Assistant Professor & Coordinator
Department of Performing Arts
Cell: +918797712340
E-Mail: venkatanaresh@cuj.ac.in, burla.venkatanaresh@gmail.com
Qualification: |
- Ph.D. from Department of Theatre Arts, University of
Hyderabad (2019).
- MAIPR (MA in International Performance Research
with Erasmus Mundus Scholarship) from University
of Tampere, Finland and University of Amsterdam,
Netherlands (2010).
- M.P.A (Theatre Arts) from University of Hyderabad,
Hyderabad (2007).
recognition: |
Area of Interest: |
Performance Research, Applied Theatre, Technical
Theatre, Design & Direction |
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Theatre, Theatre Criticism, Technical
Theatre, Design & Direction |
Brief Introduction:
Venkata Naresh Burla is serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Performing Arts at the Central
University of Jharkhand, Ranchi India since June, 2013. He has received his M.P.A. in Theatre Arts from
University of Hyderabad and MAIPR (with Erasmus Mundus Scholarship) from University of Tampere, Finland
and University of Amsterdam. He holds Ph.D. degree from Department of Theatre Arts, University of
Hyderabad. He has also worked in the Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts, Bengaluru and at Department of
Theatre Arts, University of Hyderabad. To his credit, he has directed many plays and worked as a designer for
some plays. Gopal Ki Duniya, Macbeth and Hayavadana are some plays directed by him in the University
Campus and in the Andhra Pradesh Theatre Circle. He has coordinated academic programs on Cultural
Creative Expressions-Performing Arts and contributed few articles for edited volumes. |
(with active
- Coordinator, Department of performing Arts since 21 May 2020.
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Performing Arts from April 2019 to March
- Member of different committees of the University
Additional role/
responsibility: |
Coordinator |
Accepted: |
Research publications:
• Burla, Venkata Naresh, 2020. “!పకం - ‘స&'ర కళ ‘: ఒక ప+చయం
(Theatre - Collective Art : An introduction).” BHAVAVEENA, Vol-17, Issue-3, March
(1). pp. 20-24. ISSN No 2456-4702. (UGC CARE list Group - 1 Journal Sl.No. 34)
• Burla, Venkata Naresh, 2018. “Experiments with Tradition: A Case Study of Gopal
Ki Duniya Play.” Ayan, Vol-6, No-3, July-September Issue. pp 315-320.
ISSN.2347-4491. (UGC No. 49095).
Participation: |
- Participated in International Webinar Series on “Contemporary World Theatre”
Organized by Centre for Performance Research and Cultural Studies in South Asia
held on from 1-6, November, 2020.
• Presented a paper titled “Rare Presentation o Women on Stage: A study of
Women in the Field of Telugu Theatre”, in a two days International Conference
on Recent Tends in Multidisciplinary Research 2020, organized by Eudoxia
Research Center, Guwahati, Assam, on 19th and 20th September 2020.
• Presented a paper on invitation titled “Designing & performance perspectives
in theatre during Covid 19 Pandemic” in a two day National Webinar on
understanding the tools and techniques of vector works for scenic designers,
organized by Department of Performing Arts, Assam University, Silchar, on 17th
and 18 August 2020.
• Presented a paper titled “Ideological Position of Folk Forms in Modern Indian
Theatre” in a three day National seminar or Life, Lore and Identity: An
Interdisciplinary Approach Folklore, organized by Department of Tribal Studies,
Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi from 20-22, August, 2019.
• Presented a paper titled “ Revaluation of Traditional Performing Arts in the
Post-Independent India” in the 1st International Conference Folklore, Language,
Education, and Exhibition 2019”(ICOFLEX 2019) organized by University of
Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia on 1st August, 2019.
• Presented a paper on special invitation titled “ Theatre as a Social and Cultural
Advancement Tool” in the National seminar organized by Ajo-Vibho-Kandalam
Foundation (USA) on 4th January 2019 at Tenali Ramakrishna Kavi
Kalapranganam Tenali, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh.
• Presented a paper titled “Significance of Spatial Transformation: The
Semiotic Study of Ritual Performance of Kolupulu” in 13th World Congress
of Semiotics, organized by International Association for Semiotics Studies and the
International Semiotics Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania, from 26th to 30th June, 2017.
• Presented a paper titled “Theatre Therapy: An Effective Mechanism to
Achieve Catharsis” in 4th Desi International Folklore Conference organized by
Kerala Sahithya Akademi, Trissur, Kerala, from 20-21, May, 2016.
• Presented a paper titled “The Role of Oral Literature in Telugu Drama” in a
National Seminar on Progressive Thoughts in Oral Literature Jointly Organized by
Department of Tamil Studies, parasakthi college for women, CFS, University of
Calicut on 5-6 January 2016.
• Presented a paper titled “Issues in Contemporary Telugu Theatre with Reference
to Parishat Natakam” in the National Seminar on The Cultural Creative
Expressions-Performing Arts Jointly organized by Department of Performing Arts,
CUJ and CISDR, Tenkasi from 14-17 October 2015 at Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu.
• Presented a paper titled “Relooking At Stratification in Contemporary
Telugu Theatre” in the Annual conference of International Federation for Theatre
Research (IFTR), jointly organized by the Department of theatre Arts, University of
Hyderabad, Hyderabad, from 6th to 10th July, 2015.
• Presented a paper titled “Physical Space and Performance Space: A
Theoretical Exploration” in 3rd Desi International Folklore Conference organized
by Kerala Folklore Akademy, Kerala, from 22-23 May 2015.
• Given a special lecture on “Ancient Tamil Text, Cilappatikaram: Theatrical
Perspective” in a National seminar on Anciant Tamils Civilization and its
continuity, organized by Thenpodhigai Tamil Sangam, Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu, from
3-4th March 2014.
• Presented a paper titled “The Role of Performing Arts for the Development
of Human Resource” in 6th International Seminar on Human Recourse,
organized by Institute for Social Development & Research, Ranchi from 1st to 03rd
November 2014.
• Presented a paper titled “Sangamlives impact on tribal societies, with
reference to Koya tribe” in a National Seminar on “Language and Culture of
Sangam Age and Its Impact on the Indigenous Tribal Communities in India”
organised by Centre for Tribal Folklore, Language and Literature, CUJ from
31stMarch - 2nd April, 2014.
• Presented a paper titled “Ancient Tamil Text, Cilappatikaram: Theatrical
Perspective”, a National Seminar conducted by Thenpothigai Tamil Sangam at
Tiruchinapalli from 5th- 7th March 2014.
• Presented a paper titled “Addressing Environmental Crisis through
Performing Arts”, an International seminar conducted by ISDR at Ranchi from
22nd – 24th February 2014.
• Presented a Paper titled “Folklore and Political Mobilization: with reference
to the centenary celebration of comrade PS- A Theatrical Perspective”, a
National seminar conducted by Indian Folklore Congress at Manipur University,
Imphal from 5th – 7th February 2014.
• Presented a paper titled “Possibilities and Problems of Playhouse of
Natyasastra in relation with the Performance” an International seminar
conducted by ISTR (Indian Society for Theatre Research) at University of
Hyderabad from 28th – 30th January 2011.
• Presented a paper titled “The Language of Surabhi Theatre” an International
seminar conducted by ISTR (Indian Society for Theatre Research) at Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi from 28th – 30th January 2009.
• Participated in the III International Conference of ISTR Theatre And Democracy
Jointly organized by Department of Dramatics & Department fo Modern European
Languages, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur from 4-6 January 2007
- ‘Jharkhand Children’s Film Festival & National Workshop on Cinema
Aesthetics’ organized by Department of Mass Communication, Central University
of Jharkhand in 2018.
• ‘Theatre for young Audience’ (TYA), organized jointly by Theatre Outreach Unit,
ASSITEJ India, Department of Theatre Arts, University of Hyderabad from 18-21
February 2013.
• ‘Theatre Workshop’ organized by National School of Drama in collaboration with
School of Performing Arts, University of Hyderabad from 7-26 September 2008.
• ‘Theatre Orientation Workshop’ organized by National School of Drama in
collaboration with department of Theatre Arts, University of Hyderabad from 21
August - 14 September 2006.
• ‘Modern Acting’ workshop organized by National School of Drama in
collaboration with department of Performing Arts, Pondicherry University from 10
May to 10th June 2006.
Coordinator for the National Seminar on The Cultural Creative Expressions-Performing
Arts Jointly organized by Department of Performing Arts, Central University of Jharkhand
and CISDR, Tenkasi from 14-17 October 2015 at Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu. |
Any other
• Prepared Ph.D - Theatre Course work Syllabus
• Prepared syllabus for Master of Performing Arts (MPA-Theatre Arts)
• Prepared Syllabus for Bachelor in Performing Arts (BPA) programme.
• Designed lights for the play Barrister Parvateesham (2019, 2017, 2016)
Performed in Bharat Rang Mahotsav (BRM), Feb-2016, and other National and
International theatre Festivals
• Designed lights for the play The Museum of Lost Pieces (2010, 2009)
Performed in (BRM) Bharat Rang Mahotsav, Jan-2010
• Acted as a Judge for two times in National Theatre Competitions in Telugu
organized by Aho-Vibhi-Kandalam Foundation - USA, at various parts of
Andhrapradesh |
Updated as on:
15 Jan. 2021 |