Dr. Sachin Kumar
Assistant Professor (Since 1st July 2013 to Present)
Department of Energy Engineering,
School of Engineering and Technology,
Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi (Jharkhand), India, PIN: 835205
Educational Qualification |
PhD (Chemical Engineering), National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India
M. Tech. (Fuel Engineering), Indian School of Mines Dhanbad, India
B. Tech. (Chemical Engineering), Institute of Engineering and Technology, M. J. P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, India
Awards/ recognition: |
Best paper award in an international conference (RACET 2011) held from 10-12 March 2011 at Cochin, India.
Area of Interest: |
Bio-energy, Pyrolysis of Waste Plastics and Biomass, Alternate Fuels for I.C. Engines, Catalysis
Courses Taught: |
Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Fuels and Combustion Technology, Energy Management, Bio-Energy Systems, Electrochemical Energy Conversion, Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Alternative Fuels for Transportation
Email: |
sachin.kumar.01@cuj.ac.in, sachin044@gmail.com |
Links & Other Details |
Scopus Author ID : 55511749159
Web of Science ResearcherID : AAW-9127-2020
Project (Completed/ Ongoing): |
- Received UGC startup grant of Rs. 6 Lakhs for 3 years (2015-18) on the topic, “Production of Liquid Fuel from Mixed Waste Plastics by Thermal and Catalytic Pyrolysis”.
- One of principle investigators of Centre of Excellence on “Green and Efficient Energy Technology” funded by MHRD, New Delhi from the year 2014 to till now.
Research Articles Published: |
Articles in Journals:
- Abhisek Sahoo, Sachin Kumar*, Kaustubha Mohanty, ‘Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of Putranjiva roxburghii (Putranjiva) and Cassia fistula (Amaltas) non-edible oilseeds using thermogravimetric analyzer’ Renewable Energy 165 (2021) 261-277.
- Abhisek Sahoo, Sachin Kumar, Jitendra Kumar, Thallada Bhaskar*, ‘A detailed assessment of pyrolysis kinetics of invasive lignocellulosic biomasses (Prosopis juliflora and Lantana camara) by thermogravimetric analysis’ Bioresource Technology 319 (2021) 124060
- Abhisek Sahoo, Sachin Kumar*, Kaustubha Mohanty, ‘A comprehensive characterization of non-edible lignocellulosic biomass to elucidate their biofuel production potential’ Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2020) DOI: 10.1007/s13399-020-00924-6
- Satya Prakash Pandey, Sachin Kumar*, ‘Valorisation of argemone mexicana seeds to renewable fuels by thermochemical conversion process’ Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 08 (05) (2020) 104271.
Satyanarayan Patnaik, Sachin Kumar, Achyut K. Panda*, ‘Thermal degradation of eco-friendly alternative plastics: kinetics and thermodynamics analysis’ Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (13) (2020) 14991-15000.
Satyanarayan Patnaik, Achyut K. Panda, Sachin Kumar*, ‘Thermal degradation of corn starch based biodegradable plastic plates and determination of kinetic parameters by isoconversional methods using thermogravimetric analyzer’ Journal of Energy Institute 93 (04) (2020) 1449-1459.
- Satyanarayan Patnaik, Sachin Kumar, Achyut K. Panda*, ‘Kinetics of Thermal Degradation of Non‐Woven Plastics: Model‐Free Kinetic Approach’ Chemistry Select 04 (27) (2019) 8054-8060
- Siba Shankar Sethi, Achyut K. Panda*, Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, ‘Valorization of Jatropha seed to fuel and chemical feedstock using a thermochemical conversion process’ Biofuels 07 (05) (2016) 429-435
- Abhishek Dash, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Thermolysis of medical waste (waste syringe) to liquid fuel using semi batch reactor’, Waste and Biomass Valorization 06 (04) (2015) 507-514.
- Sachin Kumar*, Niraj K. Nayan, R. K. Singh, ‘Kinetics of pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of non-edible oilseeds (karanja and neem seed) using thermogravimetric analysis’ Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects 37 (21) (2015) 2352-2359.
- Suprabhat Seal, Achyut K. Panda*, Sachin Kumar, R.K. Singh, ‘Production and characterization of bio oil from cotton seed’ Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 34 (02) (2015) 542-547
- V. K. Singh, A. B. Soni, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Characterization of liquid product obtained by pyrolysis of cottonseed de-oiled cake’ Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 8 (03) (2014) 338-343.
- Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Pyrolysis kinetics of waste high-density polyethylene using thermogravimetric analysis’ International Journal of ChemTech Research 06 (01) (2014) 131-137.
- Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Optimization of process parameters by response surface methodology (RSM) for catalytic pyrolysis of waste high-density polyethylene to liquid fuel’ Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 02 (01) (2014) 115-122.
- V. K. Singh, A. B. Soni, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Pyrolysis of sal seed to liquid product’ Bioresource Technology 151 (2014) 432-435.
- Rahul Sinha, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Determination of activation energy of linseed pyrolysis using thermogravimetry’ International Journal of Ambient Energy 34 (04) (2013) 195-199.
- Rahul Sinha, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Production of bio-fuel and bio-char by thermal pyrolysis of linseed seed’ Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 03 (04) (2013) 327-335.
- Sachin Kumar*, R. Prakash, S. Murugan, R. K. Singh, ‘Performance and emission analysis of blends of waste plastic oil obtained by catalytic pyrolysis of waste HDPE with diesel in a CI engine’ Energy Conversion and Management 74 (2013) 323-331.
- Sachin Kumar*, Achyut K. Panda, R. K. Singh, ‘Preparation and characterization of acid and alkali treated kaolin clay’ Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis 08 (01) (2013) 61-69.
- R. K. Singh, Bijayani Biswal, Sachin Kumar*, ‘Determination of activation energy from pyrolysis of paper cup waste using thermogravimetric analysis’ Research Journal of Recent Sciences 02 (ISC-2012) (2013) 177-182.
- Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Thermolysis of high-density polyethylene to petroleum products’ Journal of Petroleum Engineering Volume 2013 (2013) Article ID 987568, 7 pages.
- Bijayani Biswal, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Production of hydrocarbon liquid by thermal pyrolysis of paper cup waste’ Journal of Waste Management Volume 2013 (2013) Article ID 731858, 7 pages.
- Niraj K. Nayan, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Production of the liquid fuel by thermal pyrolysis of neem seed’ Fuel 103 (2013) 437-443
- Niraj K. Nayan, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Characterization of the liquid product obtained by thermal pyrolysis of karanja seed’ Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 186-189
- Saswat Rath, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Performance & emission analysis of blends of karanja methyl ester with diesel in a compression ignition engine’ International Journal of Ambient Energy 32 (03) (2011), 161–166.
- Ankit Agrawalla, Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Pyrolysis of groundnut de-oiled cake and characterization of the liquid product’ Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 10711–10716
- Sachin Kumar*, Ankit Agrawalla, R. K. Singh, ‘Thermogravimetric analysis of groundnut cake’ International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 02 (04) (2011) 268-271.
- Sachin Kumar*, R. K. Singh, ‘Recovery of hydrocarbon liquids from waste high density poly ethylene by thermal pyrolysis’ Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 28 (04) (2011) 659 - 667.
- Sachin Kumar, Achyut K. Panda*, R. K. Singh, A review on tertiary recycling of high density polyethylene to fuel, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 55 (2011) 893-910
Edited Books:
- Book of Abstracts - GEETAM 2019 published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany on 14-03-2019 with ISBN No.- 978-613-9-45755-7.
- Green and Sustainable Technologies : Alternative Fuels, Renewable Energies and Energy Materials and Applications, published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany on 05-02-2020 with ISBN No.- 978-620-0-56525-9.
Book Chapters:
Recent developments in production of bio-oil from biomass by catalytic pyrolysis, Emerging Renewable Energy Technologies – Assam Science and Technology University, published by Maliyata Offset Press, India with ISBN No.- 978-81-935731-5-0.
Conference Presentations: |
Achyut K. Panda, Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, “Thermolytic conversion of waste plastics to fuels and chemicals”, National conference on Smart materials and 25th annual seminar of Orissa Chemical Society, from 25-26 Dec. 2010, organized by Apex Institute of Technology and Management Bhubaneswar.
- Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, “Thermolytic conversion of waste HDPE into fuels and chemicals”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology (RACET 2011) held from 10-12 March 2011 at Cochin India.
R. K. Singh, Bijayani Biswal, Sachin Kumar, ‘Determination of activation energy from pyrolysis of paper cup waste using thermogravimetric analysis’ presented at 2nd International Science Congress-2012, 7-8 December, 2012 at Vrindavan, Mathura (India).
- Sachin Kumar, R. K. Singh, “Non-isothermal kinetic study of waste high-density polyethylene pyrolysis using thermogravimetric analysis”, 2nd International Science Congress (ISC-2012) held from 8th to 9th December 2012 at Bon Maharaj Engineering College, Raman Reti, Vrindavan (Mathura), UP, India.
- Anik Chakravarty, Sachin Kumar, “Conversion of mixed waste plastics into liquid fuel-An alternative approach for solid waste minimization” presented in International Conference on Emerging Technologies in “Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering for Global Sustainability, JNU New Delhi, 1st May, 2016
- Satya Prakash Pandey, Sachin Kumar, “Availability of biomass energy resources potential, conversion and policy in Jharkhand”, presented in International Conference on Environmental Challenges and Sustainability, School of Natural Resource Management, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, 31-02 Nov 2018.
- Satya Prakash Pandey, Sachin Kumar, “Recent developments in production of bio oil from biomass by catalytic pyrolysis” presented in International Conference on Renewable and Alternative Energy, Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati, 04-06 Dec. 2018.
- Satya Prakash Pandey, Sachin Kumar, “Production of liquid fuel from mixed waste plastics through thermal pyrolysis” presented in National Seminar on Reaching the Unreached Through Science and Technology, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, 17-18 Dec. 2017.
- Satya Narain Pattnaik, Sachin Kumar, Achyut K Panda, “Kinetics of thermal degradation of biodegradable starch based plastic plates and GCMS analysis of pyrolysed oil” presented in International Conference on Green & Efficient Energy Technology and Materials, Centre of Excellence-Green and Efficient Energy Technology, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, 06-08 March 2019.
- Abhishek Kumar Sahoo, Vipul Chandra Mishra, Sachin Kumar, “Comprehensive physicochemical characterization of non-edible (forestry seeds) lignocellulosic biomass and demonstrating their suitability for feedstocks of thermal pyrolysis” presented in International Conference on Green & Efficient Energy Technology and Materials, Centre of Excellence-Green and Efficient Energy Technology, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, 06-08 March 2019.
- Satya Prakash Pandey, Sachin Kumar, “Production of liquid fuel from mixed waste plastics by thermal pyrolysis” presented in International Conference on Green & Efficient Energy Technology and Materials, Centre of Excellence-Green and Efficient Energy Technology, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, 06-08 March 2019.
- Abhishek Sahoo, Sachin Kumar, Kaustubha Mohanty, “Non-isothermal thermogravimetric pyrolysis kinetics of pongamia pinnata seeds via deconvolution technique using Fraser-Suzuki function” presented in PYRO ASIA-2019, First International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis in the Asian Region, IIT Madras Research Park, 11-13 December 2019.
- Satya Prakash Pandey, Sachin Kumar, "Production and characterization of liquid fuel from argemone mexicana seed by thermal pyrolysis" presented in "International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development" (Chem-Conflux 20), MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, 14-16 February 2020.
Conference/Workshop/Courses attended: |
- Attended a short term course on “Application of APEN Plus, G-PROMS (PSE) & MATLAB in process design, Simulation, Monitoring & Control” from 04-08 December 2010 held at NIT Rourkela.
- Participated in the National conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (RACEE-2012) from 20-21 January 2011 held at NIT Rourkela.
- Attended a short term training program on “Bio-energy Conversion Technologies (BECT-2013)” from 24-28 December 2013 held at MANIT Bhopal (India).
- Attended a two days training on “Functioning and maintenance of solar radiation resource assessment station” held at CUJ Ranchi on 1st and 2nd July 2014.
- Attended four weeks Orientation course at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 5th October 2015 to 30th October 2015.
- Attended four weeks Refresher course on Research Methodology (Interdisciplinary) at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 13th February 2017 to 10th March 2017.
- Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on Application of ICT in Academic and Research Libraries at NIEPA, New Delhi from 25th November to 30th November 2019.
Program Organized:
- Organized Renewable Energy Day, “AKHSHARAA” (A Student’s Seminar) held on 17 and 18 November 2016.
- Organizing Treasurer of International Conference on Green & Efficient Energy Technology and Materials (GEETAM-2019), held from 06 to 08 March 2019.
Reviewer of International Journals: |
- British Journal of Environment and Climate Change
- African Journal of Plant Science
- African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
- Bioresource Technology
- Fuel
- Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy
- Chemical Engineering Communications
- Journal of Chemistry
- Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
- International Journal of Ambient Energy
- Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy
- Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
- Journal of Energy Institute
- Environmental Processes
- International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology
- Journal of Testing and Evaluation
- Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
- Energy Conversion and Management
- Environmental Technology
- Energy & Fuels
- Fuel Processing Technology
- Waste Management
- Renewable Energy
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research
- Environmental Progress
- Applied Energy
- Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Updated as on : |
15 Feb. 2021 |