & Economy; Social & Political Thoughts; Media Management; Regional Language Media; Advertising & Public Relations; Web Journalism, History of Media, Dissertation and Lab Journal-cum-Newsletter Production ‘CUJian Age’. |
Brief introduction: |
Dr. Rajesh Kumar has been associated with the discipline of media education as a distinguished academician, researcher, administrator and media professional. He is at present ‘Coordinator’ of the Department of Mass Communication and is having more than one and half decades of experience in academia and industry. Dr. Kumar holds PhD in Mass Communication from Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi and has done doctoral research on ‘Mapping Media Education in Universities of Eastern India’. He has produced qualitative publications in SCOPUS and UGC CARE Indexed Journals. Dr. Kumar is a recipient of UGC (NET) in Mass Communication and Journalism and has completed Master and M.Phil. Programs in Mass Communication from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar and The Global Open University, Dimapur respectively. He has supervised more than 25 Dissertations at Postgraduate level. Dr. Kumar is also an alumnus of Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), New Delhi and has been the Editor of multiple publications at university level. Those include: Academia: Faculty Profile of CUJ, Anveshan: Research Profile of CUJ, Journey from Despair to Hope: A Silhouette, CUJian Age, Online Newsletter of Central University of Jharkhand and Editorial Members of Vaagmita: Annual Magazine and Coffee Table Book. He has also contributed more than 30 articles and has prepared layout, design and make up for more than 500 pages in newspapers during his association with the media industry as a Copy Editor/Sub Editor. Dr. Kumar has actively been engaged in Administrative and Extra-curricular activities and has contributed immensely for the development of a newly established university as a Sports In-charge, NCC Officer, NSS Officer In-charge, IQAC Member, Administrative Warden, Proctor In-charge, Warden, Coordinators, Conveners and Members of various cultural, sports, examination and hostel committees. |
Administrative responsibilities: |
Coordinator, Department of Mass Communication
Academic Counsellor, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi
Sports In-charge, Central University of Jharkhand
Coordinator, Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB)
Co-Chairman, CUJ Online Newsletter Publication Team
Member, CUJ Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Member, Research Advisory Council, DCTCL
Member Secretary, Games & Sports Committee
* National Cadet Corps (NCC Officer)
* Administrative Warden
* Chief Communication Officer In-charge (As & when required)
* Head In-charge, Department of Mass Communication (As & when required)
Security Officer In-charge, (As & when required)
NSS Co-ordinator In-charge, (As & when required)
Proctor In-charge, (As & when required)
* Chairman, NCC Cell (As & when required)
* Member, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Program
Member, Internal Grievances Committee for Teaching
Member, Placement Cell
Member, Departmental Academic Purchase Committee
Anchor & Member, First Convocation 2020
Member, Core Executing Team, Decennial Celebration 2019
Convenor, Media Coordination, Decennial Celebration 2019
Convenor, Printing Sub Committee, Decennial Celebration 2019
Coordinator, Cultural Event Committee, NAVADHAR Tech Fest 2019
Member, Core Executive Team, Khelotsava-2019
Anchor and Member, AIU East Zone Vice Chancellors’ Meet 2019
Member, Fine Arts Sub Committee, East Zone Youth Festival, LNMU, Darbhanga 2019
Event Coordinator for Spot Photography & Installation, East Zone Youth Festival , LNMU, Darbhanga 2019
Member, NAAC Report Preparation Committee 2018
Member, Editorial Committee, Annual Magazine Publication
Member, Board of the School, School of Mass Communication & Media Technologies
Member, Board of Studies, Centre for Mass Communication
Member, Steering Committee, Centre for Mass Communication
Member, Curriculum Development Committee, Centre for Mass Communication
Coordinator, Centre for Mass Communication Committee
Coordinator, Centre for Mass Communication Extension Lecture Series 2016
Issue Editor, CUJian Age: A Publication of CUJ
Member, Games & Sports Committee
Member, Games & Sports Sub Committee
Member, NCC Cell Formation Committee
Member, Communication Cell
Member, Counselling, Guidance and Placement Cell
Member, CUJ Admission Committee
Member, Folk Games Committee, ‘Akhra-2013: Tribal India Festival’
Member, Documentary Committee, ‘Akhra-2013:Tribal India Festival’
Member, Discipline & Volunteer Committee, Akhra-2013:Tribal Festival
Member, Suhana Safar-Ranchi Film Festival Core Committee 2012
Member, Hospitality/Accommodation/Reception Committee 2011 for celebration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Guru Rabindranath Tagore ‘Salva Tagore’
Member, Odd & Even Semester Examination Committee
Member, Online Fee Gateway Implementation Committee
Member, Teaching-Non-Teaching Documents Verification Committee
Member, Advertisement Negotiation Committee
Member, Gym Equipment’s Purchase & Repairing Committee
Member, Water Management Committee
Member, Canteen Tender Bid Committee
Member, Sports Infrastructure Committee
Member, International Yoga Day Celebration Committee 2016
Member, Hindi Pakhwada Committee
* (Formerly)
Editorial Assignments: |
Managing Editor, CUJ Newsletter, A Publication of Central University of Jharkhand
Co-Chairman, CUJ Online Newsletter Publication
Editor, Academia: Faculty Profile of Central University of Jharkhand
Editor, Anveshan: Research Profile of Central University of Jharkhand
Editor, Journey from Despair to Hope: A Silhouette, Special Issue
Editor, CUJian Age: Lab Journal-cum-Newsletter of Central University of Jharkhand
Member, Editorial Board, Vagmita: Annual Magazine of CUJ
Member, Editorial Board, Coffee Table Book, Decennial Celebration, CUJ |
Collaboration: |
- Centre for Mass Communication collaborated with Information & Public Relations Department, Govt. of Jharkhand for celebration of 100 years of Indian Cinema ‘Suhana Safar-Ranchi Film Festival’ from 12 to 15 September 2012. (Member, Organising Committee, Ranchi Film Festival).
- Centre for Mass Communication collaborated with Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Ministry of Defence & Ministry of Science &Telecommunication, Govt. of India for organising Community Radio Workshop for Eastern India from 08 to 10 November, 2011. (Member, Organising Committee, Ranchi Film Festival).
Articles Published/ Accepted: |
- R. Kumar & D. Singh, 2021. ‘Academia-Industry Interface in Media Education: An Experience Survey of Media Educators and Industry Professionals in Eastern India’ in the UGC CARE Listed Journal Communicator- Journal of Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), Special Issue I on completion of 100 Years of Media Education. Vol. LVI (3), July-September 2021, ISSN 0588-8093. UGC-CARE List Group I in Social Sciences Serial No. 59.
- R. Kumar, 2022. ‘Changing Media Landscape and Emerging Opportunities in Digital Media’ in the Employment News Weekly, Publication Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India. Vol. XLVI No. 42, 15-21 January 2022, New Delhi.
- A. Kumar, R. Kumar, R. Verma & R. Sarma, 2021. ‘Journey of Jhollywood: A Study in the Context of Nagpuri Cinema’ in the UGC CARE Listed Journal ‘SAMPRITI’, Sampriti Publication, Guahati University Campus, Vol. VII, Issue 2, September 2021. ISSN: 2454-3837, UGC-CARE List Group I in Social Sciences Serial No. 246.
- R. Kumar & D. Singh, 2020. Examining Status of Media Education in Universities of Eastern India in the UGC-CARE Listed journal ‘SAMPRITI’, Sampriti Publication, Guahati University Campus, Vol.- VI, Issue-II, September 2020, ISSN: 2454-3837. UGC-CARE List Group I in Social Sciences Serial No. 246.
- R. Kumar, 2018. Media Education in North Indian Central Universities: A Study of Teacher-Student Ratio and Research Journal Publication’ in the UGC-CARE Listed journal Communicator- Journal of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, ISSN 0588-8093. UGC-CARE List Group I in Social Sciences Serial No. 59
- R. Kumar, 2018. Mapping the Landscape of Journalism Education in Indian Languages in the UGC-CARE Listed journal titled Communicator-The Journal of Indian Institute of Mass Communication, ISSN 0588-8093.
UGC-CARE List Group I in Social Sciences Serial No. 59.
- R. Kumar, 2017. Media Education in North East Indian Central Universities: A Study of Media Programs and its Nomenclatures’ in the SCOPUS Indexed journal titled ‘Journal of Content, Community and Communication’, published by Amity School of Communication, Amity University, Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior, Volume-6, Year-3, December 2017, ISSN: 2395-7514 (UGC-CARE List Group II).
- R. Kumar, 2019. ‘State of Media Education in North-East India: A Study of Central Universities’ in a Peer-Reviewed journal ‘Indian Journal of Communication Review (IJCR). Department of Mass Communication, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Vol. 7, Number 1, pp 81-91 ISSN: 2454-9339.
- R. Kumar & D. Singh, 2019. बीसवीं सदी में भारतीय मीडिया शिक्षा, in a Peer-Reviewed journal titled ‘Jan Media’, Year-8, Issue 89, pp 4-11, published by Media Studies Group, New Delhi, ISSN 2277-2847.
- R. Kumar, 2015. Media Education Policy in India: A Historical Perspective. in a Peer-Reviewed journal titled Mass Media- Journal of Media Studies Group. Volume 4, Number 38,pp 4-12, ISSN 2277-7369, www.mediastudiesgroup.org.in
- R. Kumar, 2015. UNESCO’s efforts in the development of media education in India, in a Peer-Reviewed journal Media Communique- NIU Journal of Media Studies, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 52-66, ISSN: 2395-3780.
- R. Kumar, 2015, भारत में मीडिया शिक्षा नीति : एक ऐतिहासिक सन्दर्भ, in a Peer-Reviewed journal titled Jan Media- Journal of Media Studies Group, Volume- 40, pp 13-21, ISSN 2277-2847, www.mediastudiesgroup.org.in
Online Course Content/ Book Chapters
- R. Kumar, 2020. Newsroom Setup and Functions: Print and Online Media, Reporting Techniques, Block-1, Unit-3, Content Writer for MA in Journalism & Mass Communication (Course: MJM-021) at School of Journalism and New Media Studies, IGNOU, New Delhi.
Web Link:http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/59512/1/BLOCK1.pdf
- R. Kumar, 2020. News Concepts, Reporting Techniques, Block-1 Preparation Team for MA (JMC) Course: MJM-021, at School of Journalism and New Media Studies, IGNOU,
Web Link:http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/59512/1/BLOCK1.pdf
- R. Kumar, 2020. झारखण्ड में मीडिया शिक्षा, In 100 Years of Media Education in India. S. Bhanavat and S. Padhi (Eds.). University Book House (Pvt.) Ltd., Jaipur ISBN: 978-93-90672-47-9.
- R. Kumar, 2021. ‘Communicating Culture Through Tribal Art: A Case Study of Sohrai and Kohvar Paintings in Jharkhand’ (In Press).
- R. Kumar, 2014. पीत पत्रकारिता. पुस्तक : विशेषीकृत पत्रकारिता,
D. Pathak and M. Lal (Editors.), University Publication, New Delhi,
pp 54-73, ISBN: 978-81-7555-656-0.
- R. Kumar, 2014. मीडिया और लोकतंत्र, पुस्तक: मीडिया की नयी चुनौतियां, A. Saxena (ed.), Kanishka Publication, New Delhi, pp 187-195. ISBN : 978-81-8457-649-8.
Research Paper Presentation and Participation in
Seminars, Conferences, Symposia: |
- R. Kumar & N. Nandini, 2021. Media Education in India: Journey from Evolution to Transformation, Paper presented in the International E-Conference on Media Education and National Education Policy: A Trans-Disciplinary Global Perspective, jointly organized by Media Departments of Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, Manipur University, Imphal, Tripura University Agartalla and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprashtha University, New Delhi on 15-16 Nov 2021.
- R. Kumar & N. Nandini, 2021. National Education Policy 2020: A Roadmap for Qualitative Changes in Indian Media Education’, Paper presented in the three-day 5th National Media Conclave on NEP 2020: Media and Digital Technology on 22 November 2021.
- R. Kumar, 2021. राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 और भारतीय मीडिया शिक्षा का परिदृश्य, ऑनलाइन राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी डिजिटल युग में हिंदी मीडिया: वर्तमान परिदृश्य एवं भविष्य की संभावनाएं, School of Journalism and New Media Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi (22 सितम्बर 2021).
- R. Kumar, 2020. Mapping Media Research in the Universities of Eastern India, Paper presented in the International Web Convention ‘Hundred Years of Media Education Decoding the South Asian Mystique’ jointly organized by The Institute for International Journalism, Ohio University, USA, Dr. Anamika Ray Memorial Trust, Guwahati, Institute of Media Studies in association with Global Risk Journalism Hub, University of Melbourne, South Asia Communication Association (SACA), Asian Media Information & Communication Centre (AMIC), Public Relations Council of India and 36 Indian Universities as Academic Collaborator on 19-20 December, 2020.
- R. Kumar, 2020. Academia-Industry Interface in Media Education: A Survey of Eastern Indian Universities, Paper presented in the International Conference On Media Education in India, A Legacy to Hold, A Future to Build, organized by Department of Communication, Banglore University, Karnataka on 28-29 December 2020.
- R. Kumar, 2019, Discourse on Media Education in India and China: A Policy Perspective. Paper presented in the International Conference on Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in India and China, jointly organized by Central University of Jharkhand in collaboration with Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) and Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi during 21-22, February, 2019.
- R. Kumar, 2018, Exploring Journalism Education in Indian Languages: A Status Report. Paper presented and abstract published on page 08 of the Proceeding of National Seminar on The State of Indian Language Journalism & Training organized by Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi during 29-30 October, 2018.
- R. Kumar & D. Singh, 2018, Role of Teachers in Quality Media Education in Jharkhand. Paper presented in National Seminar on Role of Teachers in Quality Media Education organized by Department of Education under School of Education at Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi on 18 September 2018.
- R. Kumar, 2017. Media Education in Eastern India: A Study of Central Universities. Paper presented in International Conference on Social Media: The Changing Communication Environment, organized by Xavier School of Communication, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar from 15 to 16 Dec, 2017.
- R. Kumar, 2016. Media Education in North India: A Study of Central Universities. Paper presented and abstract published on page 20 of the Proceeding of All India Media Educators Conference 2016, organised by Centre for Mass Communication, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Amity School of Communication, Amity University Jaipur, Lok Samvad Sansthan & Media Initiatives, Jaipur India during 22-24 April 2016.
- R. Kumar, 2016. National Seminar on Truth and Media organised by Makhanlal National University of Communication & Journalism, National Institute of Social Communication, Research & Training and IAAN School of Mass Communication, Noida during 25-26 April 2016.
- R. Kumar, 2014, Media Education: A Historical Development of Discipline in India. Paper presented in 6th International Seminar on Human Resource, organised by Institute for Social Development & Research, Ranchi during 01-03 November 2014.
- R. Kumar, 2012, participated in regional seminar on RTI: A Potent Weapon against Corruption, organisedby Media Information and Communication Centre of India (MICCI), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Federation of Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FJCCI) & Jharkhand RTI Forum, Ranchi during 19-20 February 2012.
Participation in Orientation, Refresher, FDP, MOOC and Workshops: |
- R. Kumar, 2022. MOOC on Digital Media (MJM, 028) School of Journalism & New Media Studies, IGNOU, New Delhi from 01 February to 30 April 2022 onwards (Pursuing).
- R. Kumar, 2022. Participated in Two Week Online Lecture and Training Program on Faculty Development Programme-QIP organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Central University of Jharkhand from 30 January 2021 to 13 February 2022.
- R. Kumar, 2021. Participated in Two Week Interdisciplinary Refresher Course/Faculty Development Program on ‘Managing Online Classes & Co-creating MOOCS 5.0’ by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Mission on Teachers and Training from 11 to 25 May 2021.
- R. Kumar, 2021. Participated in One Week Faculty Development Program on ‘Academic Writing’ by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Mission on Teachers and Training from 18 to 24 Feb 2021.
- R. Kumar, 2019. Attended Five Day AICTE Training and Learning Program (ATAL) Faculty Development Program on Cyber Security organized by Department of Computer Science & Technology, Central University of Jharkhand.
- R. Kumar, 2018. Participated in National Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences jointly organized by Central University of Jharkhand and Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi from 21 to 30 March 2018.
- R. Kumar, Attended in Workshop on Referencing Tools at Central University of Jharkhand from 27 to 28 November 2017.
- R. Kumar, Attended One-Week Workshop on Media Research organized by Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand from 16 to 22 November, 2016.
- R. Kumar, 2015, Workshop on Writing for Media, Resource Person in Five-Day Workshop, organised by Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand, Brambe, during 02-06 November 2015.
- R. Kumar, 2014, National Workshop on Media Writing,
Co-ordinator in Seven-Day Workshop, organised by Central University of Jharkhand, during 17-23 Nov 2014.
- R. Kumar, 2014, participated in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in Film and Other Media in Historical Contexts, organised by Jadavpur University, Kolkata during 03-23 December 2014.
- R. Kumar, 2013, participated in 75th Orientation Programme, organised by UGC-Academic Staff College, Ranchi University, Ranchi during 11 November- 08 December 2013.
- R. Kumar, 2011, participated in Workshop on ‘Understanding Cinema’ organised by Centre for Mass Communication, Central University of Jharkhand during15-18 October 2011.
- R. Kumar, 2006, participated in ‘Workshop on Online Journalism’ organised by BBCHindi.com and WebDunia.com at IIMC, New Delhi.
Special Lectures: |
- Delivered special lectures on ‘Print Media Production: Principles & Practices, in the Two Week Faculty Development Program on the topic of ‘Contemporary Media: Skills, Scope and Challenges, organized by Teaching-Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, in collaboration with St. Xavier College, Simdega, Ranchi University, Ranchi Jharkhand, during 07 to 21 September 2021.
- Delivered special lecture in the NCC Training Camp on ‘Uses Pattern of Digital Media Tools to Prevent Misinformation and Disinformation’ at
Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi from 08-12 March 2021. .
- R. Kumar, 2020. Invited as a speaker in Zoom Meeting on COVID-19 Prevention, Awareness and Role of Student Community, by UNICEF Jharkhand and Central University of Jharkhand on 23 May 2020.
- Delivered special lectures on ‘Newspaper Front Page Designing’ at Department of Journalism, Loreto College, Kolkata.Delivered special lectures on ‘Newspaper Front Page Designing’ at Department of Journalism, Loreto College, Kolkata.
Programs Organized: |
Adventure Sports Activities Co-ordination
- National Trekking Expedition 2013, Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh from 01 to 13 January 2013.
- National Trekking Expedition 2013-14, Goa from 21 December 2013 to 03 January 2014.
- National Trekking Expedition 2013-14, Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh from 21 December 2013 to 03 January 2014.
- National Trekking Expedition 2011, Goa from 23 Dec 2011 to 06 Jan 2012.
Sports Events Co-ordination at National Level
- 35th National Games, Kerala in February 2015.
- President Cup National Karate Championship 2015, Delhi from 21 to 22 March 2015.
- 24th National Senior Wushu Championship 2015, Chandigarh from 25 to 30 December 2015.
- National Annual Fest ‘Parakram 2016’ Dhanbad, Jharkhand from 12-14 February 2016.
- National Wushu Championship 2014, Jaipur from 06 to 10 Feb 2014.
- 37th National Yoga Championship, Hossierpur, Punjab from 9-13 Feb 2013.
- National Wushu Championship 2012, Jammu from 27 to 31 March 2012.
Sports Events Co-ordination at Zonal Level
- East Zone Inter University Cricket Tournament 2015, Darbhanga from 17 to 20 December 2015.
- East Zone Inter University Volleyball, Tennis & Chess Tournament 2014, Bhubaneswar, Odhisa from 27 September to 01 October 2014.
- East Zone Inter University Badminton Tournament 2013, Ranchi from 05 to 10 November 2013.
- 3rd East Zone Wushu Championship 2013, Dhanbad from 18 to 20 January 2013.
- East Zone Inter University Volleyball (Men) Tournament 2011, Chitrakoot, Madhya Pradesh in November 2011.
Sports Events Co-ordination at State Level
- 11th Jharkhand State Wushu Championship 2015, Ranchi on 08 November 2015.
- 9th Jharkhand State Senior WushuChampionsip 2014, Ranchi on 18 January 2014.
- 10th Jharkhand State Wushu Championship 2014, Ranchi on 14 September 2014.
- Jharkhand Indoor Badminton Tournament 2012, Ranchi from 25 to 26 February 2012.
- Jharkhand State Senior Wushu Championship 2012, Ranchi on 15 September 2012.
- Jharkhand State Yoga Championship 2012, Ranchi from 24 to 25 November 2012.
- Jharkhand State Inter University Chancellor Trophy (Men) Cricket Tournament 2012, Kolhan University, Chaibasa from 07 to 09 April 2012.
- Jharkhand State Senior Wushu Championship 2011, Deoghar on 15 September 2012.
Sports Events Co-ordination at University Level
- International Yoga Day Celebration on 21 June 2016.
- Foundation Day Celebration on 01 March 2016.
- Trekking Expedition on 11 April 2015.
- Run for Unity on 31 October 2014.
- AC-AD Cricket Tournament in April-May 2014.
- Annual Sports Day Celebration on 23 March 2013.
Cultural Events Co-ordination/Participation
- Art of Living Students’ Induction Program from 25 to 27 September 2018.
- Yoga Based Motivational Class for Easy Living in Busy Life from 11 to 17 September, 2017. (Participant)
- Audio-Visual Show & Education Tour for ‘Lokmanthan 2018’ from 26 to 30 September 2018.
- National Youth Week Celebrations 2016: Commemorating Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda from 08 to 14 January 2016.
- Tribal Folk Games during ‘Akhra-2013: Tribal India Festival’ from 28 to 30 October 2013.
- Celebration of 100 Years of Indian Cinema Suhana Safar-Ranchi Film Festival 2012 from 12 to 15 September 2012.
Education/Industrial Tour Co-ordination
- Dainik Bhaskar Industrial Tour, Ranchi in February 2016.
- Investor Awareness Programme, 2015-16 at CUJ.
- School Education Tour from Bokaro to CUJ, 2015.
Any other information: |
Industrial Experience
- Worked as Copy Editor in Daily Newspaper AAJ SAMAJ, New Delhi.
- Worked as Sub Editor in Daily Newspaper AMAR UJALA, Chandigarh.
Doordarshan (DD) Panel Expert
- Invited as an expert for DD Programme Manthan on ‘Career in Mass Communication’ in May 2012.
- Invited as an expert for DD Programme on Rail Budget 2015 in Feb 2015.
Web portal Columnist
- Uploaded articles for Media Education based web portal http://www.newswriters.in
Web Blog
- Uploaded my poems on various socio-political and cultural issues on https://awaazz.blogspot.com/
Newspaper Publication & Production
- More than 30 articles/features published in Daily Newspapers.
- More than 100 pages designed for Daily Newspapers.
Extra-Curricular Activities
- सत्ता का मोह नहीं मुझे, अभ्युदय पत्रिका, Hindi Cell, CUJ
- एक स्वप्न सहेजे मन में हूँ, सखुआ पत्रिका, DMC, CUJ
- भाषण प्रतियोगिता, द्वितीय पुरस्कार, हिंदी पखवाड़ा, 2015
- निबंध लेखन, तृतीय पुरस्कार, हिंदी पखवाड़ा, 2012
- अन्त्याक्षरी, द्वितीय पुरस्कार, वार्षिक उत्सव 2012
- काव्य पाठ, द्वितीय पुरस्कार, हिंदी पखवाड़ा, 2015
- टिप्पणी लेखन, तृतीय पुरस्कार, हिंदी पखवाड़ा, 2012
- अन्त्याक्षरी, प्रथम पुरस्कार, हिंदी पखवाड़ा, 2011
Updated On: |
07th April, 2021 |